L4 Unit 1-1Listening 旅游
Christina is on the 2 weeks’ vacation. This is the firstvacation she’s had for a long time. The last vacation she took was more than 2years ago. Now she is visiting a friend in San Francisco. Her friend and herhusband are living near the center of the city. He works for a start-up companyat Silicon Valley. While he was working, she works part time at the departmentstore.
Christiana hasn’t seen her friend for long time. The lasttime they saw each other was 3 years ago. At that time, they were both workingat a department store
Then Christina quit her job and started her own business. Shedesigns women’s clothing. She has 2 employers now and her company is slowlygrowing.
Christina has come to San Francisco by herself. Her husbanddidn’t come because he has to work. He tried to start a the company 2 years ago,but it didn’t work out. His companyfailed after only a few months. So now he’s working at another company and savingmoney. Once he saves enough money, he plans to start another company. Hedoesn’t want to give up.
This is the second time Christina has been to San Francisco.The first time was when she was a high school student. That was more than 10years ago. During that trip, she was only in San Francisco for a few days.After that, she went to Los Angles and New York. This time, she and her friendplan to relax and have fun.
Christina arrived two days ago, the day before yesterday. Herfriend met her at the airport and drove her to her apartment. Her apartment isjust north of the airport, about 20 minutes from San Francisco. It’s a smallapartment but it’s on a hill and it has a great view. Yesterday they wentdowntown and rode the cable cars. Christina was surprised by how steep thehills are. Then they walked along the ocean and ate lunch at the seafoodrestaurant. From the restaurant they could see the Golden Gate bridge.
Tomorrow they’re planning to drive to Yosemite National Park.By car it’s about 4 hours away. Christina has never been there before, so she isexcited. She has heard the park is very beautiful. Her friend has been toYosemite several times. She says it’s one of the most beautiful places in theworld. Christina just hopes that her friend is a good driver.
L4 Unit 1-1 vocabulary 伤病和地貌地形
Headache can be very painful and can last
for a long time. If you have headache your head hurts.
A sprained ankle can be so painful that you
can’t walk. Someone with a sprained ankle may need to use to crutches to walk.
ankle n.踝,踝关节;脚脖子
if you have a sore throat, it may bepainful toswallow. A sore throatcan be caused byviruses or bacteria.
A burn is an injury to the skin cause by
fire or heat. If you get too close to a fire, you will be burned.
An earache is a sharp,dullorburning paininthe ear. Common causes of an earache include an infection, a changing airpressure or water in the ear.
Mountains are landformshigher than2000 feet or about 600metersabove sea level. Hills arelike mountain, but not as tall. Mountains are formed by the forces deep withinthe earth and are made of many types of rocks
Riversarestreamof waterthat usuallybegin atmountains andflow intothe sea. Many early citieswere built alongside rivers.
Most of the world’s water is in the ocean,whichare the largebodies ofsalt water. The oceans arealso an important source of oxygen.
Deserts areareas of landthat receive little or no rainfall. The amount ofrainfall in some deserts is so low thatonly
a few plantscan survive.
A valley is low, relatively flat area between
hills and mountains, often with the river running through it. Some valleys are
formed by flowing river and others are formed by glaciers.
L4 Unit 1-1 dialogue 谈论吃饭和预约
M: Have you eaten yet.
F: Not I haven’t and I’m hungry.
M: Me too. Let’s go out for dinner.
F: Where to
M: What about joe’s Italian.
F: How many times have you eaten there.
M: I eat there a lot. It’s one of my
favorite places.
F: I went there two weeks ago and the
service was terrible.
M: Really, then let’s go some places
else.What do you suggest?
F: How about the royal Indian. It’s not far
from here.
M: I’ve never heard of it. Is it good?
F: Yes, I have been there several times and
I’ve never been disappointed.
M: Ok, let’s try it. I’ve never eaten
Indian food for a long time.
F: You won’t be disappointed and the prices
are reasonable.
M: Ah, so you mean I’m going to pay.
F: Well, that would certainly be nice.
M: What about reservations.
F: If you get there early enough, we won’t
need them.
M: I hope you’re right.
F: Don’t worry, if we have to wait, I‘ll
pay the bill.
L4 Unit 1-2 Listening 旅游2
Today, Christina and her friend are enjoying themselves. This
morning they got up very early and drove out of San Francisco. They crossed the
Bay Bridge before the early morning commute and drove south. Because it was so
early, there were almost not cars.
After driving an hour and a half, they stopped to had breakfast.
They ordered pancakes and coffee. They also had some fresh fruits. When they
finished eating, it was 7 o’clock. Then they got back into the car and drove
south. Christina wanted to listen to music, so they turned on the radio. An
hour later they stopped for gas. They noticed that there was also a charging
station for electric cars.
It’s now 1:15 and they are in Yosemite Park. They have been there
for two hours, since 11:15. They are looking at the Yosemite falls, which is
the highest waterfall in the park. The water drops a total of 740 meters from
the top of upper fall to the base of the lower fall.
In another 15 minutes they plan to eat lunch at a magnificent old
hotel in the park. It was built in 1927 and has a great view. They wanted to
stay there, but they couldn’t get reservation. To get a room at that hotel you
usually need to make reservations several months in advance.
They plan to stay in the park until around 4 o’clock. By then theywill have beenin the park for nearly 5hours. Then they’ll get back into the car and drive back to San Francisco. Theyplan to eat dinner somewhere along the way. If the traffic isn’t too bad, theyshould be back in San Franciscoby10 o’clock.
Early tomorrow morning they are going to cross the Golden Gate Bridgeand go northalongthe coast. Fromsome places, you canlook out on the
oceanand see whales and other sea life. Christina has never seen a whalebefore, so she’s looking forward to it. And tomorrow night they have somethingspecial planned. They are going to watch a baseball game. Christina has neverseen a baseball game, but she has heard that it is very popular in the US. Andthe San Francisco baseball team is one of the best.
L4 Unit 1-2 vocabulary 力学、几何
A force is the push or a pull on the
object. A force changes the motion of a moving object.
A force can be strong or weak and it always
has a direction.
The earth is a planet that goes around thesunin the circular orbit. The speedof its motion doesn’t change and the direction of its motion does. The earthhas a layer of gas above its surface, which helps to support life.
Atoms are the building blocks of matter. Atthe center of an atom is its nucleus, which has a positive electric charge.Outside thenucleusare electrons,which have a negative charge.
Asteroidsand comics are object thatorbitsour sun, but are smaller than planets. Asteroid that pass close to the earthare called the near-earth objects. The layer of gases, just above the earth surface,is our atmosphere. The atmosphere is made up of gases, such as oxygen andhydrogen. Without anatmosphere, there will be not life onthe earth.
Asteroid n.[天]小行星;海盘车;海星 adj.星状的
orbit n.轨道;眼眶;势力范围;(人生的)旅程,生活过程
vt.& vi.在…轨道上运行,环绕轨道运行
The two lines on the leftintersecteach other at aright anglewhich is 90 degrees. The 2lines on the right are parallel, which means they never cross.
Theadjacentsides of rectangle are perpendicular, which means they meet at a 90-degreeangle. Theopposite sides of therectangle are equal a parallel, which means they never cross. The area of arectangle is the length times the width.
Intersect vt.横断,横切,横穿 vt.& vi.(指线条、道路等)相交,交叉
A circle is the 2dimensional figureswithradiusandcircumferencewhich is thedistance around the circle. The area of the circle is π R square, where r isthe radius and Pi is theratio of thecircle’s circumferencetoitsdiameter.
Dimensional adj.维的;尺寸的;<物>量纲的;<数>因次的
A sphere is a 3 dimensional figure with thea ratioandvolume,which is thethree-fourth πR cube. All points on thesurface
of the sphereareequidistant fromits center.
Cube n.立方形,立方体;立方,三次幂;小房间
equidistance 等距离的
A rectriangle is a 2 dimensional figurewith 3 sides,2 of whichare perpendicular.To find its area, multiply the length of the 2 perpendicular sides, A and B anddivided by 2, A equates one half A B.
Equate vt.等同;使相等;相当于
the electric force between the nucleus and
the electrons holds the atom together.
A force can increase or decrease the speed
of an object, and it can change the direction of motion.
L4 Unit 1-2 dialogue
M:Have you finished
eating yet.
F:Not, I
haven’t.Why are you in such a hurry.
M:I’m sorry, but
you are such a slow eater.
F:A low eater? Well I try to
enjoy my food. You just eat and swallow. I don’t see how you can even taste it.
M:Ok, I’m sorry. Doyou mind if I get another glass of vine.
F:No, go ahead. I don’t want you
to sit there putting pressure on me. I thought we were going to have a relaxing
M:Yes, you areright. I’d like to relax, but I had a lotonmy mind.
M:Yes. it is. I’ve been getting
some strange emails from my boss. He wants me to cut down on my expenses. Maybe he wants to fire me.
F:Is business bad?
M:Yes, it is. But I
don’t want to talk about it.
F:Ok, but I’m a
good listener. You can tell me if you’d like to.
M:Thanks, maybe some other time.
I’ll try to start thinking about it and deal with it tomorrow.
F:Good idea. You
need to take a break from work. Your health is important and so am I.
M:Yes, you are. I
don’t know what would I do without you.
L4 Unit 1-3 listening 旅游3
Harry is an American businessman. His job requires him to do a lot
of travelling. He takes 9 or 10 trips a year. In the past six months he has
made five trips. Three were to Asia and two were to Europe. The purpose of these
trips is to attend meetings and make presentations.
Harry loves to travel and he has traveled to many countries. Most of
his trips are for one or two weeks. His first international trip was 15 years
ago when he was 20 years old. He really wanted to see Asia, so he and a friend
flew to Tokyo, Japan.
From Tokyo, they traveled around Japan for 2 weeks. The people they
met very nice, but most of them didn’t speak English. Harry tried to speak a
little Japanese, but it was difficult. He didn’t do very well. When he spoke to
people, most of them just looked at him. They didn’t understand what he was
trying to say.
From Japan they went to Korea for a week, and then they went to
China. In China they visited the Great Wall in Beijing. He stayed in Beijing
for a few days and then they boarded a train for shanghai. It was an overnight
train with sleeping cars.
During the journey, they enjoyed looking out of the window at the
countryside. The view from the train was wonderful. Harry will never forget
watching the sun go down in the evening. It was a beautiful sunset.
The journey to shanghai took many hours, but it was an unforgettable
experience. On the train, he met a Chinese Professor who spoke English. He was
middle-aged man whose hair was turning grey. He told them about how things were
changing in China. It was wonderful to watch him as he was speaking. His eyes
were full of energy and excitement.
They only stayed in shanghai for a couple of days. Then they
returned to US and went back to school. They had one more years to finish their
Harry’s next new trips were to different parts of the world. He went
to Europe twice, each time to different countries. On one trip he travel
through the UK and France. On the next trip he went Italy and Greece.
After the Europe he traveled to Mexico and South America. In southAmerica he went toArgentinaandBrazil. He enjoyed watching some greatsoccer matches.
Then he decided to go back to Asia. But this time, he went to SoutheastAsia. He visitedVietnam,Thailandand Singapore. Each countryhad a charm of its own.
After this travel, harry decided to make travel part of his career.
He didn’t want to work only in the US. He didn’t work only with Americans. He
wanted to experience other countries and other cultures. His dream was to work
for an international company.
Five years ago his dream came true. Now he’s working for a German
hi-tech company. As part of his job, he has to travel a lot. As a result, he
has been to many cities and counties. And he has met many interesting people.
L4 Unit 1-3 vocabulary 牙齿、人体器官
A dental cavity is a hole in the tooth. A
cavity is caused by bacteria in the mouth. Brushing your teeth frequently and
regularly can help prevent cavities.
cracked adj.有裂缝的;声音沙哑的;精神失常的
A cracked tooth can be caused by bitingdown on some hard. Dentists the treat cracked tooth bycovering it withacrown(牙冠).
crown n.王冠;花冠(有时象征胜利);王权;(某物的)顶部 vi.露顶
A dental X-ray is a picture of your teeth
and gums. An X-ray shows what can’t be seen on the surface of teeth and gums.
Braces are used by dentists tostraightenteeth over a periods ofyears. Those braces are usually for children. they can also be used for adultswithcrookedteeth.
Brace vt.支撑;系紧;准备,预备;振作起来 vi.准备好;支持;打起精神
Straighten vt.&
crook n.骗子;弯曲;钩;诡计 vt.使成钩状;使弯曲
vi.弯曲 adj.不正当的;骗人的
crooked adj.弯曲的;不正当的;歪扭的;用不正当手段得来的
To extract a tooth means to remove it from
the mouth. Dentists have to pull hard to extract a tooth.
The heart pumps blood to all parts ofbodies through a system ofarteriesand vein. It’s located in the chest,between the lungs and it beats about once per second.
Artery n.[解剖]动脉;干线,要道
toxin n.毒素;毒质
The kidneys remove waste andtoxinsfrom the blood. They have beenshaped and about 10 cm long, and 6 cmwide.
The lungs exchange oxygen from the air withCO2 from the blood. Theyexpandwheninhalingair andcontractwhenexhalingair.
Inhale vt.& vi.吸气;吸入;〈非〉狼吞虎咽
Exhale vt.发散出;放出,放射;使蒸发;[医]渗出
Thestomachis below the heart and it’s part of the digest system. It uses acids to digestfood beforepassingittothe smallintestine.
Small intestine n.小肠
The bladder is a balloon-shaped organ that collects urine from the kidneys. In an
audit, the bladder can hold about half a liter of urine.
urine n.尿;小便;下泉
a liter
of 公升
L4 Unit 1-3 dialogue 谈论贿赂
P: Good evening, sir. You were driving too
M: Really. Was i.
P: Yes, you were going well above the speed
M: I’m sorry, officer.
P: Ok, I need to see your driver’slicense.
M: Here is my driver’s license.
P: Your license is expired. Are you aware
of that?
M: No, sir. That’s a surprise. I didn’t
P: It expired more than a year ago.
P: Is this your car.
M: No, sir, it’s a friend’s. I’m borrowing it forthe night.
P: Get out of the car and put your hands
behind your back.
M: Why officer, what have I done.
P: Just do as I say.
M: Ok, officer, I’m cooperating. Please
don’t push me.
P: Get your hands behind your back.
M: Ok! ok!
P: I’m not asking you. I’m ordering you.
M: Please officer, I haven’t done anything
P: Stand still and don’t say anything. This
is a stolen car, are you aware of that.
M: Are you going to arrest me.
P: What do you think. That’s what we do
with car thieves.
M: If you let me go, I will give you a
couple of thousand dollars. I haven’t hurt anybody.
P: So now you’re trying tobribeme. How stupid can you be.
M: I just don’t want to go back tojail. Give me a break.
P: Sure, you are a nice guy. I’d like to
give you a break. But that’s nothing I can do.
M: Please officer.
P: Ok, where is the money. Let me see it
and I will think about it.
L4 Unit 1-4 listening 家政服务
Quick service is a successful home repair company. It provides
quick, reliable repair services to homes. It was established 5 years ago and
has been expanding rapidly. In the last 2 years, it has opened offices in 3 new
Because of its rapid growth, it has to hire many new employees. In
the last 6 months, it has hired 50 new employees. The total number of the
employees in the company is now over 500. And the number of the customers has
increased to more than 5000.
The company has also improved its business model. Instead ofoffering only repair services, it can now help customers upgrade theirappliances. QuickService does this by giving a choice. Customers can chooserepair an appliance orupgrade it bybuying a new one. If they choose to buy a new one, they will get a discountedprice. So a customer can either repair a broken refrigerator for a small fee orbuy a new one.
If they buy a new one, they will get a discounted price, along withfreeinstallation. This is possiblebecause several appliance manufactures have agreed to give QuickService bigdiscounts. QuickService then installs the new appliance and remove the old one.Feedback from customers has been positive.
A high percentage of customershave
taken advantages ofthis new service. As a result, QuickService has developeda great reputation.Its dedication tothe high quality service has proven to be successful. Its word-of-mouthapproach toadvertisinghas beencost effective. The appliance manufactures have also been happy with theresults. Their growing relationship with QuickService has helped increase theirsales.
The world’s population is growing. There are over 7 billion peoplein the world. During the 20thcentury, the population grew from 1.65billion to 6 billion. It’s now going at a rate of around 1.1% per year. Thatmeans an increase is about 80 million per year. By 2024 the population isexpected to be around 8 billion people.
The growth rate used to be higher. In the late 1960s, the rate of
growth was about 2%. Since then the growth rate has declined. It is estimated
that the growth rate will be even less than 1% by 2020. By the year 2050 the
growth rate should be even less.
Even with a declining growth rate, the population will continue to
grow. But it will grow at a slower rate. In the pass 15 years, the world’s
population has more than doubled. It has doubled from around 3 billion in 1960
to more than 7 billion in 2011.
The rate of growth varies by country. The growth rate in India ismore than twice than that of china. And the growth rate in Nigeria, which isAfrica, is more than twice than India’s growth rate. Russia, one the otherhand, has had a negative growth rate in some years. When the country has anegative growth rate, its population is decreasing.
L4 Unit 1-4 vocabulary 名人和性格
Co-funder of apple, this entrepreneur was a major figure in the
computer industry. He was self-center and difficult to work for, but he led the
development of many great products. He died of cancer when he was just 56 years
Jack Ma is one of the richest and most famous men in china. He comesfrom a poor family and failed his college entrance exam twice.Despite ofmany failures, he has builtone of the world’s largest internet companies.
David Beckham is one of world’s richest and famous athletes. He
stared playing professional football when he was just 17. Much of his
successful at an athlete, is because he practice hard than many other players.
As a young girl inPakistan,Malala became famous for her writing some women education. In 2012, she wasshot in the head and nearly killed. She survived the injury and became theworld’s most famous teenager.
Born in 1942, Stephen Hocking is one of the world’s most famousscientists. When he was 23, he was diagnosed with AIS, a rare disease of thenerves. Because of his disease, he isunable to walk and talk.
Shy people are usually quiet and uncomfortable around other people.
They generally dislike going to social events such as party. It’s often
difficult to make friend with shy person because they won’t open up.
Outgoing people are enjoying being with other people and are comfortable
in social situations. They are friendly and pleasant to be with, though
sometime they can be trusted.
Self-centered people like to be the center of attention. They like
people to look at them and pay attention to them. Self-centered people often
talk too much and don’t listen enough.
Selfish andgreedypeopledon’t share things with others. They keep things for themselves and always wantmore.
People who are responsible and trust-worthy, are important in almost
any situation. They can be depended on to get things done. These people can be
Some people really dislike being around self-centered people.
L4 Unit 1-4 dialogue 女朋友
M1:Hey, steven, you
know I’m your friend, right.
M2:Sure, I know
that. What are you trying to say.
M1:I’m sorry to say
this. But I think you’re making a fool of yourselves.
M2:How am i make a
fool of myself
M1:You girlfriend
are taking advantage of you.
advantaging of me?
M1:Yes, I think so.
She just using you.
M2:So, maybe she
is. But I don’t mind. Even if she is using me, it’s ok. I’m using her too.
M1:What do you
mean. Aren’t you in love with her?
M2:Yes, I’m in love
with her. But that doesn’t mean that I’m not using her too.
M1:I don’t
understand. What do you mean.
M2:Maybe I’m using her because Ienjoy being in love. I can’timaginelife without her. Even if she hurts me sometimes, I love her.
M1:Do you trust
M2:Yes, I trust. She tells mewhat’s important to her. She’s honest with me. She is neverlied to me about anything important.
M1:Are you honest
with her?
M2:Yes, we are honest with each
other, even when it hurts. And because we’re honest with each other, we trust
each other.
M1:Ok, so you don’t
think you’re being taken advantage of.
M2:No, I don’t, as long as sheis honest with me. The day she isn’t honest with me, will be the end of ourrelationship. And when that happens, my heart will break. Butuntil then, I’m her man.
M1:Ok, I think I
understand. I didn’t think you knew what was going on.
M2:I’m as stupid as
my look, my friend. Being in love with her, makes my life exiting.
M1:Well, I hope
you’re right.