
崇宁通宝铸行于公元1102年,钱文由北宋徽宗皇帝赵佶亲笔所书,人称“御书钱”。宋徽宗因铸钱精绝,当时官造成色在96%-96.7%高于崇宁重宝、崇宁元宝,而于王莽并称"钱法二圣",是现在青铜钱中价值最高的两种钱币之一。徽宗虽在政治上并无建树,但 “性甚机巧,优于技艺”,“能书擅画,名重当朝”,他所写的“瘦金体”,有“铁划银钩”之评。该钱字体结构疏朗,笔划犀利,骨秀格清,极具欣赏价值。有泉界先贤说:“搜罗众泉数百种,陈览于绿窗绮几之间,真无异展开一部瘦金字帖也”。

Company Bao cast in 1102, Qian Wen written by song Huizong emperor Zhao Ji personally, called the "Royal book money". Song Huizong was cast money Jingjue, was made by officer fineness in 96%-96.7% was higher than that of the company treasures, and in Chongning gold, Wang Mang said "money two saint", is now one of the two bronze money value coins highest. Huizong though with no political achievements, but "very cunning, superior skills", "the book is good at painting, a heavy court", he wrote "the skinny body", "iron row Yingou". The money font structure lichtung, sharp strokes, bone show case, highly appreciate the value. Stephen world sages said: "collecting hundreds of the springs, Chen in relation to the green window between several Qi, really is a thin gold calligraphy also launched".

此钱直径  3.41cm      重 10g     穿口方正,包浆浑厚自然,字体清晰,状态极佳,难得的传世品。值得历代藏家孜孜不倦去收藏和研究,不断发掘其价值。而此枚钱币也丰富和完善中国古钱文化,可以这么说此枚通宝为我们御藏阁宋代钱币添砖加瓦。瘦金体独特的字体更深受广大书法喜爱。小小的一枚钱币见证了千年来大中国的喜怒哀乐,更蕴含了中华几千年华夏文明,怎能不受广大收藏者的青睐。

The diameter of 3.41cm heavy wear 10g money founder, rich natural patina, clear font, excellent condition, rare masterpieces. Worthy of collection and study diligently to the collectors, continue to explore its value. This coin also enrich and perfect the China numismatic culture, can be said to us this gold Tongbao mikura Pavilion numismatics building blocks. Thin gold body unique font is more popular with the majority of calligraphy love. A small coin has witnessed the great China the passions for thousands of years, but also contains the Chinese for thousands of years of Chinese civilization, not by the majority of collectors of all ages.

有泉家评:“范各一体,体各一态,或如美女簪花,自然窈窕,或如天孙织锦,文采斑斓。” 无论是钱文书法的考究,还是铸造的精整都为上乘,堪称为艺术品。所以后世泉家把汉王莽、宋徽宗、金章宗三个朝代所铸造的钱币称之为“古泉三绝”。

Stephen home review: "fan each one, each state or body, such as natural Transamerica, such as the graceful strokes of calligraphic works, or sun brocade, gorgeous literary talent." Whether it is elegant calligraphy and calligraphy, or casting fine for the whole are excellent, called for the work of art. So later spring home to Song Huizong, Jin Zhangzong Hanvon Mang, three dynasties cast coins called "Guquan three".


Money collection market and the stock market is hot, the poor performance of the fund, some investors from the stock market fund to withdraw from the market, the investment is more robust, the proceeds of the protection of the collection. According to reports, a new change of the market recently, the large influx of new rich. They are willing to pay a high price to buy a lot of the collection, the product is better than the collection is willing to several times the price.Company Bao 10 grams in weight under the equivalent of Xiaoping Company Bao money 3 weight. Why did the "Taihe", "Apocalypse", "Xianfeng" are gradually rising? Because the money is liked, but Company Bao can also be a lot of money, is the shape of moderate money, do not have to store the trouble, but also generous and fun, Company Bao has a unique beauty, can fully meet the needs of the fans, but also can meet the specific circumstances of the depth by enthusiasts. In any case it will be fun and knowledge from.

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