1. The University of Cambridge’s Machine Translation Systems for WMT18
1. basic Architecture
Combine the three most commonly used architectures: recurrent, convolutional, and self-attention-based models like the Transformer
2. system combination
If we want to combine q models , we first divide the models into two groups by selecting a p with 1 p q.
Then, we refer to the first group as full posterior scores and the second group as MBR-based scores.
Full-posterior models scores compute as follows:
Combined scores compute as follows:
3. Data
1. language detection (Nakatani, 2010) on all available monolingual and parallel data
2. additionally filtered on ParaCrawl
- No words contain more than 40 characters.
- Sentences must not contain HTML tags.
- The minimum sentence length is 4 words.
- The character ratio between source and targetmust not exceed 1:3 or 3:1
- Source and target sentences must be equal af-ter stripping out non-numerical characters.
- Sentences must end with punctuation marks.
2. NTT’s Neural Machine Translation Systems for WMT 2018
1. basic Architecture
Transformer Big
2. Data
Noisy Data Filtering
- use language model (such as KenLM) to evaluate a sentences naturalness
- use a word alignment model (such as fast_align) to check whether the sentence pair has the same meaning
Synthetic Corpus
- translating monolingual sentences with Transformer -> seudo-parallel corpora
- Back-translate & evaluate -> selected the high-scoring sentence pair
Right-to-Left Re-ranking
- R2L model re-ranks an n-best hypothesis generated by the Left-to-Right (L2R) model (n=10)
3. Microsoft’s Submission to the WMT2018 News Translation Task:How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Data
1. basic Architecture
Transformer Big + Ensemble-decoding + R2L Reranking
2. Data
Dual conditional cross-entropy filtering
For a sentence pair(x, y), cross-entropy compute as follows:
where A and B are translation models trained on the same data but in inverse directions.(We setting and )
is the probability distribution for a model M
Data weighting
sentence instance weighting is a feature available in Marian(Junczys-Dowmunt et al., 2018) .
sentence score = Data weighting * cross-entropy -> sort and select by sentence score