A Travel to Xi'an.

In the summer vacation, I had an special travel in Xi'an with my claaamates and our new teacher Miss Wang.

I am very excited about this camp!

She is our tour guide. I think if she were a teacher she shuoid be a great history teacher! She is tone of the top 10  tour guide in Xi'an.
At the speed of the fire, I arrived at the xuanyuan temple in yan 'an after taking a bus. The area is not large, but the ancient temple of ancient times is the temple of the temple. Let us feel the unique charm of the five thousand years of China.Then we walked to the mausoleum!I have to say that the students' will is steel! We didn't take a battery car in the whole process. It was about five kilometers back. Walk all the way!To the huangdi mausoleum is the age of guber is almost over 1,000 years old... Let me feel the human being so small in the face of nature... These can only be seen in the history books can only be seen in the field to feel the ancient flavor...

The second day!

The heroes and sons of children throw their heads in the blood, this is the spirit of yan 'an spirit hard and extraordinary struggle spirit; The journey of yan 'an gives us a sense of how many of our revolutionary forebears have bravely moved forward without fear to defend our fertile land, which is the selfless dedication of the spirit of yan 'an for the people. In yan 'an, we learned that the revolutionary ancestors developed production and construction of fertile farmland in the hard times. This is the spirit of the industrious and brave south mud bay in yan 'an spirit. Yanan, let we intuitively deeply experience the Chinese people's people, with an unyielding and tenacious spirit, let us more deeply understand to "all the victory of the revolution is the victory of the people" the true meaning of... Yanan, is more than just a noun, it is a kind of "the yanan spirit" is engraved on people's bones, is also the Chinese inherent patriotism, is the Chinese nation has a long history of the soul of blood! This is the spiritual home of our descendants!

The source of kunlun yan, yuguan nine transfer a pot of harvest." The spout falls are located in the southern section of the qinjin valley. The river is located in yichuan county of shaanxi province, and the river is connected with Shanxi Province. It is a natural wonder of the Yellow River basin and the second largest waterfall in China. The riverbed here is like a giant teapot, and the spout is named after the water of the Yellow River. At the top of the pot, the water is popular in the chute, and at the top of the deep groove, the surface of the 400 metre-wide is suddenly poured into the deep groove of 3050 meters wide, forming a waterfall.

The third day!
Today we went to lake Seoul and the ancient city wall.In the morning... Originally had changed the women's wear hahaha later found men's men is more handsome and decisive change menswearAfter that, we went to the windy pavilion and got a panoramic view of the whole lake... It's super relaxing.In the afternoon, I went to the Ming city wall and rode with my friends for 13.7 kilometers.

Today went to the hua qing dynasty palace and terracotta warriors China it is hard to imagine one very beautiful qing xi 'an incident will occur in China and foreign countries The Terra Cotta Warriors crystallization can be said to be the wisdom of the ancients Marveled by the ancients exquisite craft Now you can even see lifelike In the afternoon, we also try to hand made the Terra Cotta Warriors! A sense of accomplishment

It was the last day in xi 'an. We went to the xi 'an museum, the big wild goose pagoda, the little goose pagoda and the bell drum plaza. The afternoon went back to the street. It has to be lamented that the ancient goose pagoda survived several earthquakes and even stronger. At noon, I went to the wild goose pagoda square and watched the fountain performance. I think I can eat dead in hui street. Then we went to the train station and sat on the train back to Beijing
When we go back have some loathe to give up feeling already fell in love with the city of xi 'an The folkway The historical and cultural ancient capital is different from Beijing Xi 'an has his unique charm I think if we have the opportunity to xi 'an goodbye!
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