Below notes are from Harvard Open Course: Positive Psychology chapter 2.
Research is not suit for everyone. Identify what suit you, and apply it in your life.
Characters of extraordinary person:
faith, sense of meaning, help others, focus on strength, future oriented( not just wonder how bad I was today), role model, social support, strength to admit weakness.Questions create reality.(Exercise:提问画中有几个三角形,回答者却根本不记得公交车上有有几个孩子,甚至根本没看到)
When we appreciate the good(virtue, success, and so on), the good grow. Unfortunately, the opposite also works.
Active agent:take responsibility(rather than blame others), take action after experience the pain.
Take responsibility of your own life, understand that no one is coming.
- Our experience of the world is heavily influenced by where we place our attention.
Summary: Questions create reality.