

Chapter 3  Conformance

This chapter defines conformance to the Unicode Standard in terms of the principles andencoding architecture it embodies. The first section defines the format for referencing theUnicode Standard and Unicode properties. The second section consists of the confor-mance clauses, followed by sections that define more precisely the technical terms used inthose clauses. The remaining sections contain the formal algorithms that are part of con-formance and referenced by the conformance clause. Additional definitions and algo-rithms that are part of this standard can be found in the Unicode Standard Annexes listedat the end of Section 3.2, Conformance Requirements.
  In this chapter, conformance clauses are identified with the letter C. Definitions are identi-fied with the letter D. Bulleted items are explanatory comments regarding definitions orsubclauses.
  For information on implementing best practices, see Chapter 5, Implementation Guide-lines.

  • 3-1  Versions of the Unicode Standard

  For most character encodings, the character repertoire is fixed (and often small). Once therepertoire is decided upon, it is never changed. Addition of a new abstract character to agiven repertoire creates a new repertoire, which will be treated either as an update of theexisting character encoding or as a completely new character encoding.

  For the Unicode Standard, by contrast, the repertoire is inherently open. Because Unicodeis a universal encoding, any abstract character that could ever be encoded is a potentialcandidate to be encoded, regardless of whether the character is currently known.

  Each new version of the Unicode Standard supersedes the previous one, but implementa-tions—and, more significantly, data—are not updated instantly. In general, major andminor version changes include new characters, which do not create particular problemswith old data. The Unicode Technical Committee will neither remove nor move charac-ters. Characters may be deprecated, but this does not remove them from the standard orfrom existing data. The code point for a deprecated character will never be reassigned to adifferent character, but the use of a deprecated character is strongly discouraged. Theserules make the encoded characters of a new version backward-compatible with previousversions.

  Implementations should be prepared to be forward-compatible with respect to Unicodeversions. That is, they should accept text that may be expressed in future versions of thisstandard, recognizing that new characters may be assigned in those versions. Thus theyshould handle incoming unassigned code points as they do unsupported characters. (SeeSection 5.3, Unknown and Missing Characters.)

  A version change may also involve changes to the properties of existing characters. Whenthis situation occurs, modifications are made to the Unicode Character Database and anew version is issued for the standard. Changes to the data files may alter program behav-ior that depends on them. However, such changes to properties and to data files are nevermade lightly. They are made only after careful deliberation by the Unicode TechnicalCommittee has determined that there is an error, inconsistency, or other serious problemin the property assignments.


  Each version of the Unicode Standard, once published, is absolutely stable and will neverchange. Implementations or specifications that refer to a specific version of the UnicodeStandard can rely upon this stability. When implementations or specifications areupgraded to a future version of the Unicode Standard, then changes to them may be neces-sary. Note that even errata and corrigenda do not formally change the text of a publishedversion; see “Errata and Corrigenda” later in this section.

  Some features of the Unicode Standard are guaranteed to be stable across versions. Theseinclude the names and code positions of characters, their decompositions, and severalother character properties for which stability is important to implementations. See also “Stability of Properties” in Section 3.5, Properties. The formal statement of such stabilityguarantees is contained in the policies on character encoding stability found on the Uni-code website. See the subsection “Policies” in Section B.3, Other Unicode Online Resources.See the discussion of backward compatibility in Section 2.5 of Unicode Standard Annex#31, “Unicode Identifier and Pattern Syntax,” and the subsection “Interacting with Down-level Systems” in Section 5.3, Unknown and Missing Characters.

Version Numbering

  Version numbers for the Unicode Standard consist of three fields, denoting the major ver-sion, the minor version, and the update version, respectively. For example, “Unicode 5.2.0”indicates major version 5 of the Unicode Standard, minor version 2 of Unicode 5, andupdate version 0 of minor version Unicode 5.2.

  To simplify implementations of Unicode version numbering, the version fields are limitedto values which can be stored in a single byte. The major version is a positive integer con-strained to the range 1..255. The minor and update versions are non-negative integers con-strained to the range 0..255.

  Additional information on the current and past versions of the Unicode Standard can befound on the Unicode website. See the subsection “Versions” in Section B.3, Other UnicodeOnline Resources. The online document contains the precise list of contributing files fromthe Unicode Character Database and the Unicode Standard Annexes, which are formallypart of each version of the Unicode Standard.

  Major and Minor Versions. Major and minor versions have significant additions to thestandard, including, but not limited to, additions to the repertoire of encoded characters.Both are published as an updated core specification, together with associated updates tothe code charts, the Unicode Standard Annexes and the Unicode Character Database. Suchversions consolidate all errata and corrigenda and supersede any prior documentation formajor, minor, or update versions.

  A major version typically is of more importance to implementations; however, even updateversions may be important to particular companies or other organizations. Major andminor versions are often synchronization points with related standards, such as with ISO/IEC 10646.Prior to Version 5.2, minor versions of the standard were published as online amendmentsexpressed as textual changes to the previous version, rather than as fully consolidated neweditions of the core specification.

  Update Version. An update version represents relatively small changes to the standard, typ-ically updates to the data files of the Unicode Character Database. An update version neverinvolves any additions to the character repertoire. These versions are published as modifi-cations to the data files, and, on occasion, include documentation of small updates forselected errata or corrigenda.
Formally, each new version of the Unicode Standard supersedes all earlier versions. How-ever, update versions generally do not obsolete the documentation of the immediatelyprior version of the standard.

  Scheduling of Versions. Prior to Version 7.0.0, major, minor, and update versions of theUnicode Standard were published whenever the work on each new set of repertoire, prop-erties, and documentation was finished. The emphasis was on ensuring synchronization ofthe major releases with corresponding major publication milestones for ISO/IEC 10646,but that practice resulted in an irregular publication schedule.

  The Unicode Technical Committee changed its process as of Version 7.0.0 of the UnicodeStandard, to make the publication time predictable. Major releases of the standard are nowscheduled for annual publication. Further minor and update releases are not anticipated,but might occur under exceptional circumstances. This predictable, regular publicationmakes planning for new releases easier for most users of the standard. The detailed state-ments of synchronization between versions of the Unicode Standard and ISO/IEC 10646have become somewhat more complex as a result, but in practice this has not been a prob-lem for implementers.

Errata and Corrigenda

  From time to time it may be necessary to publish errata or corrigenda to the Unicode Stan-dard. Such errata and corrigenda will be published on the Unicode website. See Section B.3,Other Unicode Online Resources, for information on how to report errors in the standard.

  Errata. Errata correct errors in the text or other informative material, such as the represen-tative glyphs in the code charts. See the subsection “Updates and Errata” in Section B.3,Other Unicode Online Resources. Whenever a new major or minor version of the standard ispublished, all errata up to that point are incorporated into the core specification, codecharts, or other components of the standard.

  Corrigenda. Occasionally errors may be important enough that a corrigendum is issuedprior to the next version of the Unicode Standard. Such a corrigendum does not change thecontents of the previous version. Instead, it provides a mechanism for an implementation,protocol, or other standard to cite the previous version of the Unicode Standard with thecorrigendum applied. If a citation does not specifically mention the corrigendum, the cor-rigendum does not apply. For more information on citing corrigenda, see “Versions” inSection B.3, Other Unicode Online Resources.

References to the Unicode Standard

  The documents associated with the major, minor, and update versions are called the majorreference, minor reference, and update reference, respectively. For example, consider Uni-code Version 3.1.1. The major reference for that version is The Unicode Standard, Version3.0 (ISBN 0-201-61633-5). The minor reference is Unicode Standard Annex #27, “The Uni-code Standard, Version 3.1.” The update reference is Unicode Version 3.1.1. The exact list of contributory files, Unicode Standard Annexes, and Unicode Character Database filescan be found at Enumerated Version 3.1.1.The reference for this version, Version 12.0.0, of the Unicode Standard, is

  The Unicode Consortium. The Unicode Standard, Version 12.0.0,defined by: The Unicode Standard, Version 12.0 (Mountain View, CA:The Unicode Consortium, 2019. ISBN 978-1-936213-22-1)

  References to an update (or minor version prior to Version 5.2.0) include a reference toboth the major version and the documents modifying it. For the standard citation formatfor other versions of the Unicode Standard, see “Versions” in Section B.3, Other UnicodeOnline Resources.

Precision in Version Citation

  Because Unicode has an open repertoire with relatively frequent updates, it is importantnot to over-specify the version number. Wherever the precise behavior of all Unicode char-acters needs to be cited, the full three-field version number should be used, as in the firstexample below. However, trailing zeros are often omitted, as in the second example. Insuch a case, writing 3.1 is in all respects equivalent to writing 3.1.0.

  1. The Unicode Standard, Version 3.1.1
  2. The Unicode Standard, Version 3.1
  3. The Unicode Standard, Version 3.0 or later
  4. The Unicode Standard

  Where some basic level of content is all that is important, phrasing such as in the thirdexample can be used. Where the important information is simply the overall architectureand semantics of the Unicode Standard, the version can be omitted entirely, as in example 4.

References to Unicode Character Properties

  Properties and property values have defined names and abbreviations, such as
Property: General_Category (gc)
Property Value: Uppercase_Letter (Lu)

  To reference a given property and property value, these aliases are used, as in this example:
The property value Uppercase_Letter from the General_Category prop-erty, as specified in Version 12.0.0 of the Unicode Standard.

  Then cite that version of the standard, using the standard citation format that is providedfor each version of the Unicode Standard.When referencing multi-word properties or property values, it is permissible to omit theunderscores in these aliases or to replace them by spaces.

  When referencing a Unicode character property, it is customary to prepend the word “Uni-code” to the name of the property, unless it is clear from context that the Unicode Standardis the source of the specification.

References to Unicode Algorithms

  A reference to a Unicode algorithm must specify the name of the algorithm or its abbrevia-tion, followed by the version of the Unicode Standard, as in this example:
The Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm, as specified in Version 12.0.0 ofthe Unicode Standard.See Unicode Standard Annex #9, “Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm,” (http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/tr9-41.html)

  Where algorithms allow tailoring, the reference must state whether any such tailoringswere applied or are applicable. For algorithms contained in a Unicode Standard Annex, thedocument itself and its location on the Unicode website may be cited as the location of thespecification.When referencing a Unicode algorithm it is customary to prepend the word “Unicode” tothe name of the algorithm, unless it is clear from the context that the Unicode Standard isthe source of the specification.

  Omitting a version number when referencing a Unicode algorithm may be appropriatewhen such a reference is meant as a generic reference to the overall algorithm. Such ageneric reference may also be employed in the sense of latest available version of the algo-rithm. However, for specific and detailed conformance claims for Unicode algorithms,generic references are generally not sufficient, and a full version number must accompanythe reference.

  • 3-2  Conformance Requirements

  This section presents the clauses specifying the formal conformance requirements for pro-cesses implementing Version 12.0 of the Unicode Standard.In addition to this core specification, the Unicode Standard, Version 12.0.0, includes anumber of Unicode Standard Annexes (UAXes) and the Unicode Character Database. Atthe end of this section there is a list of those annexes that are considered an integral part ofthe Unicode Standard, Version 12.0.0, and therefore covered by these conformancerequirements.

  The Unicode Character Database contains an extensive specification of normative andinformative character properties completing the formal definition of the Unicode Stan-dard. See Chapter 4, Character Properties, for more information.Not all conformance requirements are relevant to all implementations at all times becauseimplementations may not support the particular characters or operations for which a givenconformance requirement may be relevant. See Section 2.14, Conforming to the UnicodeStandard, for more information.In this section, conformance clauses are identified with the letter C.

Code Points Unassigned to Abstract Characters

  C1 A process shall not interpret a high-surrogate code point or a low-surrogate code pointas an abstract character.
  • The high-surrogate and low-surrogate code points are designated for surrogatecode units in the UTF-16 character encoding form. They are unassigned to anyabstract character.

  C2 A process shall not interpret a noncharacter code point as an abstract character.
  • The noncharacter code points may be used internally, such as for sentinel val-ues or delimiters, but should not be exchanged publicly.

  C3 A process shall not interpret an unassigned code point as an abstract character.
• This clause does not preclude the assignment of certain generic semantics tounassigned code points (for example, rendering with a glyph to indicate theposition within a character block) that allow for graceful behavior in the pres-ence of code points that are outside a supported subset.
• Unassigned code points may have default property values. (See D26.)
• Code points whose use has not yet been designated may be assigned to abstractcharacters in future versions of the standard. Because of this fact, due care inthe handling of generic semantics for such code points is likely to provide bet-ter robustness for implementations that may encounter data based on futureversions of the standard.



  Interpretation of characters is the key conformance requirement for the Unicode Standard,as it is for any coded character set standard. In legacy character set standards, the singleconformance requirement is generally stated in terms of the interpretation of bit patternsused as characters. Conforming to a particular standard requires interpreting bit patternsused as characters according to the list of character names and the glyphs shown in theassociated code table that form the bulk of that standard.

  Interpretation of characters is a more complex issue for the Unicode Standard. It includesthe core issue of interpreting code points used as characters according to the names andrepresentative glyphs shown in the code charts, of course. However, the Unicode Standardalso specifies character properties, behavior, and interactions between characters. Suchinformation about characters is considered an integral part of the “character semanticsestablished by this standard.”

  Information about the properties, behavior, and interactions between Unicode charactersis provided in the Unicode Character Database and in the Unicode Standard Annexes.Additional information can be found throughout the other chapters of this core specifica-tion for the Unicode Standard. However, because of the need to keep extended discussionsof scripts, sets of symbols, and other characters readable, material in other chapters is notalways labeled as to its normative or informative status. In general, supplementary seman-tic information about a character is considered normative when it contributes directly tothe identification of the character or its behavior. Additional information provided aboutthe history of scripts, the languages which use particular characters, and so forth, is merelyinformative. Thus, for example, the rules about Devanagari rendering specified inSection 12.1, Devanagari, or the rules about Arabic character shaping specified inSection 9.2, Arabic, are normative: they spell out important details about how those charac-ters behave in conjunction with each other that is necessary for proper and complete inter-pretation of the respective Unicode characters covered in each section.

  C4 A process shall interpret a coded character sequence according to the character seman-tics established by this standard, if that process does interpret that coded charactersequence.
• This restriction does not preclude internal transformations that are never visi-ble external to the process.

  C5 A process shall not assume that it is required to interpret any particular coded charac-ter sequence.
• Processes that interpret only a subset of Unicode characters are allowed; thereis no blanket requirement to interpret all Unicode characters.
• Any means for specifying a subset of characters that a process can interpret isoutside the scope of this standard.
• The semantics of a private-use code point is outside the scope of this standard.
• Although these clauses are not intended to preclude enumerations or specifica-tions of the characters that a process or system is able to interpret, they do sep-arate supported subset enumerations from the question of conformance. Inactuality, any system may occasionally receive an unfamiliar character codethat it is unable to interpret.

  C6 A process shall not assume that the interpretations of two canonical-equivalent char-acter sequences are distinct.
• The implications of this conformance clause are twofold. First, a process isnever required to give different interpretations to two different, but canonical-equivalent character sequences. Second, no process can assume that anotherprocess will make a distinction between two different, but canonical-equivalentcharacter sequences.
• Ideally, an implementation would always interpret two canonical-equivalentcharacter sequences identically. There are practical circumstances under whichimplementations may reasonably distinguish them.
• Even processes that normally do not distinguish between canonical-equivalentcharacter sequences can have reasonable exception behavior. Some examples ofthis behavior include graceful fallback processing by processes unable to sup-port correct positioning of nonspacing marks; “Show Hidden Text” modes thatreveal memory representation structure; and the choice of ignoring collatingbehavior of combining character sequences that are not part of the repertoireof a specified language (see Section 5.12, Strategies for Handling NonspacingMarks).


  C7 When a process purports not to modify the interpretation of a valid coded charactersequence, it shall make no change to that coded character sequence other than the pos-sible replacement of character sequences by their canonical-equivalent sequences.
• Replacement of a character sequence by a compatibility-equivalent sequencedoes modify the interpretation of the text.
• Replacement or deletion of a character sequence that the process cannot ordoes not interpret does modify the interpretation of the text.
• Changing the bit or byte ordering of a character sequence when transforming itbetween different machine architectures does not modify the interpretation ofthe text.
• Changing a valid coded character sequence from one Unicode characterencoding form to another does not modify the interpretation of the text.
• Changing the byte serialization of a code unit sequence from one Unicodecharacter encoding scheme to another does not modify the interpretation ofthe text.
• If a noncharacter that does not have a specific internal use is unexpectedlyencountered in processing, an implementation may signal an error or replacethe noncharacter with U+FFFD replacement character. If the implementa-tion chooses to replace, delete or ignore a noncharacter, such an action consti-tutes a modification in the interpretation of the text. In general, a noncharactershould be treated as an unassigned code point. For example, an API thatreturned a character property value for a noncharacter would return the samevalue as the default value for an unassigned code point.
• Note that security problems can result if noncharacter code points are removedfrom text received from external sources. For more information, seeSection 23.7, Noncharacters, and Unicode Technical Report #36, “UnicodeSecurity Considerations.”
• All processes and higher-level protocols are required to abide by conformanceclause C7 at a minimum. However, higher-level protocols may define addi-tional equivalences that do not constitute modifications under that protocol.For example, a higher-level protocol may allow a sequence of spaces to bereplaced by a single space.
• There are important security issues associated with the correct interpretationand display of text. For more information, see Unicode Technical Report #36,“Unicode Security Considerations.”

Character Encoding Forms

  C8 When a process interprets a code unit sequence which purports to be in a Unicodecharacter encoding form, it shall interpret that code unit sequence according to thecorresponding code point sequence.
• The specification of the code unit sequences for UTF-8 is given in D92.
• The specification of the code unit sequences for UTF-16 is given in D91.
• The specification of the code unit sequences for UTF-32 is given in D90.

  C9 When a process generates a code unit sequence which purports to be in a Unicodecharacter encoding form, it shall not emit ill-formed code unit sequences.
• The definition of each Unicode character encoding form specifies the ill-formed code unit sequences in the character encoding form. For example, thedefinition of UTF-8 (D92) specifies that code unit sequences such as <C0 AF>are ill-formed.

  C10 When a process interprets a code unit sequence which purports to be in a Unicodecharacter encoding form, it shall treat ill-formed code unit sequences as an error con-dition and shall not interpret such sequences as characters.
• For example, in UTF-8 every code unit of the form 110xxxx2must be followedby a code unit of the form 10xxxxxx2. A sequence such as 110xxxxx2 0xxxxxxx2 isill-formed and must never be generated. When faced with this ill-formed codeunit sequence while transforming or interpreting text, a conformant processmust treat the first code unit 110xxxxx2 as an illegally terminated code unitsequence—for example, by signaling an error, filtering the code unit out, orrepresenting the code unit with a marker such as U+FFFD replacementcharacter.
• Conformant processes cannot interpret ill-formed code unit sequences. How-ever, the conformance clauses do not prevent processes from operating oncode unit sequences that do not purport to be in a Unicode character encodingform. For example, for performance reasons a low-level string operation maysimply operate directly on code units, without interpreting them as characters.See, especially, the discussion under D89.
• Utility programs are not prevented from operating on “mangled” text. Forexample, a UTF-8 file could have had CRLF sequences introduced at every 80bytes by a bad mailer program. This could result in some UTF-8 bytesequences being interrupted by CRLFs, producing illegal byte sequences. Thismangled text is no longer UTF-8. It is permissible for a conformant program torepair such text, recognizing that the mangled text was originally well-formedUTF-8 byte sequences. However, such repair of mangled data is a special case,and it must not be used in circumstances where it would cause security prob-lems. There are important security issues associated with encoding conversion,especially with the conversion of malformed text. For more information, seeUnicode Technical Report #36, “Unicode Security Considerations.”

Character Encoding Schemes

  C11 When a process interprets a byte sequence which purports to be in a Unicode characterencoding scheme, it shall interpret that byte sequence according to the byte order andspecifications for the use of the byte order mark established by this standard for thatcharacter encoding scheme.
• Machine architectures differ in ordering in terms of whether the most signifi-cant byte or the least significant byte comes first. These sequences are known as“big-endian” and “little-endian” orders, respectively.
• For example, when using UTF-16LE, pairs of bytes are interpreted as UTF-16code units using the little-endian byte order convention, and any initial <FFFE> sequence is interpreted as U+FEFF zero width no-break space (part ofthe text), rather than as a byte order mark (not part of the text). (See D97.)

Bidirectional Text

  C12 A process that displays text containing supported right-to-left characters or embeddingcodes shall display all visible representations of characters (excluding format charac-ters) in the same order as if the Bidirectional Algorithm had been applied to the text,unless tailored by a higher-level protocol as permitted by the specification.
• The Bidirectional Algorithm is specified in Unicode Standard Annex #9, “Uni-code Bidirectional Algorithm.”

Normalization Forms

  C13 A process that produces Unicode text that purports to be in a Normalization Formshall do so in accordance with the specifications in Section 3.11, Normalization Forms.
C14 A process that tests Unicode text to determine whether it is in a Normalization Formshall do so in accordance with the specifications in Section 3.11, Normalization Forms.
C15 A process that purports to transform text into a Normalization Form must be able toproduce the results of the conformance test specified in Unicode Standard Annex #15,“Unicode Normalization Forms.”
• This means that when a process uses the input specified in the conformancetest, its output must match the expected output of the test.

Normative References

  C16 Normative references to the Unicode Standard itself, to property aliases, to propertyvalue aliases, or to Unicode algorithms shall follow the formats specified in Section 3.1,Versions of the Unicode Standard.
C17 Higher-level protocols shall not make normative references to provisional properties.
• Higher-level protocols may make normative references to informative proper-ties.

Unicode Algorithms

  C18 If a process purports to implement a Unicode algorithm, it shall conform to the specifi-cation of that algorithm in the standard, including any tailoring by a higher-level pro-tocol as permitted by the specification.
•The term Unicode algorithm is defined at D17.
• An implementation claiming conformance to a Unicode algorithm need onlyguarantee that it produces the same results as those specified in the logicaldescription of the process; it is not required to follow the actual described pro-cedure in detail. This allows room for alternative strategies and optimizationsin implementation.

  C19 The specification of an algorithm may prohibit or limit tailoring by a higher-level pro-tocol. If a process that purports to implement a Unicode algorithm applies a tailoring,that fact must be disclosed.
• For example, the algorithms for normalization and canonical ordering are nottailorable. The Bidirectional Algorithm allows some tailoring by higher-levelprotocols. The Unicode Default Case algorithms may be tailored without lim-itation.

Default Casing Algorithms

  C20 An implementation that purports to support Default Case Conversion, Default CaseDetection, or Default Caseless Matching shall do so in accordance with the definitionsand specifications in Section 3.13, Default Case Algorithms.
• A conformant implementation may perform casing operations that are differ-ent from the default algorithms, perhaps tailored to a particular orthography,so long as the fact that a tailoring is applied is disclosed.

Unicode Standard Annexes

  The following standard annexes are approved and considered part of Version 12.0 of theUnicode Standard. These annexes may contain either normative or informative material,or both. Any reference to Version 12.0 of the standard automatically includes these stan-dard annexes.

• UAX #9: Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm, Version 12.0.0
• UAX #11: East Asian Width, Version 12.0.0
• UAX #14: Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm, Version 12.0.0
• UAX #15: Unicode Normalization Forms, Version 12.0.0
• UAX #24: Unicode Script Property, Version 12.0.0
• UAX #29: Unicode Text Segmentation, Version 12.0.0
• UAX #31: Unicode Identifier and Pattern Syntax, Version 12.0.0
• UAX #34: Unicode Named Character Sequences, Version 12.0.0
• UAX #38: Unicode Han Database (Unihan), Version 12.0.0
• UAX #41: Common References for Unicode Standard Annexes, Version 12.0.0
• UAX #42: Unicode Character Database in XML, Version 12.0.0
• UAX #44: Unicode Character Database, Version 12.0.0
• UAX #45: U-Source Ideographs, Version 12.0.0
• UAX #50: Unicode Vertical Text Layout, Version 12.0.0

  Conformance to the Unicode Standard requires conformance to the specifications con-tained in these annexes, as detailed in the conformance clauses listed earlier in this section.

  • 3-3  Semantics


  This and the following sections more precisely define the terms that are used in the confor-mance clauses.

Character Identity and Semantics

  D1 Normative behavior: The normative behaviors of the Unicode Standard consist ofthe following list or any other behaviors specified in the conformance clauses:

•Character combination
• Canonical decomposition
• Compatibility decomposition
• Canonical ordering behavior
• Bidirectional behavior, as specified in the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm(see Unicode Standard Annex #9, “Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm”)
• Conjoining jamo behavior, as specified in Section 3.12, Conjoining Jamo Behav-ior
• Variation selection, as specified in Section 23.4, Variation Selectors
• Normalization, as specified in Section 3.11, Normalization Forms
• Default casing, as specified in Section 3.13, Default Case Algorithms

  D2 Character identity: The identity of a character is established by its character nameand representative glyph in the code charts.
• A character may have a broader range of use than the most literal interpretationof its name might indicate; the coded representation, name, and representativeglyph need to be assessed in context when establishing the identity of a charac-ter. For example, U+002E full stop can represent a sentence period, an abbre-viation period, a decimal number separator in English, a thousands numberseparator in German, and so on. The character name itself is unique, but maybe misleading. See “Character Names” in Section 24.1, Character Names List.
• Consistency with the representative glyph does not require that the images beidentical or even graphically similar; rather, it means that both images are gen-erally recognized to be representations of the same character. Representing thecharacter U+0061 latin small letter a by the glyph “X” would violate itscharacter identity.

  D3 Character semantics: The semantics of a character are determined by its identity,normative properties, and behavior.
• Some normative behavior is default behavior; this behavior can be overriddenby higher-level protocols. However, in the absence of such protocols, thebehavior must be observed so as to follow the character semantics.
• The character combination properties and the canonical ordering behaviorcannot be overridden by higher-level protocols. The purpose of this constraintis to guarantee that the order of combining marks in text and the results of nor-malization are predictable.

  D4 Character name: A unique string used to identify each abstract character encoded inthe standard.
•The character names in the Unicode Standard match those of the English edi-tion of ISO/IEC 10646.
• Character names are immutable and cannot be overridden; they are stableidentifiers. For more information, see Section 4.8, Name.
• The name of a Unicode character is also formally a character property in theUnicode Character Database. Its long property alias is “Name” and its shortproperty alias is “na”. Its value is the unique string label associated with theencoded character.
• The detailed specification of the Unicode character names, including rules forderivation of some ranges of characters, is given in Section 4.8, Name. That sec-tion also describes the relationship between the normative value of the Nameproperty and the contents of the corresponding data field in UnicodeData.txtin the Unicode Character Database.

  D5 Character name alias: An additional unique string identifier, other than the charac-ter name, associated with an encoded character in the standard.
• Character name aliases are assigned when there is a serious clerical defect witha character name, such that the character name itself may be misleadingregarding the identity of the character. A character name alias constitutes analternate identifier for the character.
• Character name aliases are also assigned to provide string identifiers for con-trol codes and to recognize widely used alternative names and abbreviations forcontrol codes, format characters and other special-use characters.
• Character name aliases are unique within the common namespace shared bycharacter names, character name aliases, and named character sequences.
• More than one character name alias may be assigned to a given Unicode char-acter. For example, the control code U+000D is given a character name alias forits ISO 6429 control function as carriage return, but is also given a charactername alias for its widely used abbreviation “CR”.
• Character name aliases are a formal, normative part of the standard and shouldbe distinguished from the informative, editorial aliases provided in the code charts. See Section 24.1, Character Names List, for the notational conventionsused to distinguish the two.

  D6 Namespace: A set of names together with name matching rules, so that all names aredistinct under the matching rules.
• Within a given namespace all names must be unique, although the same namemay be used with a different meaning in a different namespace.
• Character names, character name aliases, and named character sequencesshare a single namespace in the Unicode Standard.

  • 3-4  Characters and Encoding

  D7 Abstract character: A unit of information used for the organization, control, or rep-resentation of textual data.
• When representing data, the nature of that data is generally symbolic asopposed to some other kind of data (for example, aural or visual). Examples ofsuch symbolic data include letters, ideographs, digits, punctuation, technicalsymbols, and dingbats.
• An abstract character has no concrete form and should not be confused with aglyph.
• An abstract character does not necessarily correspond to what a user thinks ofas a “character” and should not be confused with a grapheme.
• The abstract characters encoded by the Unicode Standard are known as Uni-code abstract characters.
• Abstract characters not directly encoded by the Unicode Standard can often berepresented by the use of combining character sequences.

  D8 Abstract character sequence: An ordered sequence of one or more abstract charac-ters.

  D9 Unicode codespace: A range of integers from 0 to 10FFFF16.
• This particular range is defined for the codespace in the Unicode Standard.Other character encoding standards may use other codespaces.

  D10 Code point: Any value in the Unicode codespace.
• A code point is also known as a code position.
• See D77 for the definition of code unit.

  D10a Code point type: Any of the seven fundamental classes of code points in the stan-dard: Graphic, Format, Control, Private-Use, Surrogate, Noncharacter, Reserved.
•See Ta b l e 2 - 3 for a summary of the meaning and use of each class.
• For Noncharacter, see also D14 Noncharacter.
• For Reserved, see also D15 Reserved code point.
• For Private-Use, see also D49 Private-use code point.
• For Surrogate, see also D71 High-surrogate code point and D73 Low-surrogatecode point.

  D10b Block: A named range of code points used to organize the allocation of characters.
• The exact list of blocks defined for each version of the Unicode Standard isspecified by the data file Blocks.txt in the Unicode Character Database.

• The range for each defined block is specified by Field 0 in Blocks.txt; for exam-ple, “0000..007F”.
• The ranges for blocks are non-overlapping. In other words, no code point canbe contained in the range for one block and also in the range for a second dis-tinct block.
• The range for each block is defined as a contiguous sequence. In other words, ablock cannot consist of two (or more) discontiguous sequences of code points.
• Each range for a defined block starts with a value for which code point MOD16 = 0 and terminates with a larger value for which code point MOD 16 = 15.This specification results in block ranges which always include full code pointcolumns for code chart display. A block never starts or terminates in mid-col-umn.
• All assigned characters are contained within ranges for defined blocks.
• Blocks may contain reserved code points, but no block contains only reservedcode points. The majority of reserved code points are outside the ranges ofdefined blocks.
• A few designated code points are not contained within the ranges for definedblocks. This applies to the noncharacter code points at the last two code pointsof supplementary planes 1 through 14.
• The name for each defined block is specified by Field 1 in Blocks.txt; for exam-ple, “Basic Latin”.
• The names for defined blocks constitute a unique namespace.
• The uniqueness rule for the block namespace is LM3, as defined in UnicodeStandard Annex #44, “Unicode Character Database.” In other words, casing,whitespace, hyphens, and underscores are ignored when matching strings forblock names. The string “BASIC LATIN” or “Basic_Latin” would be consid-ered as matching the name for the block named “Basic Latin”.
• There is also a normative Block property. See Ta b l e 3 - 2. The Block property is acatalog property whose value is a string that identifies a block.
• Property value aliases for the Block property are defined in PropertyVal-ueAliases.txt in the Unicode Character Database. The long alias defined for theBlock property is always a loose match for the name of the block defined inBlocks.txt. Additional short aliases and other aliases are provided for conve-nience of use in regular expression syntax.
• The default value for the Block property is “No_Block”. This default applies toany code point which is not contained in the range of a defined block.

  For a general discussion of blocks and their relation to allocation in the Unicode Standard,see “Allocation Areas and Blocks” in Section 2.8, Unicode Allocation. For a general discus-sion of the use of blocks in the presentation of the Unicode code charts, see Chapter 24,About the Code Charts.

  D11 Encoded character: An association (or mapping) between an abstract character anda code point.
• An encoded character is also referred to as a coded character.
• While an encoded character is formally defined in terms of the mappingbetween an abstract character and a code point, informally it can be thought ofas an abstract character taken together with its assigned code point.
• Occasionally, for compatibility with other standards, a single abstract charactermay correspond to more than one code point—for example, “Å” correspondsboth to U+00C5 Å latin capital letter a with ring above and to U+212BÅ angstrom sign.
• A single abstract character may also be represented by a sequence of codepoints—for example, latin capital letter g with acute may be represented by thesequence <U+0047 latin capital letter g, U+0301 combining acuteaccent>, rather than being mapped to a single code point.

  D12 Coded character sequence: An ordered sequence of one or more code points.
• A coded character sequenceis also known as a coded character representation.
• Normally a coded character sequence consists of a sequence of encoded char-acters, but it may also include noncharacters or reserved code points.
• Internally, a process may choose to make use of noncharacter code points in itscoded character sequences. However, such noncharacter code points may notbe interpreted as abstract characters (see conformance clause C2). Theirremoval by a conformant process constitutes modification of interpretation ofthe coded character sequence (see conformance clause C7).
• Reserved code points are included in coded character sequences, so that theconformance requirements regarding interpretation and modification areproperly defined when a Unicode-conformant implementation encounterscoded character sequences produced under a future version of the standard.

  Unless specified otherwise for clarity, in the text of the Unicode Standard the term charac-ter alonedesignates an encoded character. Similarly, the term character sequence alonedesignates a coded character sequence.

  D13 Deprecated character: A coded character whose use is strongly discouraged.
• Deprecated characters are retained in the standard indefinitely, but should notbe used. They are retained in the standard so that previously conforming datastay conformant in future versions of the standard.
• Deprecated characters typically consist of characters with significant architec-tural problems, or ones which cause implementation problems. Some examples of characters deprecated on these grounds include tag characters (seeSection 23.9, Tag Characters) and the alternate format characters (seeSection 23.3, Deprecated Format Characters).
• Deprecated characters are explicitly indicated in the Unicode code charts. Theyare also given an explicit property value of Deprecated = True in the UnicodeCharacter Database.
• Deprecated characters should not be confused with obsolete characters, whichare historical. Obsolete characters do not occur in modern text, but they are notdeprecated; their use is not discouraged.

  D14 Noncharacter: A code point that is permanently reserved for internal use. Nonchar-acters consist of the values U+nFFFE and U+nFFFF (where n is from 0 to 1016) andthe values U+FDD0..U+FDEF.
• For more information, see Section 23.7, Noncharacters.
• These code points are permanently reserved as noncharacters.

  D15 Reserved code point: Any code point of the Unicode Standard that is reserved forfuture assignment. Also known as an unassigned code point.
• Surrogate code points and noncharacters are considered assigned code points,but not assigned characters.
• For a summary classification of reserved and other types of code points, seeTa b l e 2 - 3.

  In general, a conforming process may indicate the presence of a code point whose use hasnot been designated (for example, by showing a missing glyph in rendering or by signalingan appropriate error in a streaming protocol), even though it is forbidden by the standardfrom interpreting that code point as an abstract character.

  D16 Higher-level protocol: Any agreement on the interpretation of Unicode charactersthat extends beyond the scope of this standard.
• Such an agreement need not be formally announced in data; it may be implicitin the context.
• The specification of some Unicode algorithms may limit the scope of what aconformant higher-level protocol may do.

  D17 Unicode algorithm: The logical description of a process used to achieve a specifiedresult involving Unicode characters.
• This definition, as used in the Unicode Standard and other publications of theUnicode Consortium, is intentionally broad so as to allow precise logicaldescription of required results, without constraining implementations to fol-low the precise steps of that logical description.

  D18 Named Unicode algorithm: A Unicode algorithm that is specified in the UnicodeStandard or in other standards published by the Unicode Consortium and that isgiven an explicit name for ease of reference.
• Named Unicode algorithms are cited in titlecase in the Unicode Standard.

  Ta b l e 3 - 1 lists the named Unicode algorithms and indicates the locations of their specifica-tions. Details regarding conformance to these algorithms and any restrictions they place onthe scope of allowable tailoring by higher-level protocols can be found in the specifications.In some cases, a named Unicode algorithm is provided for information only. When exter-nally referenced, a named Unicode algorithm may be prefixed with the qualifier “Unicode”to make the connection of the algorithm to the Unicode Standard and other Unicode spec-ifications clear. Thus, for example, the Bidirectional Algorithm is generally referred to byits full name, “Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm.” As much as is practical, the titles of Uni-code Standard Annexes which define Unicode algorithms consist of the name of the Uni-code algorithm they specify. In a few cases, named Unicode algorithms are also widelyknown by their acronyms, and those acronyms are also listed in Ta b l e 3 - 1

  • 3-5  Properties

  The Unicode Standard specifies many different types of character properties. This sectionprovides the basic definitions related to character properties.The actual values of Unicode character properties are specified in the Unicode CharacterDatabase. See Section 4.1, Unicode Character Database, for an overview of those data files.Chapter 4, Character Properties, contains more detailed descriptions of some particular,important character properties. Additional properties that are specific to particular charac-ters (such as the definition and use of the right-to-left override character or zero widthspace) are discussed in the relevant sections of this standard.

  The interpretation of some properties (such as the case of a character) is independent ofcontext, whereas the interpretation of other properties (such as directionality) is applicableto a character sequence as a whole, rather than to the individual characters that composethe sequence.

Types of Properties

  D19 Property: A named attribute of an entity in the Unicode Standard, associated with adefined set of values.
• The lists of code point and encoded character properties for the Unicode Stan-dard are documented in Unicode Standard Annex #44, “Unicode CharacterDatabase,” and in Unicode Standard Annex #38, “Unicode Han Database (Uni-han).”
• The file PropertyAliases.txt in the Unicode Character Database provides amachine-readable list of the non-Unihan properties and their names.

  D20 Code point property: A property of code points.
• Code point properties refer to attributes of code points per se, based on archi-tectural considerations of this standard, irrespective of any particular encodedcharacter.
• Thus the Surrogate property and the Noncharacter property are code pointproperties.

  D21 Abstract character property: A property of abstract characters.
• Abstract character properties refer to attributes of abstract characters per se,based on their independent existence as elements of writing systems or othernotational systems, irrespective of their encoding in the Unicode Standard.
• Thus the Alphabetic property, the Punctuation property, the Hex_Digit prop-erty, the Numeric_Value property, and so on are properties of abstract charac-ters and are associated with those characters whether encoded in the UnicodeStandard or in any other character encoding—or even prior to their beingencoded in any character encoding standard.

  D22 Encoded character property: A property of encoded characters in the Unicode Stan-dard.
• For each encoded character property there is a mapping from every code pointto some value in the set of values associated with that property.

  Encoded character properties are defined this way to facilitate the implementation of char-acter property APIs based on the Unicode Character Database. Typically, an API will takea property and a code point as input, and will return a value for that property as output,interpreting it as the “character property” for the “character” encoded at that code point.However, to be useful, such APIs must return meaningful values for unassigned codepoints, as well as for encoded characters.In some instances an encoded character property in the Unicode Standard is exactly equiv-alent to a code point property. For example, the Pattern_Syntax property simply defines arange of code points that are reserved for pattern syntax. (See Unicode Standard Annex#31, “Unicode Identifier and Pattern Syntax.”)

  In other instances, an encoded character property directly reflects an abstract characterproperty, but extends the domain of the property to include all code points, includingunassigned code points. For Boolean properties, such as the Hex_Digit property, typicallyan encoded character property will be true for the encoded characters with that abstractcharacter property and will be false for all other code points, including unassigned codepoints, noncharacters, private-use characters, and encoded characters for which theabstract character property is inapplicable or irrelevant.

  However, in many instances, an encoded character property is semantically complex andmay telescope together values associated with a number of abstract character propertiesand/or code point properties. The General_Category property is an example—it containsvalues associated with several abstract character properties (such as Letter, Punctuation,and Symbol) as well as code point properties (such as \p{gc=Cs} for the Surrogate codepoint property).

  In the text of this standard the terms “Unicode character property,” “character property,”and “property” without qualifier generally refer to an encoded character property, unlessotherwise indicated.A list of the encoded character properties formally considered to be a part of the UnicodeStandard can be found in PropertyAliases.txt in the Unicode Character Database. See also“Property Aliases” later in this section.

Property Values

  D23 Property value: One of the set of values associated with an encoded character prop-erty.
• For example, the East_Asian_Width [EAW ] property has the possible values“Narrow”, “Neutral”, “Wide”, “Ambiguous”, and “Unassigned”.

  A list of the values associated with encoded character properties in the Unicode Standardcan be found in PropertyValueAliases.txt in the Unicode Character Database. See also“Property Aliases” later in this section.

  D24 Explicit property value: A value for an encoded character property that is explicitlyassociated with a code point in one of the data files of the Unicode Character Data-base.

  D25 Implicit property value: A value for an encoded character property that is given by ageneric rule or by an “otherwise” clause in one of the data files of the Unicode Char-acter Database.
• Implicit property values are used to avoid having to explicitly list values formore than 1 million code points (most of them unassigned) for every property.

Default Property Values

  To work properly in implementations, unassigned code points must be given default prop-erty values as if they were characters, because various algorithms require property values tobe assigned to every code point before they can function at all.

  Default property values are not uniform across all unassigned code points, because certainranges of code points need different values for particular properties to maximize compati-bility with expected future assignments. This means that some encoded character proper-ties have multiple default values. For example, the Bidi_Class property defines a range ofunassigned code points as having the “R” value, another range of unassigned code points ashaving the “AL” value, and the otherwise case as having the “L” value. For information onthe default values for each encoded character property, see its description in the UnicodeCharacter Database.

  Default property values for unassigned code points are normative. They should not bechanged by implementations to other values.Default property values are also provided for private-use characters. Because the interpre-tation of private-use characters is subject to private agreement between the parties whichexchange them, most default property values for those characters are overridable byhigher-level protocols, to match the agreed-upon semantics for the characters. There areimportant exceptions for a few properties and Unicode algorithms. See Section 23.5, Pri-vate-Use Characters.

  D26 Default property value: The value (or in some cases small set of values) of a propertyassociated with unassigned code points or with encoded characters for which theproperty is irrelevant.
• For example, for most Boolean properties, “false” is the default property value.In such cases, the default property value used for unassigned code points maybe the same value that is used for many assigned characters as well.
• Some properties, particularly enumerated properties, specify a particular,unique value as their default value. For example, “X X” is the default propertyvalue for the Line_Break property.
• A default property value is typically defined implicitly, to avoid having to repeatlong lists of unassigned code points.
• In the case of some properties with arbitrary string values, the default propertyvalue is an implied null value. For example, the fact that there is no Unicodecharacter name for unassigned code points is equivalent to saying that thedefault property value for the Name property for an unassigned code point is anull string.

Classification of Properties by Their Values

  D27 Enumerated property: A property with a small set of named values.
• As characters are added to the Unicode Standard, the set of values may need tobe extended in the future, but enumerated properties have a relatively fixed setof possible values.

  D28 Closed enumeration: An enumerated property for which the set of values is closedand will not be extended for future versions of the Unicode Standard.
• The General_Category and Bidi_Class properties are the only closed enumera-tions, except for the Boolean properties.

  D29 Boolean property: A closed enumerated property whose set of values is limited to“true” and “false”.
• The presence or absence of the property is the essential information.
• Boolean properties are also commonly referred to as binary properties.
• In the UCD, the “true” and “false” values for a Boolean property have multiplealiases. For convenience, they may be referred to with the abbreviations “T”and “F” or as “yes” and “no” (abbreviated “Y” and “N”).

  D30 Numeric property: A numeric property is a property whose value is a number thatcan take on any integer or real value.
• An example is the Numeric_Value property. There is no implied limit to thenumber of possible distinct values for the property, except the limitations onrepresenting integers or real numbers in computers.

  D31 String-valued property: A property whose value is a string.
• The Canonical_Decomposition property is a string-valued property.

  D32 Catalog property: A property that is an enumerated property, typically unrelated toan algorithm, that may be extended in each successive version of the Unicode Stan-dard.
• Examples are the Age, Block, and Script properties. Additional new values forthe set of enumerated values for these properties may be added each time thestandard is revised. A new value for Age is added for each new Unicode version,a new value for Block is added for each new block added to the standard, and anew value for Script is added for each new script added to the standard.

  Most properties have a single value associated with each code point. However, some prop-erties may instead associate a set of multiple different values with each code point. See Sec-tion 5.7.6, Properties Whose Values Are Sets of Values, in Unicode Standard Annex #44,“Unicode Character Database.”

Property Status

  Each Unicode character property has one of several different statuses: normative, informa-tive, contributory, or provisional. Each of these statuses is formally defined below, withsome explanation and examples. In addition, normative properties can be subclassified,based on whether or not they can be overridden by conformant higher-level protocols.

  The full list of currently defined Unicode character properties is provided in Unicode Stan-dard Annex #44, “Unicode Character Database” and in Unicode Standard Annex #38,“Unicode Han Database (Unihan).” The tables of properties in those documents specifythe status of each property explicitly. The data file PropertyAliases.txt provides a machine-readable listing of the character properties, except for those associated with the UnicodeHan Database. The long alias for each property in PropertyAliases.txt also serves as the for-mal name of that property. In case of any discrepancy between the listing in Proper-tyAliases.txt and the listing in Unicode Standard Annex #44 or any other text of theUnicode Standard, the listing in PropertyAliases.txt should be taken as definitive. The tagfor each Unihan-related character property documented in Unicode Standard Annex #38serves as the formal name of that property.

  D33 Normative property: A Unicode character property used in the specification of thestandard.

  Specification that a character property is normative means that implementations whichclaim conformance to a particular version of the Unicode Standard and which make use ofthat particular property must follow the specifications of the standard for that property forthe implementation to be conformant. For example, the Bidi_Class property is required forconformance whenever rendering text that requires bidirectional layout, such as Arabic orHebrew.Whenever a normative process depends on a property in a specified way, that property isdesignated as normative.

  The fact that a given Unicode character property is normative does not mean that the val-ues of the property will never change for particular characters. Corrections and extensionsto the standard in the future may require minor changes to normative values, even thoughthe Unicode Technical Committee strives to minimize such changes. See also “Stability ofProperties” later in this section.

  Some of the normative Unicode algorithms depend critically on particular property valuesfor their behavior. Normalization, for example, defines an aspect of textual interoperabilitythat many applications rely on to be absolutely stable. As a result, some of the normativeproperties disallow any kind of overriding by higher-level protocols. Thus the decomposi-tion of Unicode characters is both normative and not overridable; no higher-level protocolmay override these values, because to do so would result in non-interoperable results forthe normalization of Unicode text. Other normative properties, such as case mapping, areoverridable by higher-level protocols, because their intent is to provide a common basis forbehavior. Nevertheless, they may require tailoring for particular local cultural conventionsor particular implementations.

  D34 Overridable property: A normative property whose values may be overridden byconformant higher-level protocols.
• For example, the Canonical_Decomposition property is not overridable. TheUppercase property can be overridden.

  Some important normative character properties of the Unicode Standard are listed inTa b l e 3 - 2, with an indication of which sections in the standard provide a general descrip-tion of the properties and their use. Other normative properties are documented in theUnicode Character Database. In all cases, the Unicode Character Database provides thedefinitive list of character properties and the exact list of property value assignments foreach version of the standard.

  D35 Informative property: A Unicode character property whose values are provided forinformation only.

  A conformant implementation of the Unicode Standard is free to use or change informa-tive property values as it may require, while remaining conformant to the standard. Animplementer always has the option of establishing a protocol to convey the fact that infor-mative properties are being used in distinct ways.Informative properties capture expert implementation experience. When an informativeproperty is explicitly specified in the Unicode Character Database, its use is strongly rec-ommended for implementations to encourage comparable behavior between implementa-tions. Note that it is possible for an informative property in one version of the UnicodeStandard to become a normative property in a subsequent version of the standard if its usestarts to acquire conformance implications in some part of the standard.Ta b l e 3 - 3 provides a partial list of the more important informative character properties.For a complete listing, see the Unicode Character Database.

  D35a Contributory property: A simple property defined merely to make the statement of arule defining a derived property more compact or general.

  Contributory properties typically consist of short lists of exceptional characters which areused as part of the definition of a more generic normative or informative property. In mostcases, such properties are given names starting with “Other”, as Other_Alphabetic or Oth-er_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point.Contributory properties are not themselves subject to stability guarantees, but they aresometimes specified in order to make it easier to state the definition of a derived propertywhich itself is subject to a stability guarantee, such as the derived, normative identifier-related properties, XID_Start and XID_Continue. The complete list of contributory prop-erties is documented in Unicode Standard Annex #44, “Unicode Character Database.”

  D36 Provisional property: A Unicode character property whose values are unapprovedand tentative, and which may be incomplete or otherwise not in a usable state.
• Provisional properties may be removed from future versions of the standard,without prior notice.

  Some of the information provided about characters in the Unicode Character Databaseconstitutes provisional data. This data may capture partial or preliminary information. Itmay contain errors or omissions, or otherwise not be ready for systematic use; however, itis included in the data files for distribution partly to encourage review and improvement ofthe information. For example, a number of the tags in the Unihan database file (Uni-han.zip) provide provisional property values of various sorts about Han characters.The data files of the Unicode Character Database may also contain various annotationsand comments about characters, and those annotations and comments should be consid-ered provisional. Implementations should not attempt to parse annotations and commentsout of the data files and treat them as informative character properties per se.

  Section 4.12, Characters with Unusual Properties, provides additional lists of Unicode char-acters with unusual behavior, including many format controls discussed in detail elsewherein the standard. Although in many instances those characters and their behavior have nor-mative implications, the particular subclassification provided in Ta b l e 4 - 1 0 does notdirectly correspond to any formal definition of Unicode character properties. Thereforethat subclassification itself should also be considered provisional and potentially subject tochange.

Context Dependence

  D37 Context-dependent property: A property that applies to a code point in the context ofa longer code point sequence.
• For example, the lowercase mapping of a Greek sigma depends on the contextof the surrounding characters.

  D38 Context-independent property: A property that is not context dependent; it applies toa code point in isolation.

Stability of Properties

  D39 Stable transformation: A transformation T on a property P is stable with respect toan algorithm A if the result of the algorithm on the transformed property A(T(P)) isthe same as the original result A(P) for all code points.

  D40 Stable property: A property is stable with respect to a particular algorithm or processas long as possible changes in the assignment of property values are restricted insuch a manner that the result of the algorithm on the property continues to be thesame as the original result for all previously assigned code points.
• As new characters are assigned to previously unassigned code points, thereplacement of any default values for these code points with actual propertyvalues must maintain stability.

  D41 Fixed property: A property whose values (other than a default value), once associ-ated with a specific code point, are fixed and will not be changed, except to correctobvious or clerical errors.
• For a fixed property, any default values can be replaced without restriction byactual property values as new characters are assigned to previously unassignedcode points. Examples of fixed properties include Age and Hangul_Syllable_-Type.
• Designating a property as fixed does not imply stability or immutability (see“Stability” in Section 3.1, Versions of the Unicode Standard). While the age of acharacter, for example, is established by the version of the Unicode Standard towhich it was added, errors in the published listing of the property value couldbe corrected. For some other properties, even the correction of such errors isprohibited by explicit guarantees of property stability.

  D42 Immutable property: A fixed property that is also subject to a stability guarantee pre-venting any change in the published listing of property values other than assign-ment of new values to formerly unassigned code points.
• An immutable property is trivially stable with respect to all algorithms.
• An example of an immutable property is the Unicode character name itself.Because character names are values of an immutable property, misspellingsand incorrect names will never be corrected clerically. Any errata will be notedin a comment in the character names list and, where needed, an informativecharacter name alias will be provided.
• When an encoded character property representing a code point property isimmutable, none of its values can ever change. This follows from the fact thatthe code points themselves do not change, and the status of the property isunaffected by whether a particular abstract character is encoded at a code pointlater. An example of such a property is the Pattern_Syntax property; all valuesof that property are unchangeable for all code points, forever.
• In the more typical case of an immutable property, the values for existingencoded characters cannot change, but when a new character is encoded, theformerly unassigned code point changes from having a default value for theproperty to having one of its nondefault values. Once that nondefault value ispublished, it can no longer be changed.

  D43 Stabilized property: A property that is neither extended to new characters nor main-tained in any other manner, but that is retained in the Unicode Character Database.
• A stabilized property is also a fixed property.

  D44 Deprecated property: A property whose use by implementations is discouraged.
• One of the reasons a property may be deprecated is because a different combi-nation of properties better expresses the intended semantics.
• Where sufficiently widespread legacy support exists for the deprecated prop-erty, not all implementations may be able to discontinue the use of the deprecated property. In such a case, a deprecated property may be extended to newcharacters so as to maintain it in a usable and consistent state.

  Informative or normative properties in the standard will not be removed even when theyare supplanted by other properties or are no longer useful. However, they may be stabilizedand/or deprecated.The complete list of stability policies which affect character properties, their values, andtheir aliases, is available online. See the subsection “Policies” in Section B.3, Other UnicodeOnline Resources.

Simple and Derived Properties

  D45 Simple property: A Unicode character property whose values are specified directly inthe Unicode Character Database (or elsewhere in the standard) and whose valuescannot be derived from other simple properties.

  D46 Derived property: A Unicode character property whose values are algorithmicallyderived from some combination of simple properties.

  The Unicode Character Database lists a number of derived properties explicitly. Eventhough these values can be derived, they are provided as lists because the derivation maynot be trivial and because explicit lists are easier to understand, reference, and implement.Good examples of derived properties include the ID_Start and ID_Continue properties,which can be used to specify a formal identifier syntax for Unicode characters. The detailsof how derived properties are computed can be found in the documentation for the Uni-code Character Database.

Property Aliases

  To enable normative references to Unicode character properties, formal aliases for proper-ties and for property values are defined as part of the Unicode Character Database.

  D47 Property alias: A unique identifier for a particular Unicode character property.
• The identifiers used for property aliases contain only ASCII alphanumericcharacters or the underscore character.
• Short and long forms for each property alias are defined. The short forms aretypically just two or three characters long to facilitate their use as attributes fortags in markup languages. For example, “General_Category” is the long formand “gc” is the short form of the property alias for the General Category prop-erty. The long form serves as the formal name for the character property.
• Property aliases are defined in the file PropertyAliases.txt lists all of the non-Unihan properties that are part of each version of the standard. The Unihanproperties are listed in Unicode Standard Annex #38, “Unicode Han Database(Unihan).”
• Property aliases of normative properties are themselves normative.

  D48 Property value alias: A unique identifier for a particular enumerated value for a par-ticular Unicode character property.
• The identifiers used for property value aliases contain only ASCII alphanu-meric characters or the underscore character, or have the special value “n/a”.
• Short and long forms for property value aliases are defined. For example, “Cur-rency_Symbol” is the long form and “Sc” is the short form of the property valuealias for the currency symbol value of the General Category property.
• Property value aliases are defined in the file PropertyValueAliases.txt in theUnicode Character Database.
• Property value aliases are unique identifiers only in the context of the particularproperty with which they are associated. The same identifier string might beassociated with an entirely different value for a different property. The combi-nation of a property alias and a property value alias is, however, guaranteed tobe unique.
• Property value aliases referring to values of normative properties are them-selves normative.

  The property aliases and property value aliases can be used, for example, in XML formatsof property data, for regular-expression property tests, and in other programmatic textualdescriptions of Unicode property data. Thus “gc = Lu” is a formal way of specifying that theGeneral Category of a character (using the property alias “gc”) has the value of being anuppercase letter (using the property value alias “Lu”).

Private Use

  D49 Private-use code point: Code points in the ranges U+E000..U+F8FF, U+F0000..U+FFFFD, and U+100000..U+10FFFD.
• Private-use code points are considered to be assigned characters, but theabstract characters associated with them have no interpretation specified bythis standard. They can be given any interpretation by conformant processes.
• Private-use code points are given default property values, but these default val-ues are overridable by higher-level protocols that give those private-use codepoints a specific interpretation. See Section 23.5, Private-Use Characters.

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  • 文/潘晓璐 我一进店门,熙熙楼的掌柜王于贵愁眉苦脸地迎上来,“玉大人,你说我怎么就摊上这事。” “怎么了?”我有些...
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  • 文/不坏的土叔 我叫张陵,是天一观的道长。 经常有香客问我,道长,这世上最难降的妖魔是什么? 我笑而不...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 53,799评论 1 271
  • 正文 为了忘掉前任,我火速办了婚礼,结果婚礼上,老公的妹妹穿的比我还像新娘。我一直安慰自己,他们只是感情好,可当我...
    茶点故事阅读 62,697评论 5 359
  • 文/花漫 我一把揭开白布。 她就那样静静地躺着,像睡着了一般。 火红的嫁衣衬着肌肤如雪。 梳的纹丝不乱的头发上,一...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 48,069评论 1 276
  • 那天,我揣着相机与录音,去河边找鬼。 笑死,一个胖子当着我的面吹牛,可吹牛的内容都是我干的。 我是一名探鬼主播,决...
    沈念sama阅读 37,535评论 3 390
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我猛地睁开眼,长吁一口气:“原来是场噩梦啊……” “哼!你这毒妇竟也来了?” 一声冷哼从身侧响起,我...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 36,200评论 0 254
  • 序言:老挝万荣一对情侣失踪,失踪者是张志新(化名)和其女友刘颖,没想到半个月后,有当地人在树林里发现了一具尸体,经...
    沈念sama阅读 40,353评论 1 294
  • 正文 独居荒郊野岭守林人离奇死亡,尸身上长有42处带血的脓包…… 初始之章·张勋 以下内容为张勋视角 年9月15日...
    茶点故事阅读 35,290评论 2 317
  • 正文 我和宋清朗相恋三年,在试婚纱的时候发现自己被绿了。 大学时的朋友给我发了我未婚夫和他白月光在一起吃饭的照片。...
    茶点故事阅读 37,331评论 1 329
  • 序言:一个原本活蹦乱跳的男人离奇死亡,死状恐怖,灵堂内的尸体忽然破棺而出,到底是诈尸还是另有隐情,我是刑警宁泽,带...
    沈念sama阅读 33,020评论 3 315
  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
    茶点故事阅读 38,610评论 3 303
  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 29,694评论 0 19
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 30,927评论 1 255
  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 42,330评论 2 346
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 41,904评论 2 341
