夜鹰看片会 |《查理和巧克力工厂》观后

夜鹰社阅读活动进入四月份,正巧有人选择阅读《查理和巧克力工厂》(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory),因此本次“夜鹰看片会”选择了由约翰尼·德普主演的这部真人电影。





  • Or are you pulling my leg?

pull someone's leg 戏弄;捉弄

  • It’s my secret hoard.

hoard 贮藏物;隐藏物;收藏物

  • And now, you and I are going to have one more fling at finding that last ticket.

a fling 短暂的放纵;一时的尽情享乐

  • They looked at each other, and both started giggling nervously.

giggle 咯咯地笑;傻笑

  • What on earth's going on!

其实就是What is going on! 中间加了个 on earth。表示一种惊叹“怎么啦?”其实有个粗口的表达方式更常见,但是这个是给孩子们看的童话嘛。

  • The reason for this was that the toothpaste factory, the place where Mr Bucket worked, suddenly went bust and had to close down.

bust 破产的;倒闭的

  • And every day, little Charlie Bucket, trudging through the snow on his way to school, would have to pass Mr Willy Wonka’s giant chocolate factory.

trudge (尤指因疲惫或沮丧)拖着沉重的脚步走,步履艰难地走

  • It seemed doubtful whether he could go on much longer like this without becoming dangerously ill.


  • Several people went hurrying past him on the pavement, their chins sunk deep in the collars of their coats, their feet crunching in the snow.

crunch (使)发出碎裂声;(使)嘎吱作响

  • none of them was taking the slightest notice of the small boy crouching in the gutter.

crouch 蹲;蹲伏
gutter (人行道旁的)排水沟,阴沟

  • He held it tightly between his shivering fingers, gazing down at it.

shiver (因寒冷或惧怕而)哆嗦,颤抖,发抖
his shivering fingers

  • The fat around his neck bulged out all around the top of his collar like a rubber ring.

bulge 凸出;鼓胀

  • The sheer blissful joy of being able to fill one’s mouth with rich solid food!

sheer (用于强调)纯粹的,完全的,十足的
blissful 极为高兴的;极乐的

  • There was a peculiar floating sensation coming over him, as though he were floating up in the air like a balloon.

peculiar 奇怪的;古怪的;不寻常的
sensation 感觉,知觉

  • I'll be seeing you soon.

为啥是be seeing?用进行时,表近在眼前的将来。这是一个惯用句式。

  • Mrs Bucket simply stood and stared, while the four old grandparents, who were sitting up in bed balancing bowls of soup on their laps, all dropped their spoons with a clatter and froze against their pillows.

lap (人坐着时的)大腿部

  • The others watched him, waiting for the verdict.

verdict (经过思考或调查后的)意见,结论

  • The colour was rushing to his cheeks, and his eyes were wide open, shining with joy, and in the centre of each eye, right in the very centre, in the black pupil, a little spark of wild excitement was slowly dancing.

pupil 瞳孔

  • You must start making preparations at once! Wash your face, comb your hair, scrub your hands, brush your teeth, blow your nose, cut your nails, polish your shoes, iron your shirt, and for heaven’s sake, get all that mud off your pants!

cut your nails 剪指甲

  • And don’t fluster poor Charlie.

fulster 使紧张;使慌张

  • Provided, of course, that he feels well enough...

provided 如果;假如;只要

  • He kept making quick jerky little movements with his head, cocking it this way and that,
    jerky 突然的;急促的;颠簸的;不平稳的

  • The next two children, Violet Beauregarde and Mike Teavee, came forward to have their tickets examined and then to have their arms practically pumped off their shoulders by the energetic Mr Wonka.

practically 简直;几乎

  • I shouldn’t like to lose any of you at this stage of the proceedings!

proceeding 活动,事件,行动

  • ‘Here we are!’ cried Mr Wonka, trotting along in front of the group.

trote 快步走;小步跑

  • They’d perish if they went outdoors in this weather!

perish 惨死,猝死

  • We’ll never get round today if you dawdle like this!

dawdle 闲逛,游荡;

  • The place was like a gigantic rabbit warren, with passages leading this way and that in every direction.

rabbit warren 兔子洞(形容地形复杂,很容易迷路)

  • This is the nerve centre of the whole factory.

nerve 神经

  • There were green meadows on either side of the valley, and along the bottom of it there flowed a great brown river.

meadow 草地;牧场

  • They were completely bowled over by the hugeness of the whole thing.

be bowled over by 使…印象深刻;使…很惊讶
原文中这整个一段都是各种震惊的单词,flabbergasted staggered dumbfounded bewildered dazzled

  • It churns it up!

churn 搅动,搅起,扰动(水、泥浆、灰尘)

  • A whang-doodle would eat ten Oompa-Loompas for breakfast and come galloping back for a second helping.

helping (食物的)一份,一客

  • the Oompa-Loompas spent every moment of their days climbing through the treetops looking for other things to mash up with the caterpillars to make them taste better

mash up 捣烂,弄碎(食物);把…捣成糊状

  • But oh, how they craved them.

crave 渴望;热望
How they craved them.

  • You can gorge yourselves silly on them!

gorge on 贪婪地吃;狼吞虎咽

  • I must warn you, though, that they are rather mischievous.

mischievous 调皮的;淘气的;恶作剧的

  • cried Mr Wonka, hopping up and down and waggling his stick in the air

hop (人)单足跳跃

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