第十八讲:多伦多大学主校区的Victoria / Trinity Collge的个人自述
Innis College / Trinity College / Victoria College。
其中 TrinityCollege 和 VictoriaCollege 还要求申请学生必须完成个人自述(profile)。
Trinity College 的个人自述将于12月1日公布。
Victoria College 的个人自述将于12月1日公布。
Victoria College的个人自述的重点
Eligibility 是否必须完成?
官网原文:The Victoria College student profile is mandatory for all current Ontario high school applicants. Applicants who are unable to submit the Student Profile before the deadline will not be considered for Victoria College, but will still be considered for admission to another college in the Faculty of Arts and Science.
希望报读Victoria College的安省高中生,必须完成。
Deadlines 截止时间?
官网原文:February 1, 2018, 11:59 PM ET. 2018年2月1日(针对安省高中生)
安省高中在读学生在OUAC 101上确定申请多伦多大学主校区文理学院的专业并缴费后,24小时即可收到多伦多大学发到个人邮箱的JOINid登录信息。
Profile Questions 问题是什么?
Our Profile is composed of two main questions. Each question has a maximum 2000 character count, approximately 250 words. You will be allowed to save your responses. Once you submit, you will receive a confirmation email.
1. List three regular activities, at least one of which took place outside of your school, that you have enjoyed in the past year. Briefly explain your role in these activities.
2. What are you passionate about and how would you use this passion for the betterment of the Victoria College community?
问题二:你对什么事情充满了热情,并愿意将这份热情用在促使Victoria College的校园变得更加美好?
Vic One application 大一特色课程申请
每所学院在招收了新生后,都会根据自己的学院特色, 开设大一特色课程,简称:“XXX One”,面向全体文理学院的学生开放,不要求强制参加,但学生能够更充分地汲取学院的课程精华。
在此解释,Vic Profile 与 Vic One是两个不同的环节。
Vic Profile(即本讲的主要内容),针对的是12年级安省高中毕业生希望能在多伦多大学主校区的Victoria College就读必须完成和提交的程序。
Vic One 大一特色课程,面向多伦多大学主校区的七所学院的新生开放。
Trinity College的个人自述的重点
问题:You will be asked to answer 3 questions. Your answers to the questions may be typed directly in the text boxes below each question or if you'd like to take your time, we suggest working on the answers off-line and cutting and pasting them into the existing document below. Please note, you will only be able to submit once.
1. 第一个问题
Choose one activity outside of class (e.g. extracurricular, community-based, home, volunteer, or work) that you have spent a significant amount of time participating in over the past year or more. Tell us about what it is, and why it is important to you. What impact has it had on you and those around you? (400 words maximum)
2. 第二个问题
Provide a creative response to the image below. (400 words maximum)
3. 问题三
Please tell us anything else about yourself that you think we should know when considering your application. (200 words maximum)
关于你还有哪些情况Trinity College应该了解以便评估你的申请呢?(最大篇幅400字)
Deadline: Your individual deadline will be displayed once you log into the Profile.
截止时间:将会显示在登录Personal Profile界面时显示。
安省高中在读学生在OUAC 101上确定申请多伦多大学主校区文理学院的专业并缴费后,24小时即可收到多伦多大学发到个人邮箱的JOINid登录信息。
严重怀疑Trinity College 的看图作文出题老师有“密集喜爱症”: