论文纸片盒子 07
Machine Learning for Fluid Mechanics
- 分析了流体力学领域中机器学习应用的历史、现状、存在的机遇。
- 归纳了机器学习的主要方法及其优势和局限性。
- 机器学习方法的引入,扩宽了流体力学研究的边界以及工业应用。
historical overview
challenges and opportunities for machine learning in fluid dynamics
- 流体力学与图像识别、广告推荐等不同,流体力学领域重视对于具体现象的潜在物理机制的量化分析。
- 流体力学领域问题通常具有非线性、多时空尺度的特征。
- 流体力学领域试验通常难以重复,模拟通常需要大型计算机长时间运行。
machine learning fundamentals
supervised learning
neural networks
classification: support vector machines and random forests
unsupervised learning
dimensionality reduction I: POD, PCA and auto-encoders
dimensionality reduction II: Discrete principal curves and self-organizing maps
clustering and vector quantization
Semi-supervised learning
generative adaptive adversarial networks(GAN)
reinforcement learning
stochastic optimization: a learning algorithms perspective
important topic we have not covered: bayesian inference, gaussian processes
flow modeling with machine learning
- 机器学习在流体力学领域的两个方向:1. 维度降低(dimensionality reduction);2. 降阶建模(reduced-order modeling)
- 流体力学领域机器学习建模分类:1. 通过提取流体特征建立运动学模型;2. 通过利用各种学习框架建立动力学模型
flow feature extraction
dimensionality reduction: linear and nonliear embeddings
clustering and classification
sparse and randomized methods
super resolution and flow cleansing
modeling flow dynamics