week 2-复盘 (topic 3 & 4)

topic 3  

day 1  Words and Expressions

1. derail: verb./ n

 (1) If a train derails or is derailed, it comes off the rail tracks.  使(火车)出轨                            (2) to prevent a plan or process from succding. 阻挠                                                                    eg.Renewed fighting threatens to derail the peace talks.

2. breach : n

(1) tha act of breaking  law, promise, aggreement, or relationship.破坏,违犯,违反,不履行       eg. They felt  that our discussion with other companies constituted a breach of/ in our agreement.     be in breach of sth:to be breaking a particular law or rule 违反(法律或规章)                                  eg. The theatre was in breach of the safety laws for having no fire doors.                                                (2) a hole that is made in a wall or in another structure being used for protection during an attack(墙或防御工事上的)缺口                                                                                                             eg. A cannon ball had made a breach in their castle walls.

Verb.   (1) to break a law, promise, agreement, or relationship破坏,违犯;违反                                eg. They breached the agreement they had made with their employer.                                                                 (2) to make an opening in a wall or fence, especially in order to attack someone or                          something behind it(尤指为从背后突袭)在…上打开缺口                                                      eg. Their defences were easily breached.

3. extortion: N : the crime of obtaining something from someone, especially money, by using                               force or threats. 勒索, 威胁                                                                                           eg. He has been charged with extortion and abusing his power.

4. prosthetics: N the branch of surgery concerned with prosthesis 修复学                                          词根:prosthesis                                                                                                                            n. prosthesis 假体;添字首音;                                                                                                            prosthetist 修复学家                                                                                                                                  prosthodontics 假牙修复学;假牙修复术(等于prosthodontia)

5. gadget  N-COUNT :a small device or machine with a particular purpose 小器具;小装置;小玩意儿   kitchen gadgets : 厨房器具                                                                                                                 eg. Have you seen this handy little gadget - it's for separating egg yolks from whites.

6. insulin : a hormone in the body that controls the amount of sugar in the blood    胰岛素

7. pacemaker noun [ C ]  (runner) also pacesetter:  the person or animal that establishes the speed in a race, or a person or organization that is an example for others by being successful   领跑人,领跑动物;带头人,标兵

pacemaker noun [ C ] (device)  心脏起搏器

​8. vigilance  noun [ U ] more careful attention, especially in order to notice possible danger  警觉;警戒;警惕

eg. The police said that it was thanks to the vigilance of a neighbour that the fire was discovered before it could spread.

9. wizardry  noun [ U ]

(1) the skill of a wizard 巫术,魔法                                                                                                             (2) clever or surprising ways of doing things, especially with special machines(尤指使用特殊机器的)奇妙方法

eg. Using their high-tech wizardry, the police were able to locate the owners of the stolen property within hours of it being seized.

10. paranoia n. (1) an extreme and unreasonable feeling that other people do not like you or are going to harm or criticize you 疑神疑鬼,多疑

There's a lot of paranoia about crime at the moment.

[ U ] (2)妄想症;偏执狂

11. encryption: n 加密   v. encrypt

data encryption数据加密   encryption technology加密技术

12. hamper:  v. to prevent someone doing something easily  阻碍,妨碍

eg. Fierce storms have been hampering rescue efforts and there is now little chance of finding more survivors.                                                                                                                                                             n. 食品盒;洗衣篮

13. gizmo noun [ C ] informal :  any small device with a particular purpose 小装置;小玩意儿;小东西

eg. electronic gizmos   小电子装置

14. botnet: N a network of computers infected by a program that communicates with its creator in order to send unsolicited emails, attack websites, etc 僵尸网络; 被一程序感染的计算机网络,该程序接收程序创建者指令,向互联网大量主机发送不请自来的邮件、攻击网络等

15. moot: verb (formal) : to suggest something for discussion 提出…供讨论                                      eg. The idea was first mooted as long ago as the 1840s.

adj.(1)  often discussed or argued about but having no definite answer有讨论余地的;未决的eg. It's a moot point whether building more roads reduces traffic congestion.                                         (2)(IN LAW)  If a legal question is moot, it does not need to be dealt with, because something has happened that solves the issue. 无实际意义的

eg. The court's decision became moot when the defendant was found dead.

n.(法学院学生的)模拟审判,模拟案件讨论  a moot court  模拟法庭

16. disclaimer    noun [ C ]

(1) a formal statement saying that you are not legally responsible for something, such as the information given in a book or on the internet, or that you have no direct involvement in it 否认;否认声明

​(2) (specialized law) a formal statement giving up your legal claim to something or ending your connection with it 放弃书,弃权书

17. premium [ C ]                                                                                                                                               (1) an amount that is more than usual 奖金,津贴;加价;附加费                                                       eg. We're willing to pay a premium for the best location.

(2) an amount of money paid to get insurance  保险费                                                                      eg. Car insurance premiums have increased this year.

18. prod v & n

​(1) to push something or someone with your finger or with a pointed object                                                    (用手指、尖物等)刺,捅;戳                                                                                                                         eg. I prodded her in the back to get her attention.

(2) to encourage someone to take action, especially when they are being slow or  unwilling                      激励,促使,敦促                                                                                                                                   eg. He gets things done, but only after I've prodded him into doing them.

19. default verb: to fail to do something, such as pay a debt, that you legally have to do         default on:拖欠,不履行债务;违约                                                                                                          eg.People who default on their mortgage repayments may have their home repossessed.

n.. a.不履行; 违约                                                                                                                                                eg. The corporation may be charged with default on its contract with the government.                                  b. A default situation is what exists or happens unless someone or something changes it.原样的   eg. He appeared unimpressed; but then, unimpressed was his default state.                                                  c.  In computing,the default is a particular set of instructions which the computer always uses unless the person using the computer gives other instructions. 默认值                                                         eg.The default setting on Windows Explorer will not show these files.                                                             d.by default: If something happens by default, it happens only because something else which might have prevented it or changed it has not happened. 在另外的可能性没有发生的情况下                        eg. I would rather pay the individuals than let the money go to the State by default.

20. excoriate: verb to write or say that a play, book, political action, etc. is very bad                                                       严厉指责,痛斥(戏剧、书、政治行为等)

eg. His latest novel received excoriating reviews.

21.lax: without much care, attention, or control    马虎的;不严格的;不严厉的

eg. The subcommittee contends that the authorities were lax in investigating most of the cases   

  Day 2 神句神词组翻译 & 思维导图

1. It is tempting to believe that the security problem can be solved with yet more technical wizardry and a call for heightened vigilance.




2. That requires a kind of cultivated paranoia which does not come naturally to non-tech firms.



Cultivated paranoia字面意思指培养偏执,Cultivate培养,指有意识的形成某一特点,paranoia偏执,联系后面一句,提到所有的公司都应该积极主动检查漏洞,在问题发生之前及时修补,就好似平时我们说的偏执强迫症,可能明明门窗都关好了,但是出门前还得再三检查一下,由于出错的代价巨大,对于IT方面的漏洞就应该重视到近乎偏执,但是非技术公司一般都没有这样的传统习惯。

3. Such weaknesses are compounded by the history of the internet, in which security was an afterthought.


互联网的历史使得这一弱点雪上加霜, 一直以来,人们都是事后才会考虑安全性的问题.

4. Computer security is best served by encryption that is strong for everyone.



Be best served by是一个非常常见的词组, 表示最有利的是….Eg. Rather than support America, European “allies” increasingly see their national interests best served by distancing themselves from the US as much as possible./  This suggests that small, open economies may be best served by fixed exchange rates.

5. A firm that takes reasonable steps to make things safe, but which is compromised nevertheless, will have recourse to an insurance payout that will stop it from going bankrupt.


compromise: 此处意为损害,危及


6. But setting minimum standards still gets you only so far.

设立最低标准的目的也正在于此。 跑偏啦!


Get you far: 表示作用巨大,而get you only so far则表示作用有限

Eg. But hard work will only get you so far, the rest is genetic, according to an expert.

Clear and powerful writing is a rare skill in business, and it will get you far.


7. Silicon valley’s “go fast and break things” style of innovation is possible only if firms have relative free rein to put out new products while they still need perfecting.



硅谷“快速行动勇于突破”的创新理念行得通的前提在于: 公司有相对自由的权利推出尚未完善的产品。

Put out=launch也是高频词。发布新产品:launch/put out a new product


Take security serious enough: 足够重视安全, take sth seriously, pay attention to,

attach importance to都是“重视”的意思。大家可以继续举一反三,因为重视二字实在太太常见了。

Take advantage of:利用

Point of illicit entry:非法入侵点

Create incentives for safer behavior: 创建鼓励安全行为的激励方案, incentive高频词

Refrain from doing sth: 克制做…

Spark calls for: 激发对….的呼声

Hamper the ability of:削弱…的能力

Oblige sb to do sth: 强制某人干某事

Disclaim liability for: 豁免…的责任

Draw comparisons to: 与….对比

Lax attitude: 松懈的态度

Come down hard with:严厉惩罚




day 10  小结

经过前两篇文章的洗礼,阅读第三篇文章时会明显感觉轻松了一些。虽然目前还没有发生质的改变,不过慢慢感觉自己的进步还是蛮有成就感的。整理词汇感觉越来越得心应手,格式调整了一下,瞬间顺眼一些了哈。画逻辑思维导图的时候也不会再抓耳挠腮,半天不知从何瞎逼,神句翻译练习的速度也加快了一些。但是问题依然存在,需要继续改进。我逻辑思维导图逻辑不够严密,有些地方扣的"帽子" 概括性、准确性还不够。今天听了笃师的音频,学到了一个一般思路,即“提出问题,解决问题,给出现状和未来趋势,一正一反交替论证法” ,感觉很有道理,打算下篇文章自己就去验证一下哈,哈哈。神句翻译,首先的理解好原文的意思。意思搞错了翻得再好也白搭。而且在翻译的时候一定要把句子放到文章中联系上下文,这样便于理解,有助于翻译。同时,在翻译时我还应该注意措辞表达,感觉自己的中文不够地道,怪别扭的。要继续好好补语文!先废话到这吧。再接再厉,只为遇见更好的自己!

topic 4 

day 1 words and expressions

1. palaeontology 古生物学,化石学

2. interstellar  星际的

3. stromatolite  叠层

4. debut: n/ v.  to perform or be introduced to the public for the first time: 初次登台

eg. The Broadway show debuted last year to great acclaim.

5. intrigue  n/v

​v.  to interest someone a lot, especially by being strange, unusual, or mysterious: 引起兴趣

eg. Throughout history, people have been intrigued by the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.

n. (the making of) a secret plan to do something, especially something that will harm another person:

eg. a tale of political intrigue

6. swathe 带子

7. basalt  玄武岩

8 outcrop  露出地面的岩层

9. quartz  石英

10. nodules: 结节

11. hematite  赤铁矿

12. filament  细丝

13. corkscrew  螺旋形的

14. hydrothermal 热液的

15. crenellated  有雉堞的

16. tectonic  地壳构造的

17. coiled  盘绕的

18. pore 毛孔

19. gradient  梯度

20. paleobiologist  古生物学家

21. one-off  一次性事物

22. microbe : 微生物

23. scrutiny: the careful and detailed examination of something in order to get information about it: 仔细审查

eg. The government's record will be subjected to/come under (close) scrutiny in the weeks before the election.

day 2:神句练习 & 思维导图


1. The team contends that these bear more than a passing resemblance to the networks of bacteria that live in hydrothermal vents--towering, crenellated structures that form in the deep ocean above the boundaries between tectonic plates, where superheated mineral-laden water spurts up from beneath the seabed.



Bear more than a passing resemblance to: passing指的是过关,及格线,more than a passing resemblance指远超及格线,非常相似。

这句句子结构相当复杂,从句套从句,还是提醒大家牢记就近原则,但是最后一个where打头的从句,前面一个逗号与破折号之间的部分是修饰 hydrothermal vents的插入语,所以where修饰的也是hydrothermal vents。大家可以再仔细体会一下。

2. Such a find is doubly intriguing because hydrothermal vents are seen as a plausible candidate for the cradle of life.


人们认为深海热泉很有可能是生命的摇篮,这就使得该发现显得更有意思。.                                      Plausible:有两种意思,一个偏褒义,另一个偏贬义,此处指appearing worthy of belief:eg. the argument was both powerful and plausible褒义..建议大家好好研究下plausible的用法,高频词。

3. Although the sorts of bacteria apparently found by Dr. Papineau and his colleagues are too complicated to reveal much about the very earliest organisms, the suggestion that hydrothermal vents have played host to life for so long is a strike in the theory’s favor.



Too....to...太......以致不能......You are too young to drive.你太年轻,还不能开车。




day 3 小结

           The article mainly talks about when does life begin, which scientists are less surer about, compared with the time that the Earth came into being. The evidence for stromatolites last year suggests life began with photosynthesising bacteria 3.7 bilion years ago. But accordign to the evidence from the rocks found by Dr. Papineau and his team, which resembles the networks of bacteria living in hydrothermal vent, a plausible candidate for the cradle of life, life might begin even earlier, between 3.8 and 4.3 bilion years ago. Although the evidence is not conclusive, the finding is rather intruging. If confirmed, it can bring about other important implications. The earlist life was sustained not by photosynthesis but by the energy from  the reactions between the dissolved chemicals that well up from the crust since sunlight could not penetrate so deep in the oceans. Alongside that, if the Earth began host life within its early stage of formation is firmed, it wll futher cause the argumentation about whether life is an inevitable and common consequence of the law of the chemistry or a lucky one-off only on Earth.


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  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 42,032评论 2 341
