








木材 不锈钢


Shanghai 上海


中学 庭院 教育建筑

感谢上海大观景观设计有限公司(联系邮箱:da_yxq@126.com)予gooood分享以下内容。Appreciations towardsDaguan Landscape Design(contact:da_yxq@126.com) for providing the following description:


In the real heart position of SES (Shanghai Experimental School) campus is a yard in square shape, it is surrounded by the buildings of Teaching Building, Complex Building, library and corridor, etc. Compared with the popular space, such as the nearby Sunshine Studio and terrace atrium, etc., the closed green land forms a sharp contrast.

▼庭院鸟瞰,aerial view of  the yard


At present, there are paths like the lines in the basketball court, which is beyond comprehension: it is useless except for the diagram. The paths have no rules of traffic and connection, nor support more activities. And even the diagram cannot be recognized when changing to normal viewpoint. The plants planted 10 years ago are plentiful, however, they are quite mussy, and plants have kept out the sight from all perspectives. Besides, the facing toe wall and the handrail just like a partition which makes the whole yard to be more separate from the surroundings. Not to mention the entrance hall of the Complex Building which is only being separated from the yard only by a wall. The French windows facing to the yard has been posted with posters for the poor greening appearance, and the windows are closed firmly.

▼庭院原貌,original view of the yard


▼动线分析,circulation analysis

After reconstructing, the yard uses transparent design, all the persons can enter the yard from all directions, and they can stay in the center of the yard. The line of sight between the entrance hall of in the first floor of the Complex Building and the opposite Teaching Building has been connected, the associative perception of the school space has been significantly improved. After the yard has been opened completely, the informal learning space combined by bookshelf and workbench will be expanded by replacing and integrating the transport space to satisfy the using demands of more students.

▼树桌花园概览,overview of the tree desk garden

▼树桌与大厅,the desk and the lobby


The new yard takes trees and desks as the main elements, therefore, it is called as Tree Desk Garden. The 11 remaining trees are normal species, they are not rare at all. And after growing for several years, they have formed vivifying upper cover, continuing this element is continuing the memory of the school as well, at the same time, it is the respect to life.

▼保留下的11棵树木形成绿意盎然的上层覆盖,the 11 remaining trees formed a vivifying canopy for the yard


Tree desk, the most important element of the whole garden, seems to be with free and random appearance, actually, the appearance is gained after analysis. The scale is evolved in accordance with the measure of the desk of the class with 40 students. And the positioning is placed by surrounding the point positions of the trunk; The spacing and interspace are in accordance with the aisles of the surrounding buildings.

▼树桌细部,tree desk detailed view

▼树桌依照树干点位环绕放置,the desks are arranged around the existing trunk


Tree Desk Garden brings the first informal outdoor learning space in SES. Compared with indoor and semi-indoor space, the garden owns a more open ambience, which will bring more convenient walking experience and more green natural landscape. It is encouraged that the teachers and students should freely use the Tree Desk Garden to expand the functions which has not been equipped by the original yard.

▼树桌花园为校园带来了开放的户外学习空间,Tree Desk Garden brings the first informal outdoor learning space in the campus

▼从大厅看树桌花园,tree desk garden seen from the lobby

▼走廊改造后紧邻树桌花园,the corridor is straightly connected to the garden

▼复合型学习空间,a multi-use space for learning


At the usual time, Tree Desk Garden is a poetic green land for SES, it quietly accompanies with the teachers and students. When blending in various activities, it becomes the center of the campus full of energy in a moment. The Tree Desk Garden is without handrail, no entrance, not fixed seat or fussy using rules, but console surface with appropriate scale and floor space with flat surface, and here, the diversified use full of imagination is encouraged.

▼树桌花园成为充满活力的校园中心,the garden becomes the center of the campus full of energy


Similar with Rain Flower Garden, except for serving all the native tree, the Tree Desk Garden also uses the eco design of permeable ground, all the rain can permeate into the ground and the slip and wetness of the ground can be reduced at the same time. Considering that the grade level connected by the buildings outside, and preventing from the rainwater flowing backward to the inside of the building during the rainstorm, the linear drainage system is used in the whole area. Compared with the Tree Desk Garden in 2018 with the yard in 2015, the green covers in the upper layer are almost the same, and even more flourish. While the lower space has been transferred into friendly space with energy from the pattern type green space lacking of interaction. The things which have been changed and which have not been changed well transmit the substance of organic renewal in the space.

▼2015的庭院和2018的树桌花园,the yard in 2015 and 2018

▼秋季的树桌花园,Tree Desk Garden in autumn

▼场地平面图,site plan


▼树桌原理图,tree desk design concept

▼树桌推导过程,design process




项目设计 & 完成年份:2018年3月设计,2018年9月完成










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