The Tao is invisible,created the heaven and the earth.
华夏神州,泱泱大国,悠悠五千年的历史文化。五千年,这仅仅是中华文明的史载记录。五千年前呢?地球是什么时候形成的?天地是怎样诞生的?千百年来,人类在不断探索宇宙奥秘的进程中, 产生了许多哲学家、历史学家、科学家......
老子,这位天地所造化的圣人,给我们留下了《道德经》。老子仅仅以五千字就揭示了宇宙天地的真理之道:“有物混成,先天地生。 寂兮寥兮,独立而不改,周行而不殆,可以为天下母。吾不知其名,字之曰道。”这个在天地生成之前就存在的、古往今来独立而永不改变的、周而复始地运行着的混成之物是什么呢?它就是道。道无形无象、无色无味、手摸不着、眼看不见。这种似乎不存在的东西,却有着无穷无尽、不可超越的能量。
“大道无情,运行日月”,道能够推动日月的运行,是因为道本无情。这里的无情是一种无情胜有情的境界,也就是让我们不要执着于个人的情爱,如亲情、友情和爱情。个人的任何情爱都是小我, 把爱放大,爱天下所有人,才能拥有大天下的格局。
由此可见,人想要成就一番事业,就要淡泊名利、不求名利, 才能获得如同道一般的能量!我赞同一位成功人士所言:“大成品质 源于厚德,辉煌格局不离大道。”
The Chinese nation, a great country, has a five thousand old history. This five thousand years is just a record of the history of the descendants of Yellow Emperor. What about before those five thousand years? When the earth came into being? How was the world born? For thousands of years, during the process of human exploration of the mysteries of the universe, many philosophers, historians, and scientists have sought to answer this question.
Lao Tzu, a sage created by the heaven and the earth, left us with the Book of Morals, the Tao Te Ching . Lao Tzu revealed the truth of the universe with just five thousand words, “There was something that existed before the heaven and the earth. Loneliness and stagnation; it can be the mother of the whole world. I don't know its name, just named ‘Tao’ . This existed before the heaven and the earth. What is the hybrid that runs before and after the generation of the heaven and the earth; which has been working independently forever and ever since then?” What is the hybrid that operates on a regular basis? It is the Tao. Tao is intangible, colorless and tasteless, untouchable with hands, invisible with eyes. It is seemingly a nonexistent thing, but it has infinite, unsurpassed energy.
The Sutra of Pure and Calm further elaborated the role of Tao by Lao Tzu: “The Tao is intangible, creating the heaven and the earth. The Tao operates the sun and the moon without affection. The Tao is nameless, cultivating all things of the universe.” From this we understand the meaning of Tao: the invisible Tao can create the heaven and the earth. The merciless Tao can promote the operation of the sun and the moon. The nameless Tao can nourish the growth of all things. This powerful and invincible power is the function of the Tao.
People can realize the existence of Tao through learning and practice, and gain the energy from the Tao. “The Tao is invisible and created the heaven and the earth.” The reason why the Tao has such an energy accomplish this feat is because the Tao is without self and it can accommodate everything. If the people want to have the skills to succeed, they will have to achieve selflessness and altruism so that they can achieve all good wishes.
“The Tao operates the sun and the moon without affection.” The Tao can promote the operation of the sun and the moon, because the Tao is ruthless. The ruthlessness here is a state of both detachment and love, that is, let us not cling to personal love, such as affection and friendship., but we must enlarge our love: to love everyone in the world.
The Tao is nameless, creating all things of the universe.” The Tao itself has no name or for name, and Lao Tzu wants us to understand the truth. Therefore, he reluctantly named it “Tao”.
From this, it can be seen that if one wants to accomplish something, one must be indifferent to fame and fortune, not seeking fame and fortune to gain the same energy as the Tao! I like the same successful person to say, “Good quality from great morality, and splendid pattern is on the Tao.”