
"目录号: HY-13700

Cell Cycle/DNA Damage-


DNA/RNA Synthesis


Cycloheximide-Actinomycin D-Mitomycin C-Gemcitabine-SCR7-alpha-Amanitin-Streptozocin-Capecitabine-Bleomycin sulfate-CX-5461-Hydroxyurea-Triciribine-LMI070-COH29-TH588-



Nedaplatin is a derivative of cisplatin and DNA damage agent.Target: OthersNedaplatin(NDP) is a derivative of cisplatin which produced less nausea & vomiting and nephrotoxicity. the effect of NDP on the 7-ethyl-1-hydroxy-CPT (the active form of CPT-11)-induced inhibitory effect on DNA topoisomerase I was examined. The topoisomerase I-inhibitory effect of 7-ethyl-1-hydroxy-CPT was enhanced 10-fold in the presence of NDP at microgram/milliliter concentrations [1]. NDP was developed as a second generation platinum complex. Because it has greater antitumour activity and lower nephrotoxicity than cisplatin (CDDP). At the high-dose of NDP in FN therapy, a reduction of tumour size and long-term tumour-free survival were frequently observed. The survival effect of the combinations of NDP with 5-FU was superior to those of the combination of CDDP with 5-FU. In conclusion, the sequence-dependent antitumour efficacy and toxicity of the combination of NDP or CDDP with 5-FU was demonstrated in this study, and FN therapy appeared to be the most efficient regimen as a clinical therapy [2].

Clinical Trial


Zhejiang Cancer Hospital

Esophageal Cancer

January 2010

Phase 1


Yuhong Li-Sun Yat-sen University

Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

January 2015

Phase 2


Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

Uterine Cervical Cancer

November 2011

Phase 2


Sun Yat-sen University

Esophageal Carcinoma

January 2010

Phase 2


He Xia-Jiangsu Cancer Institute & Hospital

Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

December 2014

Phase 3


Sun Yat-sen University-Guangzhou Medical University-The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University-Meizhou City Hospital Of Guangdong Provience

Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

February 2012

Phase 3


Guangdong Association of Clinical Trials

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

October 2015

Phase 3


Daping Hospital and the Research Institute of Surgery of the Third Military Medical University

Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

January 2011

Phase 2


Jiangsu Simcere Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

December 2013

Phase 4


Guangxi Medical University-People's Hospital of Guangxi-303rd Hospital of the People's Liberation Army-Nanning Second People's Hospital-Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medical University-Guilin Medical College-Guangxi Naxishan Hospital-Liuzhou Worker's Hospital-Liuzhou People's Hospital-Liuzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine-Liuzhou Cancer Hospital-Liuzhou Railway hospital-First People's Hospital of Yulin-The Red Cross hospital of YuLin-Guigang People's Hospital-The Red Cross hospital of Wuzhou

Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

November 2011

Phase 3


Sun Yat-sen University

Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

November 2016

Phase 1


Sun Yat-sen University

Recurrent and Metastatic Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

June 2016

Phase 2


Yun-fei Xia-Jiangsu Simcere Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.-Sun Yat-sen University

Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

July 2015

Phase 2


Rongjie Tao-National Natural Science Foundation of China-Shandong Cancer Hospital and Institute

Central Nervous System Tumors

June 2008

Phase 2


Changjie Huang-Nanning Second People's Hospital

Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

January 2014

Phase 3


Third Military Medical University

Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

January 2010


Daping Hospital and the Research Institute of Surgery of the Third Military Medical University

Cervical Cancer-Complications

November 2012

Phase 2


Jiangsu Cancer Institute & Hospital

Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

September 2012

Phase 2


Jiangsu Cancer Institute & Hospital

Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

May 2010

Phase 1-Phase 2


Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

Esophageal Neoplasms

January 2015

Phase 1-Phase 2


Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

Esophagus Cancer-Esophagogastric Junction Cancer

October 2016


Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine-Shanghai Chest Hospital-Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, Shanghai, China


September 2014

Phase 2-Phase 3


Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences-Hebei Medical University Fourth Hospital-Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University-Beijing Army General Hospital-Beijing Hospital-Peking University First Hospital-Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital-Henan Cancer Hospital-The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical University-The First Affiliated Hospital with Nanjing Medical University-Fujian Cancer Hospital

Esophageal Neoplasms

June 2016

Phase 2


Zefen Xiao-Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

Esophageal Neoplasms-Esophageal Cancer

October 2014

Phase 2-Phase 3

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[1].Kanzawa, F., et al., In vitro synergistic interactions between the cisplatin analogue nedaplatin and the DNA topoisomerase I inhibitor irinotecan and the mechanism of this interaction. Clin Cancer Res, 2001. 7(1): p. 202-9.

[2].Uchida, N., et al., Sequence-dependent antitumour efficacy of combination chemotherapy of nedaplatin, a novel platinum complex, with 5-fluorouracil in an in vivo murine tumour model. Eur J Cancer, 1998. 34(11): p. 1796-801.

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