




It's show time! China’s TV channels have ever been full of various shows since the craze for Super Girl in 2004. Regarding voice as the only ruler, the Voice of China quickly became popular around Chinese mainland and topped a league of all shows broadcast by the country's local TV stations. Its popularity also drew record advertising, the final episode(集)attracting an ad spend of 500,000 yuan per second. Plus, the episodes of If You Are the One(非诚勿扰), both hot and controversial,became an instant hit,proving that dating shows can be entertaining and mainstream at the same time. Another TV show Where Are We Going, Dad? Produced by Hunan Satellite Television, has been wowing(使……叫好)audiences across the nation, filling the Internet with heated discussions about the father's figure.






【解读】碰到第一个误区时,就需要考生懂得分类和概括,即,不需要列举节目名称,可以将它们归类,这些真人秀节目可以分为talent show, dating show, reality show三类。这样的做法可以用于很多列举类的文本概述中。





Nowadays numerous/ various TV shows have become/ are becoming __________________________________. These shows, ranging from ______________, have gained/ received both ____________.

More practice:

Passengers are banned from eating and drinking on subway trains, according to a regulation recently released by Nanjing's transport authorities. Under the new rule, passengers should not eat or drink in subway cars, though they are still allowed to eat at the stations. The Metro operators will first warn and then fine violators between 20 yuan to 100 yuan.

The regulation caused a strong reaction of the whole society and started a heated discussion. Supporters say that passengers who eat on trains annoy others with unwanted smells and make messes with spilled food or beverages(饮料). However, some others believe otherwise, saying that the fast pace of big cities squeezes people's time and makes it hard for them to get a proper meal. Authorities should be more tolerant of those who need to dine on the train.

【写作内容】 用约30个单词写出上文概要;


有效的做法是罗列关键词:Nanjing's transport authorities, regulation, ban, fine, a heated discussion, opinions, varied/ different …









1. 先写本段的主题句或过渡句(至少两种):

Example 1: Their massive popularity is mainly based on simple facts.

Yours sentence: __________________


Example 2: The shows enjoy popularity mainly owing/ due to the following facts. / Their popularity mainly lie/ consist in the following factors.

Yours sentence:




care about/focus on…  social concerns; promote/ inspire/ encourage…pursuit of dreams at grassroots level; combine fashion with entertainment/ explore a perfect balance between international form and Chinese expression…





Despite the popularity/ apparent highlights, much room ____________ (leave) for improvement.






As far as I’m concerned/ Personally, I believe that/ From my perspective/ On my personal note, …







More practice:(地铁禁止快餐饮料)











(1)Nowadays numerous TV shows have become extremely popular among Chinese audiences. Those programs, ranging from talent or dating shows to reality shows, have received both commercial success and public concern.

Their massive popularity is mainly based on simple facts. First, they care about social concerns. Second, they promote pursuit of dreams at grassroots level. Third, without exception, they explore a perfect balance between international form and Chinese expression.

Despite apparent highlights, much room is left for improvement. Above all, commercial interest often overweighs educational purposes, causing much complaints about unbearable advertisements. In addition, some sharp remarks, though eye-catching and overwhelming, may have misleading effect on the youth.

In my opinion, such shows should shoulder more responsibility instead of merely entertaining the public. As is expected, these programs should be both humanistic and positive in their form and function. Meanwhile, the media should also safeguard the core value of our society.

(2)Nanjing’s transport authorities have recently declared a total ban on eating and drinking on subway trains. Those who violate the regulation shall be fined. Citizens’ opinions on the rule vary from person to person.

Personally, I am in favor of the rule. To begin with, eating and drinking on subway trains may annoy other passengers and the subway staff, as food and drink may be spilled or give out an unpleasant smell. Only by forcing the riders not to eat can we improve the carriage environment and relieve the staff of increasing workload. Furthermore, remains of food, unless taken away, will attract mice and other pests, which eventually brings risks to the subway operation. In this case, the eating ban on trains is a must to ensure smooth operation.

In short, this new regulation will ensure us a safe and wonderful travel experience. Moreover, by kicking the habit of eating on the subway, the passengers will develop a more civilized way of taking public transportation.


According to a regulation issued by Nanjing’s transport authorities, passengers are prohibited from eating or drinking on subway trains. It has generated considerable discussion in society. People’s opinions over it vary.

I am strongly opposed to the rule for the following reasons. First of all, the society should show more tolerance towards the passengers eating on the train. Due to their tight schedule, they have no choice but to take advantage of the time on the subway for their meal. In addition, some people like those with diabetes do need to eat food at particular times to control their sugar level. It is improper for the authority to fine them for their eating behavior. Last but not least, the regulation is funny in that there should be food stores inside some subway stations!

In short, not only will the regulation bring much inconvenience to passengers, but it will also spoil the reputation of the subway.

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