Awaken the Dream in Your Heart

If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.


It All Starts With a Dream 一切由梦想开始 Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by things you did n' t do than the ones you did. Mark Twain

二十年后,让你觉得更失望的不是你做过的事情,而是你没有做过的事情。 -马克.吐温

Dreaming. Do you or don' t you? Do you dream about the future or just have a fantasy dream after a couple of late night tacos?



Dreams get us going. Dreams direct our lives, our focus, our direction.


Many of us have forgotten how to dream or haven t taken the time to dream in years. We get so busy that we never relax our mind and let it dream. Dare I say day-dream? 我们很多人已经忘记了如何做梦,或者已经好几年没有时间去做梦。我们如此忙碌,以至于我们从未放松头脑让它做做梦。难道我说的是白日梦?

When we were all kids, we would dream for hours. We had all the time in the world to dream. We had no limits . We had no fears. Short of the boogie man , we had no idea what fear was.



We could lie in the grass, look at the clouds and dream and dream again. Our friends did not tell us our dreams were nonsense but instead dreamed big dreams at our side!


Then what happened? Parents, sport coaches, teachers and sometimes our older friends started to steal pieces of our dreams. We were told we would never make the big leaguthe pros because we just weren’t good enough. We were told we could never be that famous actor/actressit would never happen. We were too fat, too short, we couldn’t sing, we couldn’t dance.


These dream stealers started to poke holes in our dreams. Then we started to doubt ourselves. When things did- n t work out the way we dreamed, we put up a wall between daily life and our dreams. Heck, maybe you even just plain gave up but I guarantee" that you started to settle. Settle for this. Settle for that! I guess that it s not that bad. I guess I can get by, etc. Words we all know. Words that start to steal our dreams.

这些盗梦者开始在我们的梦想中肆意戳洞,然后我们开始怀疑自己。当事情不是按照我 们的想象进行时,我们就会在曰常生活和我们的梦想之间筑起一道墙。真见鬼,也许,你甚至刚刚彻底地放弃了,但是我保证你会开始感到满足。满足这个,满足于那个!你开始用我们都知道的话来说服自己:"我想这也不是很差""我认为我可以对付的"等。而这些话开始盗取我们的梦想。


Well it s time for a change!


It’s time to know and believe in our hearts that dreaming is never option


It s time to dream and then dream again! Dreaming is never optional! There is a famous philosopher—Mr. Mickey Mouse. Mickey tells us,"Believe your dreams can come true. Never stop dreaming, and remember anything, anything can happen!



It’s time to find some quiet time and just let it all go and start to dream as kid again.

是时候找个时间,静静地任其流逝,开始像 个孩子一样去梦想了。

What do you really want? Forget alI about what Mom wanted for you or where you are stuck today.


One hour, one day of dreaming is not enough. It will take some time to remember just how to dream. It took years for you to forget how to dream so give yourselves some time to remember how. Regardless, it s time to start dreaming once again!



Taking the risk to follow our hearts gives energy to our future and breathes life into our dreams. —Debbie Ford

黛比,福特说道:"冒险跟随心声,为未来注 入能量,将梦想转为现实。”

Once we know our dreams, goals can be established. Goals that will constantly take you a step closer—even if a small step closer towards your dream- s. Goals are a plan to help us realize our dreams. Goals plan the actions that must take place.

一旦清楚了我们的梦想,我们就可以设立目标。目标会不断地促使你更加接近你的梦想,即 使只是一小步。目标有助于我们实现梦想,有了目标,才能计划出必须采取的行动。

Dreams and goals are the planning , the thinking, the blueprint of your life. Action is the how! Action is rolling up your sleeves and going for it!

梦想和目标是你生活的计划、思想和蓝图。 而行动则是怎么去做!行动即是卷起你的衣袖,然后努力去追导!


Accomplishing your dreams require: 实现你的梦想需要:

* Solid clear goals 坚定明确的目标 * Action行动

Pursuit 追求


Persistence is often the key. Persistence, or as my wife calls it with me “stubbornness” . Call it whatever you want but it is the will to keep going, keep pushing over, around, or through obstacles to get what you truly want in life!


Real dreams are what you truly desire deep down. Dreams are worth pursuing. Dreams are worth sacrifice. They are not I wish! They are not I want! They are a burning desire to accomplish something or have something.



Your dreams will happen if you have the courage to pursue them!


Protect your dreams and the dreams of your love ones. Protect them be- cause they are one of your most valued possessions. Don’t ever let anyone steal your dreams.


We have established that dreaming is never optional! So what are your dreams? It s now your turn to dream and dream again!



If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours. —Thoreau

一个人如果充满信心地向梦想的方向前行,努力实践所想象的生活,他就会迎来平常想不到的成功。” 一一梭罗

"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by things you didn’t do than the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. Mark Twain

二十年后,让你觉得更失望的不是你做过的事情,而是你没有做过的事情。所以,解开帆索,从安全的港湾扬帆出行吧。乘着信风,去探索,去梦想,去发现!” 一一马克.吐温


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