今天学习的内容是Unit29-30 /s/ /z/
Useful expressions:
1. Be sensible!
Sense and Sensibility 《理智与情感》
2. smell funny(怪异,可疑)/fishy(腥味)
3. sail through 表示顺利通过 e.g I sailed through the exam.
4. bask in the sun 沐浴阳光
5. yikes /jaɪks/ interjection informal said when something frightens or shocks you
It's gross/disgusting. 表示什么东西恶心。
6. 喝酒的程度:tipsy 微醺-buzzed微晕-hammered 烂醉
Pronunciation points
1. 在多数发音中,/z/的带声部分不贯穿发音的全过程 如:please /z/的发音到最后很像/s/
2. It does! ( does的发音不要太夸张)
3. these are 的发音连读可发为/thi:zer/
DAY 2 思考: