分享一段《生活大爆炸》(the BigBang theory)第十季中谢耳朵和Amy吵了架,在谢耳朵生活中一直扮演着一位朋友身份的nanny的Penny劝慰他的话
Honey,instead of worrying about pain you make cause in the future, how about trying to fix the pain you are causing her right now.
from internet
分享一段《生活大爆炸》(the BigBang theory)第十季中谢耳朵和Amy吵了架,在谢耳朵生活中一直扮演着一位朋友身份的nanny的Penny劝慰他的话
Honey,instead of worrying about pain you make cause in the future, how about trying to fix the pain you are causing her right now.
from internet