如果想法只是个想法,那有什么好处呢?尝试。试验。反复。失败。再试一次。改变世界。(What good is an idea if it remains an idea? Try. Experiment. Iterate. Fail. Try again. Change the world.)
从这里开始(Start Here)
1. 大多数人都过着因缘凑巧的人生——事情怎么发展,我们就怎么过。(Most of us live our lives by accident — we live as it happens.)
2. 人生想要有所实现,就要过得有目标。(Fulfillment comes when we live our lives on purpose.)
3. 如果你说,你做的是一个你“并不想一直做下去的工作”,那你为什么现在还在做呢?(If you say your job is something you "don't plan on doing forever", then why are you doing it now?)
4.领导不是大权在握。领导是在照顾那些托付给你的人。(Leadership is not about being in charge. Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge.)
5. 领导不是高高在上,等人伺候。领导是为人服务。(Leadership is not a rank or position to be attained. Leadership is a service to be given.)
6. 不好的领导者,让我们觉得是在为公司工作。好的领导者,让我们觉得是在为彼此工作。(Under poor leaders we feel like we work for the company. With good leaders we feel like we work for each other.)
7. 当我们知道自己在反抗什么的时候,我们甚至可以展开一场革命。要能持续创造改变,就得知道我们为了什么在奋斗。(We can start a revolution when we know what we stand against. To create change that lasts, we need to know what we stand for.)
8. 愿景就像是梦——要是我们不拿出实际的行动,它就会消失。大张旗鼓,或是做点小改变都好。不要再犹豫了,大胆试一试吧。(A vision is like a dream — it will disappear unless we do something with it. Do something big or do something small. But stop wondering and go on an adventure.)
9. 这个想法太赞了!不要再光说不练,去做吧。(That idea is so fantastic. Stop talking about it and do it.)
10. 想法可以天马行空。但是行动才会造成影响。(Genius is in the idea. Impact comes from action.)
你要哪一个:独行,还是一起走?(Pick One: Go Alone or Go Together)
1. 我们什么时候开始,这并不重要。我们从哪里开始,这也不重要。重要的是,我们开始了。(It doesn't matter when we start. It doesn't matter where we start. All that matters is that we start.)
2. 如果没有决心的话,光是热血又有什么用呢?醒过来吧,啜饮热情,点一根火柴,开始工作!(What good is having a belly if there's no fire in it? Wake up, drink your passion, light a match and get to work!)
3. 当我们追逐梦想,而不是争权夺利的时候,我们的成就会更高。(We achieve more when we chase the dream instead of the competition.)
4. 走在人行道上,在游泳池里游泳,会是安全的。如果我们要到别的地方,就一定会有风险。(Safe is good for sidewalks and swimming pools. Life requires risk if we are to get anywhere.)
5. 领导者给我们机会去尝试和失败,然后再给我们一个机会去尝试和成功。(Leaders give us the chance to try and fail, then give us another chance to try and succeed.)
找到愿景(Find a Vision)
1. 当我们把自己什么地方不懂,大声说出来,别人帮助我们的机会也就增加了。(When we say out loud what we don't know, it increases the likelihood that someone who does know will offer help.)
2. 显示告诉创新者,他们头壳坏去;但是,创新者的梦比现实更清晰。(Innovators are the ones whose dreams are clearer than the reality that tells them they're crazy.)
3. 一个想法行不行得通,最好的办法就是实际去做。(The best way to find out if it will work is to do it.)
4. 永远要为一个事实做计划:没有一个计划会按计划进行。(Always plan for the fact that no plan ever goes according to plan.)
5. 如果我们面临的挑战没把我们吓到,那么它可能没那么重要。(If the challenge we face doesn't scare us, then it's probably not that important.)
6. 如果我们接受不了别的想法,那我们听到的就是批评。如果我们虚心接受批评时,我们得到的就是建议。(When we are closed to ideas, what we hear is criticism. When we are open to criticism, what we get is advice.)
7. 不好的领导者只关心谁是对的。好的领导者关心什么是对的。(Bad leaders care about who's right. Good leaders care about what's right.)
8. 不要抱怨,做出贡献。(Don't complain, contribute.)
1. 不好的团队在同一个地方工作。好的团队一起工作。(Bad teams work in the same place. Good teams work together.)
2. 一群人能发挥多大的本事,取决于这些人的团队能力有多高。(The ability of a group of people to do remarkable things hinges on how well those people can pull together as a team.)
3. 你一个人做不来的。别假装你可以。(You can't do it alone. So don't pretend you can.)
4. 在一起,更好。(Together is better.)
5. 团队不是一群一起工作的人。团队是一群相互信任的人。(A team is not a group of people who work together. A team is a group of people who trust each other.)
6. 好的领导者不仅启发了我们,对他们的能耐有信心。伟大的领导者启发我们,对自己的能耐有信心。(A good leader doesn't only inspire us to have confidence in what they can do. A great leader inspires us to have confidence in what we can do.)
7. 要是现实看起来跟我们所想像的差不多,那我们就成功了。(Success is when reality looks like what's in our imagination.)
8. 成就带来兴奋。旅程最后抵达目的地,你就实现了目标。(Excitement comes from the achievement. Fulfillment comes from the journey that got you there.)
1. 我们最大的考验可能不是来自我们走向成功的路径。我们最大的考验在于,当我们成功了之后,我们要拿它怎么办。(Our greatest test may not come from the path we travel to success. Our greatest test is what we do with success once we find it.)
2. 生命的价值不是由我们为自己做了什么而决定。生命的价值取决于我们为别人做了什么。(The value of our lives is not determined by what we do for ourselves. The value of our lives is determined by what we do for others.)
3. 机会不是去为自己找到一家完美的公司。机会在于为彼此打造一家完美的公司。(The opportunity is not to discover the perfect company for ourselves. The opportunity is to build the perfect company for each other.)
回报(The Return)
1. 把自身的利益放在第一位,是一种奢侈。把别人的利益放在自身利益之前,是一种荣誉。(It is a luxury to put our interests first. It is an honor to put the interests of others before ourselves.)
2. 在走向长期成功的道路上,奋斗是我们必须采取的短期步骤。(Our struggles are the short-term steps we must take on our way to long-term success.)
3. 领导是一种教育。最好的领导者把自己当成学生,而不是老师。(Leadership is an education. And the best leaders think of themselves as the students, not the teachers.)
4. 梦想不会带来实现。实现是追寻过程的结果。(Fulfillment is not born of the dream. Fulfillment is born of the journey.)
5. 生命之所以美好,不是因为我们看到什么或做了什么。生命之所以美好,因为我们遇到的人。(Life is beautiful not because of the things we see or the things we do. Life is beautiful because of the people we meet.)
6. 有勇气承认软弱,才是真正的强者。(True strength is the courage to admit weakness.)
7. 我们一个人就可以失败。但成功总是要集众人的力量。(Failure we can do alone. Success always takes help.)
8. 老板有头衔。但领导者得众望。(A boss has the title. A leader has the people.)
9. 领导者真正的价值不是由他们做的工作来衡量。领导者真正的价值是由他们启发别人去做的工作来衡量。(The true value of a leader is not measured by the work they do. The true value of a leader is measured by the work they inspire others to do.)
10. 我们指示别人做他们的工作,我们得到的是工人。要是我们信任别人会把工作做好,那我们得到了领导者。(When we tell people to do their jobs, we get workers. When we trust people to get the job done, we get leaders.)
11. 为一件我们并不开心的事情而努力工作,这是压力。为一件我们喜爱的事情而努力工作,这是热情。(Working hard for something we don't care about is called stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion.)
成为一个你希望追随的领导者(Be the Leader You Wish You Had)
1. 理智可以被说服,但是人心必须努力去赢得。(The mind can be convinced but the heart must be won.)
2. 星星想看到自己升到天顶。领导者希望看到身旁的人成为明星。(A star want s to see himself rise to the top. A leader wants to see those around him become stars.)
3. 领导者必须先受到众人所启发,然后才可以激励众人。(A leader must be inspired by the people before a leader can inspire the people.)
4. “要快的话,自己一个人去。要走远的话,就一起去。”("To go fast, go alone. To go far, go together.")