
Part 1 句子的构成

Section 1. 概述


◀️Work hard! = (You should) work hard.


Section 2.可以充当主语的词类


◀️Gold is of much value.


◀️He likes playing basketball.



◀️Seeing him makes me happy.[Seeing 为动名词]

◀️To see him is my purpose to come here.[To see 为动词不定式]



He doesn't work hard makes me angry.[×]
◀️That he doesn't work hard makes me angry.[√]


◀️He doesn't work hard, which/that makes us angry.[√]


◀️Is he happy?
◀️Whether he is happy is a problem.

Section 3.动词的种类及其用法

  • 1.动词的分类
    • 及物动词--可以直接使用

◀️He plays the ball.

* 不及物动词--后面必须加介词才可加其他成分使用;不及物动词页可以单独存在,而意义完整,之后不需要任何此类补充其意思的不足。

He laughed.[√]
He laughed at the others.[√]

* 有的动词既可做及物动词,也可做不及物动词

sing vt. 唱(歌)/vi.歌
run vt. 经营/vi. 跑步
study vt. 研究/vi. 读书
kill vt. 杀/vi. 杀戮

  • 2.及物&不及物动词判断方式

我...他 (主动)



kill 杀
我 kill 他
他被我 kill


  • 3.完全及物动词完全不及物动词
    • 完全及物动词:即加了宾语之后,意思才完全的动词。

◀️He makes the noise.[他制造了噪声].

* 完全不及物动词:即**不需加宾语**,意思就很完全的动词。

◀️ He laughed.[他大笑].

  • 4.重点单词相关用法
    • 以动名词作宾语的动词[即需要接动词的V-ing形式]

consider + doing 考虑做...
image + doing 想象做...
risk + doing 冒险做...
avoid + doing 避免做...
escape + doing 逃避做...
suggest + doing 建议做...

recommend + doing 建议做...
enjoy + doing 喜欢做...
resent + doing 讨厌做...
practice + doing 练习做...
mind + doing 介意做...
resist + doing 拒绝做... = refuse to do

Part 2 两句的连接方法

Section 1 并列连词


  • and
  • or
  • but


both...and... 一方面...同时也...
◀️Both Li and Han are good students.


either...or... 或者...或者...
◀️Either Li or Han is a good student.

neither...nor... 既非...亦非...
◀️Neither Li nor Han is a good student.


not...but... 并非...而是...

◀️He is not a smart student but a diligent student.

not only...but also... 不仅...而且...
◀️He went to the United States not only to learn English but also to know more about America culture.
[注意: not only...but also...语句中的系词/动词要随最近的主语做单数变化]

[注意: not only..., but also..是否定副词的关系,若置于主句之前,该从句需要采用倒装结构。but also是连词,所连接的第二主句不许呀倒装]

Not only he is clever, but he is also polite.[×]
◀️Not only is he clever, but he is also polite.[√]

二.as well as/rather than连词短语

as well as... 以及...
◀️You as well as Li like it.

rather than.... 而不是...
◀️He is interested in music rather than in painting.

[注意:as well as 或rather than连接主语时,动词时态要始终随第一个主语变化。]

◀️He as well as I is interested in music.[He是主语].
◀️I as well as him am interested in music.[I是主语].

Section 2.连接副词


because 因为
though 虽然
if 如果
unless 除非
as soon as 一...就...
when 当...
once 一旦...


  • 避免双重连接
  • Because...so... [×]
  • Though... but...[×]
    Because he is nice, so I like him.[×]
    ◀️Because he is nice, I like him.[√]

  • Though/Although/Even if/Even though...but... [×]
    Though/Although/Even if/Even though he is nice, but I don't like him.[×]
    ◀️Though/Although/Even if/Even though he is nice, I don't like him.[√]

  • 条件句与主句的时态[主将从现知识点]

  • If/Once/As soon as/Unless/When + 现在时/现在完成时, 主语+will+动词原形
    When I will be rich, I will buy a car.[×]
    ◀️When I am rich, I will buy a car.[√]
    As soon as I will have done it, I will let you know.[×]
    ◀️As soon as I have done it, I will let you know.[√]
  • 连接性副词
  • 有些副词有连词的意思,但是却不能做连词使用,此类副词就称为连接性副词,此类副词前面要有分号.
  • 常用词语however, nevertheless
    ◀️He is nice, but I don't like him
    ◀️He is nice, however, I don't like him.
  • therefore/thus 因此
    ◀️He is kind, so I like him.
    ◀️He is kind. Thus I like him.
    ◀️He is kind. Therefore, I like him.

Part 3 关系词

Section 1.关系代词


  • 关系代词之前需要有先行词,先行词是表示*人或事物的名词。
  • 关系代词在所引导的形容词从句中需要做主语、宾语或be动词的补语
  • 若关系代词无法做主语,又无法做宾语,此时关系代词之前需要加介词

He is a good student who studies hard.[√]
He is a man whom I want to work.[×]
◀️He is a man for whom I want to work.[√]
work for 为...工作

  • that可做关系代词的条件
  • that之前不准有逗号,即that仅出现在限制修饰的形容词从句中。

◀️I like the girl who/that sits here.[√]
I like the girl, that comes here everyday.[×]
◀️I like the girl, who comes here everyone.[√]

  • that之前不可以有介词。

This is the knife with that he killed Mary.[×]
◀️This is the knife with which he killed Mary.[√]

  • 只能用that的情况
  • 在序数词之后[序数词即为first/second/third...]

The first man who comes here was Li.[×]
◀️The first man that comes here was Li.[√]

  • 最高级之后/all 之后

He is the best student who I have ever met.[×]
◀️He is the **best ** student that I have ever met.[√]

Section 2.关系代词所有格[whose]

whose + n = the + n + of which/whom = of which + the + n

◀️I like playing with Li, whose parents are very kind.
◀️I like playing with Li, the parents of whom are vey kind.
◀️I like playing with Li, of whom the parents are vey kind.

Section 3. 关系副词


where = in which, on which, at which
◀️This is the city where I met Mary.
when = in which, on which, at which
◀️He came on Friday, when it was raining very heavy.
why = for which
◀️I don't know the reason why he cried.
[why用以修饰the reason]
how = in which
◀️That is the way how he treated the others.
[how用以修饰the way]

Section 4.准关系代词


◀️I have more money than you.[先行词:money]
◀️He has as much money as I (do).[先行词:money]
◀️There is nothing but he knows. [先行词:nothing]

  • as用法:
  • such + n + as 和...如此的...
    ◀️He is such an honest[n] man as you/you described[vt].
  • the same + n + as 和...一样
    ◀️The sun has the same shape as the circle.

  • as + adj + n + as 和...一样
    ◀️I want to study as hard as you.[我想和你学习一样刻苦]

  • 其他短语

  • so...that... 如此...以至..[so后面接adj形容词]
    ◀️He is so clever a boy that he can get good grades.
  • such...that...如此...以至...[such后面接单数名词不可数名词]
    ◀️He is such a clever boy that he can get good grades.
  • as..as..和...一样地
    ◀️He is as clever as you.
  • too...to太...而不
    ◀️He is too old to do the housework.
  • how...多么地
    ◀️How great the man it is.[倒装]

part 4 非谓语动词

Part 5 助动词和易用错的动词

Part 6 时态和语态

Part 7 虚拟语气

Part 8 副词

  • 序言:七十年代末,一起剥皮案震惊了整个滨河市,随后出现的几起案子,更是在滨河造成了极大的恐慌,老刑警刘岩,带你破解...
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