【教程|翻译】EOS Todo Dapp——免费RAM模型和state管理



本文原文链接为https://steemit.com/eos/@leordev/eos-todo-dapp-free-ram-model-and-state-management-eos-redux-3 ,由本号“EOS技术爱好者”翻译。


EOS Todo Dapp - Free RAM Model and State Management - EOS + Redux = <3


You probably heard about the benefits of working with immutable states. That's the whole base of the blockchain, in ugly words, a big immutable database (decentralized of course). I'm not entering in details of the advantages of immutability, it's already changing the world and you can see it in our lovely EOS blockchain.


Now, inspired by the amazing DecentTwitter FREE RAM Dapp built by @kesarito and also by our outrageous EOS RAM price, I was studying and playing with Free RAM models and what should go inside EOS multi_index tables and what does not.

我的灵感来自于@kesarito打造的令人惊叹的DecentTwitter FREE RAM Dapp,以及我们夸张的EOS RAM价格。我正在学习和使用免费的RAM模型,以及考虑应该在EOS多索引表格中使用什么,和不使用什么。

Functional Programming FTW


Working a lot in the last years with functional languages like Elixir and Elm, you have something in common: Immutability. The state is immutable and you actually use functions to update the state. You are not really updating a state, you are always creating a new one as it's immutable.


I would like to pick The Elm Architecture in this example, as it is the perfect fit for browsers (which I think is the best use case in how to handle a million things running in parallel - and that's what EOS will achieve soon). So this is the Elm Model-View-Update Architecture:

我想在这个例子中选择 Elm 架构,因为它对于浏览器是最佳选择(我认为它是阐释如何并行处理百万级交易的最佳用例——这就是EOS即将实现的目标)。 Elm模型 - 视图 - 更新架构如下所示:


Does it not look like theEOS Blockchain?



My dirty analogy of The Elm Architecture to EOS Blockchain Action/State update flow

Explaining my flow:

Actions: an user (or oracle) sign and push an action

Update State: this is our smart contract validating and updating the tables (OPTIONAL!)

Transaction: if your smart contract ran fine a new transaction is generated and added to the next block

Everything above on top of EOS Blockchain which is generating blocks (with or without new transactions)

Yeah ok, maybe I'm just forcing something here but you will understand what I want to get if you follow me along.

我将Elm架构简单地类推到EOS区块链 Action/State更新流程







Optional RAM usage and introducing Redux to handle Data


In the above EOS Blockchain actions flow step 2 I said that update table is optional. And indeed it is, check DecentTwitter contract actions now:

在上述EOS区块链行为流程步骤2中,我说更新表是可选的。 事实确实如此,现在检查DecentTwitter合约action:

      void tweet(std::string msg) {}                                 

      void reply(std::string id, std::string msg) {}                 

      void avatar(std::string msg) {}         

Fantastic! It just has empty body actions. It does not update any contract table, actually this contract has no table at all. You know what it means? There's no RAM cost. Free RAM Dapp!

太棒了! 它只有空白的action。 它不会更新任何合同表,实际上这个合同根本没有表格。 你知道这意味着什么吗? 没有RAM成本!也就是这是免费RAM 的分布式应用!

The question here is: how to extract/generate state and handle the action data for more complex cases like an edit action? That's where I came up with Redux idea to handle the state. Redux was heavily inspired on Elm Architecture and that's why I introduced the whole Elm story above.

这里的问题是:如何提取/生成state并处理更复杂的情况(如编辑操作)的action数据? 这就是为什么我提出Redux想法来处理state。 Redux在Elm 结构上受到了很大的启发,这也是我在上面介绍整个Elm故事的原因。

So what we want to do to have a safe and well-managed immutable state application from the blockchain is:

Listen to EOS blockchain actions relevant to our dapp, usually our contract actions only

Every time this new action arrives we dispatch a Redux action

Redux will handle the state update based on the action

I think nothing like a real example to illustrate the case. Let's create a FREE RAM TO-DO List Dapp! (cliche...)



2、每次有新的action,我们都会调用一个Redux action;



EOS To-Do List Dapp


This Dapp should allow us to handle our tasks in a to-do list fashion!


EOS Smart Contract


This is atwenty-ishlines contract, super simple:


#include <eosiolib/eosio.hpp>

using namespace eosio;

using std::string;

class todo : public eosio::contract {


      todo(account_name self)



      void addtodo(uint64_t id, string text) {}

      void edittodo(uint64_t id, string text) {}

      void toggletodo(uint64_t id) {}


EOSIO_ABI( todo, (addtodo)(edittodo)(toggletodo) )

The contract has three simple empty body actions:

addtodo - allows you to create a new task on your todo list

edittodo - allows you to edit a task description on your todo list

toggletodo - allows you to mark a task as completed or unmark the completed flag





Node.js Backend EOS Blockchain Listener with Redux store management


Here I will explain how Redux will work and how I came up with this integration. If you can't understand it at all, please check https://redux.js.org/ - the Introduction and Basics chapter, real quick!


First step: setup the actions we want to listen from EOS Blockchain, in my case I deployed the above todo contract in an account called todo in my single local node:


// actions mapping

const ACTION_ADD_TODO = 'addtodo'

const ACTION_EDIT_TODO = 'edittodo'

const ACTION_TOGGLE_TODO = 'toggletodo'



    account: 'todo',




Second step: setup our initial state, how we want our store to look like. In our case it's just a simple todo list:


// state

const initialState = {

  todos: []


From the above state we will listen the EOS Blockchain actions to decide how to store and manage the data.


Third step: setup the application reducer. Reducer (what originates the Redux name) is just a function that takes state and action as arguments, and returns the next state of the app. (Note the next state here, it's very important. Remember we are immutable, we don't change anything.)


This is the application reducer code:


// reducer

const appReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {

  switch (action.type) {


      return addTodoReducer(state, action)


      return editTodoReducer(state, action)


      return toggleTodoReducer(state, action)


      // return the current state

      // if the action is unknown

      return state



So in the above code we check the action type (action name from EOS) to decide which reducer we will call to update our state, if it's an unknown/not-mapped action it just ignores and returns the same state.


Add Todo reducer function - it checks if the id was never used and add to our todo list. Each todo has the fields id, text, author and completed:

添加任务Reducer函数 - 它会检查id是否从未使用过并添加到我们的待办事项列表中。 每个任务都有字段id,文本内容,作者和是否完成标记:

const addTodoReducer = (state, action) => {


  // check and do not add new todo if this todo id

  // already exists

  if (state.todos.filter(todo => todo.id === action.data.id).length > 0)

    return state


  const newTodo = {

    id: action.data.id,

    text: action.data.text,

    author: action.authorization[0].actor,

    completed: false


  const newTodos = [ ...state.todos, newTodo ]

  return { ...state, todos: newTodos }


It's important to note above that we NEVER change the current state, we always create and return a new one. We do that because we are, again, immutable. It also allows us to have cool features like time-traveler debug, undo actions etc.


Edit todo reducer - here we simply update the text of a todo, ONLY IF the actor for this action is the same as the one that created this todo task:


const editTodoReducer = (state, action) => {

  const updatedTodos = state.todos.map(todo => {

    if (todo.id === action.data.id &&

      todo.author === action.authorization[0].actor) {

      return {


        text: action.data.text  // update text


    } else {

      return todo



  return { ...state, todos: updatedTodos }


Toggle todo reducer - same as edit todo, it verifies if the actor is the same as the author of the task, this time it just toggles the completed boolean field:


const toggleTodoReducer = (state, action) => {

  const updatedTodos = state.todos.map(todo => {

    if (todo.id === action.data.id &&

      todo.author === action.authorization[0].actor) {

      return {


        completed: !todo.completed  // toggle boolean


    } else {

      return todo



  return { ...state, todos: updatedTodos }


Now the only thing left is to initialize the store! Here's the simple code:


// initialize redux store

const store = createStore(appReducer)

// Log the initial state

console.log('>>> initial state: \n', store.getState(), '\n\n')

// Every time the state changes, log it

store.subscribe(() =>

  console.log('>>> updated state: \n', store.getState(), '\n\n')


Actually only the first couple lines of the code is relevant. I'm just logging the initial state which prints this:


>>> initial state:

 { todos: [] }

And subscribing the state which prints the full state each time that we update the state. The cool thing about Redux subscription is that you could use it to serve websockets to dapp users or write to your database, and so on. The possibilities are endless.

并且在每次更新state的时候,订阅并打印完整state信息。关于Redux订阅的一个很酷的事情是你可以用它来为dapp的用户提供websockets或者写入你的数据库等等。 可能性是无限的。

Finally the last step is to dispatch the Redux actions every time that we have a relevant action. The blockchain listener that I built is not relevant, because you probably have yours already done, but what I'm basically doing is listening to each new block in the chain, checking if it has any transaction inside this block, selecting all the actions of it and finally filtering and dispatching each one to our reducer:

最后一步是每次我们有相关action时,调用Redux action。我建立的区块链的监听器并不是相关的,因为你可能已经完成这个工作,但我主要做的是监听链中的每一个新块,检查是否有任何交易在这个块中,选择所有的action然后过滤,并且将每一个都分配给我们的Reducer:

const filterAndDispatchAction = (newAction, trxId, block) => {

  const action = {

    type: newAction.name,

    account: newAction.account,

    authorization: newAction.authorization,

    data: newAction.data


  const subscribed = CONTRACT_ACTIONS.find(item => (

    item.account === action.account &&

      item.actions.indexOf(action.type) >= 0


  if (subscribed) {

    console.log(`\nDispatching Action from Block ${block} - Trx ${trxId}:\n`,

      action, '\n\n')




Remember the initial CONTRACT_ACTIONS we created in the beginning of this? Yes, it's finally being used to filter the relevant actions that you want.


Also the store variable that contains the Redux state handler, is being used to dispatch the action received from the blockchain to our Redux store. This is how everything connects. If everything goes right you will see the following log in the console:

此外,包含Redux state处理程序的存储变量被用于将区块链接收的action,分派给我们的Redux存储。 这就解释了一切是如何连接。 如果一切顺利,您将在控制台中看到以下日志:

Dispatching Action from Block 81 - Trx a57a690978b78b18a3a5b2869d7734eb3da127147f256ff0ff74022f9adabd08:

 { type: 'addtodo',

  account: 'todo',

  authorization: [ { actor: 'eosio', permission: 'active' } ],

  data: { id: 1, text: 'I need to add a database' } }

>>> updated state:

 { todos:

   [ { id: 1,

       text: 'I need to add a database',

       author: 'eosio',

       completed: false } ] }

Playing Todo Dapp using our backend Node.js Redux store application

使用我们的后端Dapp.js Redux存储应用程序播放Todo

The whole code is in this repository: https://github.com/leordev/eos-redux-todo


You can use the blockchain listener idea, it's super simple there and probably needs some polishing. Also I should refactor this code into different files, I just kept it simple with everything inside index.js


Instructions to Deploy the Contract


cleos create account eosio todo OWNERPUBKEY ACTIVEPUBKEY

cd eos-redux-todo/todo

eosiocpp -o todo.wast todo.cpp

eosiocpp -g todo.abi todo.cpp

cleos set contract todo ../todo

Instructions to Init the Nodejs Redux Store Application

初始化Nodejs Redux存储应用程序的指令

cd eos-redux-todo

npm install

node index.js 




Wrapping it Up


That's it folks, that's the best way that I found to handle store management from EOS Blockchain Actions, using Redux which is a very popular and solid tool created by Dan Abramov from Facebook team. This is a nice library and has a lot of functionalities out-of-the-box like the subscription, it's easy to implement undo and time-traveling states. It's very mature and you have nice tooling around it like redux-logger and redux-devtools.

就是这些了,朋友们,这是我觉得解决来自EOS Blockchain Actions存储管理的最佳方式,Redux是由Facebook团队的Dan Abramov创建的非常流行且可靠的工具。 这是一个很好的库,并且具有许多开箱即用的功能,如订阅,它很容易实现撤消和实时state。 你可以使用非常成熟的redux-logger和redux-devtools等等这些很好的工具。

The 100% free RAM model is an interesting approach but I think it has some flaws. E.g. the way I'm filtering the editing/toggling in the todo record by author, I think it should be blocked in the EOS chain not allowing the transaction to be created, but actually we don't have a table inside the contract to match the todo ids with the respective authors. So if we have other apps consuming this contract it could wrongly consider that the todo was edited by a bad actor if it does not take care of this very same filter rule that we did in our application.

完全免费RAM模型是一个有趣的方法,但我认为它有一些缺陷。 例如。 我通过作者过滤任务记录中的编辑/切换操作,认为这在EOS链中应该被阻止并且不允许创建交易,但实际上我们在合同中没有一个表格可以用来匹配任务id与各自的作者。因此,如果我们有其他应用程序使用这个合约,如果不使用我们在应用程序中所使用的相同的过滤规则,它可能会错误地认为该任务是由一个非法用户编辑的。

I would love to hear your feedbacks in how you are managing this and your thoughts in this approach. After we have solid progress in this Redux integration and some use cases with standardized actions I could wrap it up in a JS library and integrate with eosjs. That would be nice, just not sure if it makes sense yet. See you all!




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