那么,我们就来说说那些不经意的小事。比如说,我因为认识了A,于是一起出行,期间认识了BCD;因为四小龄童关系骤好,于是某天去D家吃吃喝喝;因为在紫微家看了《年代秀》,偶然知道原来第一个徒步+骑自行车环游世界的牛人是个叫潘德明的中国人。挖,窃以为那些拉轰的背包客嬉皮士自由体都是外国人作为领头羊,殊不知还有这样的渊源……于是我dig more,然后做了采访……
甘蓝 2013-11-26
To Random little things
It’s kind of weird for us to say “thanks” officially. It seems we have to stuffer something meaningful together, or the occasions have to be unique. Someone like me seems barely to be shy or awkward. When I said thanks seriously to someone, they were kind of surprise about my solemn attitude.
I don’t want to make the topic “thanks” seriously. I just want to talked about some amazing random little things which made our life happy, interesting, meaningful and different.
Because of knowing A, I knew BCD. And I watched a tv-show at D’s house which talked about the first person travelled around the world on foot and by bike was a Chinese, and his name is Pan Deming. The story of him inspired me to dig more, and became the hint for my article about city bicycle culture.
By asking “could I have ice-cream inside” at the door of hostel in Bangkok, I began to talk with some slim and talk Dutch, and the white girl even bought me a glass of cold wine for seeing me off that night.
I met an old church because I missed my way in Singapore, but I spent a wonderful afternoon there. Even had no idea why my tears went out.
I went to the Museum of Contemporary Art of Chengdu because I can’t go home(I left my key). And I found out there was a manhole cover was painted in light green, quite cute.
Sometimes, fate, is one moment thing. No one can tell clear, but we all know it.
Recently, I felt the strong power from life and nature.
Nov. 3rd. 2013. A tourist ferry has capsized in Thailand near the beach resort of Pattaya. This new might cost 5sec for reporting on TV. But when my friend told me with his weird smile that “I was on the boat” and “my lifejacket was from a dead woman”, I hesitated and had nothing I could say. The imagination made me flesh creep.
The early morning of Nov. 23rd, my friend had an accident. The peace-breaker drove through a red light and crashed the taxi which she was sitting in the back. Even it was scratch, it woke up the rest of alcohol in stomach. While I was hearing her words to the doctor “please stitch up skillfully, I don’t wanna have scar” while I was felling in faint. That was My first time I fainted. I got bruise on my head, as egg size, as pigeon egg size, as quail size…during these hours, I found out the subtleties parts more among people.
Life is a chemistry journey, with good, with bad. I don’t know how to say thanks. I was happy when things happened, someone was be with me. And I tried not to think about who were missing.
“Run Lola Run” told me that the world changed each second. I believe in contingency, cause &effect, butterfly effect, and also” don’t need think too much”. I always met some people and some things accidentally. I don’t know what would happen instead of not being late, not going somewhere, not doing something. But I know, the occasion led many beautiful inevitable, of course there were also a lot of bad things. Choose one path, perhaps you would never have chance to see the scenery from other roads. Of course, many roads are circuitous in a circle, perhaps you would arrive from another direction.
Thanks for your reading.
Lenore Nov. 26th 2013