User Agreement

1. General Provisions This application provides you with services according to the following terms of service. These terms can be updated by this app at any time without notice. Once the application use agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "use agreement") changes, the application will publish the revised content on the web page. Once the revised usage agreement is published on the webpage, it will effectively replace the original usage agreement.

Before you use the services provided by this application, you should read this use agreement carefully. If you do not agree to this use agreement and/or modify it at any time, please stop using all the services provided by this application immediately; once you use this application service, you are deemed to have understood and fully agreed to the terms of this use agreement The content, including any modifications made by this application to the use agreement at any time, and become a user of this application (hereinafter referred to as "user").

2. Service description This application currently provides users with the following services: search for suspicious devices. Unless otherwise expressly stipulated in this usage agreement, any new functions that increase or strengthen the current service, including new products launched, are subject to this usage agreement. You understand and agree that this service is only provided in accordance with its current situation, and this application does not assume any responsibility for any user information or personalization settings of the timeliness, deletion, transmission errors, non-storage, or any other issues. This app reserves the right to suspend any part of the service for maintenance, upgrades or other purposes without prior notice.

3. Compliance with the law You agree to abide by all the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, and take full responsibility for any behavior and results of using your password and your account to use the service in any way. If your behavior violates any provisions of national laws and regulations and may constitute a crime, you will be investigated for criminal responsibility and you will bear all legal liabilities.

At the same time, if this application has reason to believe that any of your actions, including but not limited to any of your remarks and other actions, violate or may violate any provisions of national laws and regulations, this application can be terminated to you at any time without any prior notice service.

6. The privacy policy of this application The registration information you provide and certain other information about you retained by this application will be governed by China's privacy laws and the company's "Privacy Statement".

7. Responsibilities of the provider According to relevant laws and regulations, this application hereby solemnly draws your attention to any text, information, data, music, photos, graphics, videos, information or other data published or uploaded through this service (hereinafter referred to as "Content"), regardless of whether it is delivered publicly or privately, the content provider is responsible. This application only provides content storage space for users, and cannot control the content delivered via this service. Therefore, it does not guarantee the correctness, integrity or quality of the content. You have foreseen that when you use this service, you may be exposed to unpleasant, inappropriate or offensive content. In any case, this application is not responsible for any content, but this application has the right to stop transmitting any of the foregoing content in accordance with the law and take corresponding actions, including but not limited to suspending the user’s use of all or part of the service, saving relevant records, and reporting to Reports from relevant agencies.

8. User behavior The user agrees that it will not use this service to conduct any illegal or improper activities, including but not limited to the following:

1) Publish or otherwise transmit information containing one of the following contents:

Oppose the basic principles established by the Constitution; endanger national security, leak state secrets, subvert state power, and undermine national unity; damage national honor and interests; incitement to ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, or undermine ethnic unity; undermine national religious policies, Propagating cults and feudal superstition; spreading rumors, disrupting social order, and undermining social stability; spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror, or instigating crime; insulting or slandering others, infringing on the legal rights of others; containing falsehood, Fraud, harm, intimidation, infringement of the privacy of others, harassment, infringement, slander, vulgar, obscene, or other morally offensive content; Contains Chinese laws, regulations, rules, regulations and any legally effective norms restricted or prohibited Other content; This application has not carried out any official trading account, follow, like and other cheating activities, nor does it support such behaviors in third-party channels, please do not conduct any such transactions to protect accounts and property Safe, otherwise this app has the right to take permanent punishments for cheating accounts; Contains content that this app considers unsuitable for display; 2) Endanger the legitimate rights and interests of others in any way;

3) Impersonating any other person or organization, or making false statements or false claims related to any person or organization;

4) According to any law or contract or legal relationship (for example, due to employment relationship and internal information, proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed in accordance with confidentiality contracts), any content that is known but not authorized to be transmitted is published, emailed or otherwise Transmit

5) Publish or transmit content that infringes on others' copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, or other exclusive rights (hereinafter referred to as "exclusive rights");

6) Interfere with or destroy this service or the server and network connected to this service, or violate any regulations, procedures, policies or norms on the connection network of this service;

7) Tracking, searching for human flesh or harassing others in other ways;

8) Intentionally or unintentionally violate any applicable local and national laws and any rules with legal effect;

9) Intercept, tamper with, collect, store or delete other people's personal information, site mail or other data without legal authorization, or use the learned information for any illegal or improper purpose.

You have acknowledged that this application does not fully control the user’s behavior. When you use any content, including relying on the correctness, completeness or practicality of the foregoing content, you agree to make your own judgment and bear all risks without relying on In this application. However, this application, based on its own consideration, rejects and deletes any content that can be provided through this service that violates this clause or other content that arouses this application's disgust.

You understand and agree that when this application determines that the content must be preserved or disclosed in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, or based on good faith for the following purposes or within the scope of reasonable necessity, it must be preserved or disclosed:

a) Comply with legal procedures; b) Implement this use agreement; c) Respond to any third party's claims; d) Protect the rights, property or personal safety of this application, its users and the public; e) Other applications that this application believes to have Necessary situation. 9. Special warning for international use You have understood the borderless nature of the Internet and agreed to abide by all local laws and regulations on online behavior and content. You specifically agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the transmission of information exported from China or your country or region.

10. Public information published in this application 1) In this usage agreement, "the area of ​​public use of this service" refers to the area that can be used by the general public;

2) For the content uploaded or published by the user in this application, the user should ensure that it is the copyright owner or has obtained legal authorization, and that the content will not infringe the legal rights of any third party. The user agrees to grant all the above content to this application on a global scale The free, irrevocable, perpetual, sublicensable or transferable exclusive use right license of, according to which this application will have the right to display, promote and use the aforementioned content in other ways that are not prohibited by our laws.

11. Disclaimer 1) The user expressly agrees to upload text, information, data, music, photos, graphics, videos, information or other personal data to the Internet, which may be copied, reproduced, or used for other purposes by other organizations or individuals The risk of is entirely borne by itself; all consequences arising from its use of this application service are also borne by itself, and we do not assume any responsibility to users.

12. Compensation for the content you provide, publish or transmit through this service, your connection with this service, your violation of this use agreement, or your infringement of any rights of others, which derive or cause any third party to make any claim or request, including Reasonable attorney fees, you agree to compensate this application and its subsidiaries, affiliates, senior staff, agents, brand co-owners or other partners and employees, and protect them from damages, and assume all legal liabilities arising therefrom .

13. Prohibition of commercial activities. You agree not to copy, copy, sell, resell or use any part of this service or the use or acquisition of this service for any other commercial purposes.

14. General measures on use and storage You acknowledge that this application has the right to formulate general measures and restrictions on the use of this service, including but not limited to the longest period during which the service will retain published content or other published content, and within a certain period of time The maximum number of times you use this service (and the maximum time of each use). If any information, communication data, and other content posted or transmitted through this service are deleted or not stored, you agree that this application will not bear any responsibility. You also agree that this application has the right to change these general measures and restrictions at any time based on its own consideration, whether notified or not.

15. Modification of the service This application has the right to temporarily or permanently modify or terminate the service (or any part of it) at any time, regardless of notice or not. You agree that for any modification, suspension or termination of this service, this application does not need to bear any responsibility for you and any third party.

16. Termination of service You agree that this application based on its own considerations, for any reason, including but not limited to lack of use, or that this application believes that you have violated the text and spirit of this use agreement, terminate your account or use of this service ( Or any part of the service), and remove and delete any content you have in this service. You agree that the service provided in accordance with any provisions of this agreement can be interrupted or terminated without prior notice. You acknowledge and agree that this application can immediately close or delete your account and all related information and files in your account, and/ Or it is forbidden to continue to use the aforementioned files or this service. In addition, you agree that if the use of this service is interrupted or terminated or your account and related information and files are closed or deleted, this application will not be liable to you or any third party.

17. Guarantee and guarantee You clearly understand and agree:

1) Any provisions of this use agreement will not exempt this app from any responsibility for causing your personal injury or for the loss of your property due to intentional or gross negligence;

2) Your use of this service is at your own risk. This service is provided on an "as is" and "existing" basis. This application does not provide any express or implied guarantees or guarantees for this service, including but not limited to guarantees or guarantees of commercial marketability, suitability for specific purposes, and non-infringement of the rights of others;

3) This application does not guarantee the following:

This service will meet your requirements;

This service will be uninterrupted, provided in a timely manner, safe and reliable or error-free;

The results obtained by using this service are correct and reliable;

Any products, services, information or other information that you purchase or obtain through this service will meet your expectations; 4) Whether you use this service to download or obtain any information should be considered by you and at your own risk, as it is caused by the download of any information Any consequences such as damage to your mobile phone or loss of data are borne by you;

5) Any advice or information you obtain from this application or through this service, whether in written or oral form, unless expressly provided in this usage agreement, will not constitute any guarantee outside this usage agreement.

6) If this application or partner unit uses the portrait, name, or other legal rights you provide, you agree to authorize your portrait, name, or other legal rights to be used by this application or partner unit.

20. Limitation of Liability You clearly understand and agree that this application is not responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, derivative, or other intangible losses caused by the following reasons, including but not limited to profits, reputation, application, data loss or other intangible losses. Punitive liability:

1) The use or unavailability of this service;

2) Costs incurred to replace any goods, data, information, services, messages received, or transactions concluded from or through the service purchased or obtained;

3) Your transmission or data has been accessed or altered without authorization;

4) Statements or actions made by any third party in this service;

5) Other matters related to this service, except those clearly stipulated in this use agreement;

6) The third party publishes or delivers fraudulent information in any way, or induces users to suffer economic losses, this application does not bear any

21. Without the prior written consent of this application, you agree not to display or use or otherwise process this application and other registered trademarks, logos and product and service names of this application in any way, or that you have the right to display , Use or otherwise dispose of this application mark.

22. User exclusive rights This application respects the intellectual property rights of others and calls on users to also respect intellectual property rights.

The services and materials of this application are provided based on the "as is", and this application expressly refuses to give any express or implied guarantees for "services", "materials" or "products", including but not limited to commercial use or A guarantee suitable for a specific purpose. This application is not responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental or derivative losses caused by "service", "data" or "product".

If you infringe on the intellectual property rights of others, this application will delete specific content or terminate your account in accordance with national laws and regulations, or under appropriate circumstances, in accordance with its terms of service or related normative provisions. use.

If you believe that the copyright of your work has been infringed or your intellectual property rights have been infringed, according to the "Regulations on the Protection of the Right to Propagate Information Network", you need to contact this application in time and provide detailed proof materials. Or please go to the National Copyright Administration of the People's Republic of China to download the "Notice of Request to Delete or Disconnect Infringing Internet Content" (hereinafter referred to as "Deletion Notice"). If you do not understand the content of the "Deletion Notice", please log in to Chinese People The National Copyright Administration of the Republic of the People's Republic of China check the instructions for filling in the "Notice of Request to Delete or Disconnect Infringing Internet Content".

General terms 1) This use agreement, community guidelines and disclaimer constitute the entire agreement between you and this application and regulate your use of this service. When you use related services, use content or software provided by third parties, you should also comply with the applicable additional terms and conditions;

2) This use agreement and your relationship with this application are governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. Disputes between you and this application about this service, this use agreement or other related matters should be settled through friendly negotiation first. If the negotiation fails, it should be submitted to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration. The arbitration award is final and binding on both parties force;

3) The failure of this application to exercise or implement any rights or provisions of this use agreement does not constitute a waiver of the foregoing rights or rights;

4) If any provision of this use agreement is invalid due to conflicts with the laws of the People’s Republic of China, you still agree that you should strive to make the parties’ intentions reflected in the provision effective in accordance with the law, and other provisions of this use agreement shall still have full effect And effect;

5) As long as you use this application series of services, it represents your approval of all the above agreements.

6) This application has the final right to interpret this use agreement.

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