查尔斯 哈奈尔 在他的书 “ the master key system"中曾指出,很多人在漫无目的的努力中浪费了时间和精力。如果适当引导,怀有特定目标,就会创造奇迹。要做到这一点,需要把自己的精力集中在特定的想法上,然后坚持不懈,排除一切杂念,如果你认真观察照相机的镜头,你就会发现,如果目标不在焦点,那么影像就会模糊不清。但是如果我们对准焦点,图像就会变清晰。这就说明了对焦的重要。除非你可以在你关注的目标上聚精会神,不然,你的理想只会有一个朦胧。阴暗而模糊的轮廓,结果将会和你头脑中的图像一致.
The time and thought which most persons waste in aimless effort would accomplish wonders if properly directed with some special object in view, in order to do this it is necessary to centre your mental force upon a specific thought and hold it there, to the exclusion of all other thoughts. if you have ever looked through the focussing screen of a camera, you found that when the object was not in focus, the impression was indistinct and possibly blurred, but when the proper focus was obtained the picture was clear and distinct, this illustrates the power of concentration. unless you can concentrate upon the object which you have in view, you will have but a hazy, indifferent, vague, indistinct and blurred outline of your ideal and the results will be in accordance with your mental picture.