

6. When will the woman leave?

  A. At 7:15.    B. At 7:30.    C. At 7:45.

7. What are they most probably doing?

  A. Planning a party.   B. Having a party.    C. Cleaning the room.

8. What can we learn about the man?

  A. He sells flowers in winter.

  B. He likes his flowers a lot.

  C. He helps the woman plant flowers.

9. Where was Bob yesterday afternoon?

  A. At home.    B. At school.    C. At the cinema.

10. Who are most probably these two people?

  A. Husband and wife.   B. Teacher and student.    C. Boss and secretary.

11. What is the woman looking for?

  A. Her keys.   B. Her handbag.    C. Both.

12. Why is Smith so successful?

  A. He never makes any mistakes.

  B. He can quickly solve problems.

  C. He is always thinking of others.



2017元调听力材料  2:55-5:20

6 . M: Are you leaving now, it’s 7:30.

W: No, I am going to wait another 15 minutes.

7. W: Don’t forget to clean up the room after the party.

M: No, I won’t.

[if !supportLists]8. [endif]M: I like my flowers. The colder it comes, the sweeter they are. Do you like flowers?

W: I am more than a lover of flowers, I also enjoy planting them.

[if !supportLists]9. [endif]W: Bob, were you at school or at home yesterday afternoon?

M: Neither, I am at the movie theater.

10 M: Is it possible for you to work late. I need the report for tomorrow.

W: Work late? I think so.

11 W: Have you taken the keys out of my handbag?

M: No, I saw they were in the handbag in the hall.

12 M: Smith always seems to know other people’s problem.

W: That’s true. I think that’s why he is being so successful in his work.


[if !supportLists]5.[endif] Where are the two speakers?

  A. In a department store.    B. On a playground.   C. In a clothes factory.

6. What are the two speakers doing?

   A. Enjoying meeting each other.       

   B. Saying good-bye to each other.   

   C. Planning to see each other again.

[if !supportLists]7. [endif]When should Rose go to meet Professor Smith?   

   A. At 10:00.            B. At 10:30.         C. At 11:00.

8. What is the woman going to do tomorrow?

   A. Write some letters.        B. Visit some friends.   C. Do some shopping.

9 . Who are most probably these two people?

   A. Two neighbors.      B. Teacher and student. C. Husband and wife.

10. What do you think the man will do?

   A. Ring Sandy up.     B. Leave Sandy a message.   C. Go to Sandy’s home.

11 .What do we know about the woman?

   A. She was sending her dog away to Canada.                

   B. Her dog needed someone else to look after .              

   C. She wanted the man to go to Canada with her.

12 .Why is Lily free to help with the experiment?

   A. She has already heard the lecture.

   B. She can use Cathy’s notes later.

   C. Cathy will give the lecture instead.






2017四调听力材料 9:00--

5 W: May I help you, sir?

M:Yes. I ‘d like to try on some sports jackets. I prefer something like the one I am wearing.

[if !supportLists]6.[endif] M: Well, I’ d better go home now. It ‘s being great seeing you again.

W:Oh! It was nice seeing you, too.

[if !supportLists]7.[endif] W: Can I go to see you at ten o'clock, Professor Smith?

M:  I'm sorry, Rose. But I’m meeting my students then. Why not come half an hour later?

[if !supportLists]8.[endif] M: Are you going to do some shopping tomorrow?

W: No, I’ll have some letters to write to friends. Perhaps my husband will do some shopping. You can go with him.

[if !supportLists]9.[endif]W: Where’s Kate? I didn’t see her in her room.

M: She went to cinema with her friends. And she would be home before supper.

[if !supportLists]10.[endif]M: Hi, Jenny. Do you know where to find Sally?

W: I don’t know, but you can try this phone number.

11.W: I m sorry to trouble you. I’ll be away to Canada for a few days. But I can’t take my dog with this. Would you like to take care of it for us?

M: I’d like to.

12 M: Lily, I’m glad you could help us in the experiment. But aren’t you going to attend Mr Green’s lecture today.

W: I send Cathy to take notes for me.




5. Where are the two speaking? 

A. In a department store.     B. On a playground.   C.In a clothing factory.

6. What does the father mean? 

A. He doesn't like music.

B. He doesn't like the question.

C. The music doesn't sound good.

7. Why does the woman suggest Betty should look at the computer?

A. She owns it.        B. She can help with it.        C. She is very outgoing.

8. What's the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Husband and wife. B. Teacher and student.    C. Doctor and patient.

9. How does the man like the panda?

A. It's cute.         B. It's not cute.            C. It's just so-so.

10. Who will open up the gift?

A. The man.         B. The woman.            C. Ted.

11. Which place does the man like better?

A. Neither.             B. Hawaii.                C. Mexico.

12. What time did the train leave?

A. At 9 : 10.         B. At 9 : 15. C. At 9 : 20.


2017中考听力材料  1:45-4:34

5 W: May I help you, sir?

M:Yes. I ‘d like to try on some sports jackets. I prefer something like the one I am wearing.

6 W: How do you like the music, Dad?

M: It sounds terrible if you ask me.

[if !supportLists]7. [endif]M:Sue, this computer doesn’t seem to be working right.

W: Why don’t you ask your friend Betty, Bob. she knows everything about computer.

[if !supportLists]8. [endif]M:What are you going to do with Alley?

W: What do you mean, dear? He is only 6. You are too strict.

[if !supportLists]9. [endif]W: Isn’t that panda cute,Bill?

M: Yes, I think so.

[if !supportLists]10. [endif]W :I can’t wait to see the look on Ted’s face when she opens our gifts.

M: Neither can I.

[if !supportLists]11. [endif]W: Where do you like better? Hawaii or Mexico?

M: Hawaii. Because I like places where the weather is always warm.

12  W:You didn’t miss the train, did you?

M: Yes, I got to the station at 9:15. I was five minutes late.



6. How many picture books has the woman got?

A.Four.                      B. Six.                     C. Eight.

7.What does the man ask the woman to do?

A. Go home together.           B. Make a call.              C. Buy a ring.

8. What can we learn about Jack?

A. He is seriously ill.       B. He sells cars.           C. He's poor at driving.

9. What does the man mean?

A. He has no time.             B. He has a problem.      C.He promises a lift.

10. Who are most probably these two people?

A. Cleaner and lady.     B. Policeman and stranger.   C. Salesman and customer.

11. Why does the man refuse the coffee?

A. He'll be unable to sleep.   B. There' s not enough.   C. He never drinks coffee.

12. What will the man do this weekend?

A. He'll write something at home.

B. He'll go to Jack for some advice.

C. He'll go to the picnic.



2018元调听力录音 2:25--4:46

6  M: I’ve got 6 picture books. What about you?

W: Two more than you.

[if !supportLists]7. [endif]M :We will be nice to have known you. I have to go home now.

W: Don’t forget to get me a ring.

8. W: Bob says you are mad about cars, Jack.

M: I have to be. I make my living by selling them.

9 W: Can you drive me to work today. My bike is broken.

M: No problem.

10 M: May I help you, Lady?

W: No, thanks. I like doing window shopping.

11 W: Would you like some coffee?

M: It’s a bit late. And coffee would keep me awake.

12 W: Are you going on a picnic this weekend ?

M: I was planning to write a report at home. But Jack had given me good advice for doing it.




7. How does the man feel about the class?

A. It’s necessary. B. Not interesting. C. It’s too easy.

8. What can we know about the Browns?

A. They’re going to look for a new house. 

B. They want to move very much.

C. They’ve not decided whether to move.

9. Who is the woman likely to be?

A. The man’s wife. B. A door keeper. C. A saleswoman.

10. Where are these two people?

A. In a restaurant. B. In a post office. C. In a department store.

11. How much should the woman pay for the two shirts ?

A. $ 80. B. $ 65. C. $ 95.

12. What’s David’s QQ number?

A. 15899988. B. 15898889. C. 15898899.



[if !supportLists]7. [endif]M: I can’t stand this class.

W: Well,you have to get used to it. It’s required.

[if !supportLists]8. [endif]W: I heard the Browns are going to New York.

M: Yes, they are really looking forward to it.

[if !supportLists]9. [endif]M: I’d like to see that blue jacket in the window, please.

W: What size do you take?

10.W: Well, now. Before we order, shall we agree that each pay our own bill.

M: All right.

11 .W: I’d like to buy these two shirts. Are they 40 dollars?

M: The red one is. But the black one is 15 dollars cheaper.

[if !supportLists]12. [endif]M: Is David’s QQ number 15899988.

W:I think it’s might be 15898899. No, it’s 15898889.


6.What does the man think of the coffee?

   A. Too sweet.      B. Not strong enough.        C. Not weak.

7. Who are the two speakers?

   A. Mother and son.     B. Teacher and student.      C. Husband and wife.

8. Where is the pen?

   A. On the desk.       B. Beside the phone.       C. Under the book.

9. What’s Tom’s telephone number?

   A. 502-4561.        B. 502-4516.         C. 502-4461.

10. What’s the weather like today?

   A. Rainy.        B. Sunny.        C. Cloudy.

11. What do you think the man is?

   A. A hotel guest.       B. A cook.       C. A waiter.

12. When will they arrive at the mountains?

   A. July 22nd.        B. July 20th.        C. July 18th.


2018中考听力材料 7:55 --11:00  3mins

[if !supportLists]6. [endif]W: How is the coffee?

M: I’m not enjoying it. It’s too weak.

[if !supportLists]7. [endif]M: Is it OK to go to a movie with my friend?

W: But you have to finish your homework, my dear?

[if !supportLists]8. [endif]M: I can’t find my pen, it was on the desk with my book a moment ago.

W: Look, here it is. You left it by the phone.

[if !supportLists]9. [endif]M: Is Tom’s telephone number 502-4461.

W: No, I think it’s 502-4516. Oh,no! It’s 502-4561.

10 .W: Peter, How’s the weather today? Is it still raining?

M: No, there are still lots of clouds. The weather man said the sun wouldn’t come out until next week.

11.M: Can I have my breakfast in my room?

W: Sure, sir. Breakfast can be served in your room after seven.

[if !supportLists]12. [endif]How long will we stay in the mountains?

We will stay there for two nights. That is, we will leave for home June 20th.


[if !supportLists]6. [endif]Whom does the bike belong to?

A. Michael  B. Lisa  C.Jack.

[if !supportLists]7. [endif] Who is doing the baby sitting?

A. Tom  B. Jerry  C.Nancy

[if !supportLists]8. [endif]How will Bob see the doctor?

A.  with his daddy B. in his mom's car C.by calling the doctor

9. Who are most probably these two speakers?

A.  Teacher and student  B.doctor and patient C.mother and daughter

10. What will the woman probably do?

 A. Pay for it. B.Buy another dress C.do nothing

11 What time is it now?

 A. A quarter to seven  B.seven o'clock  C.a quarter past seven

 12What does the driver mean?

[if !supportLists]A. [endif]The woman wouldn't miss the train.

[if !supportLists]B. [endif]He couldn't drive any faster.

[if !supportLists]C. [endif]There would be an accident.


2019元调录音材料2 :55---

[if !supportLists]6. [endif]W: What a cool bike! Is it yours,Mike?

M: Mine is broken, Lisa. Jack lent his to me.

7.W: Is Tom playing with Jerry?

M:Yeah, Nancy. A robot can take care of children as a person.

8.M: Daddy, I feel terrible. I think I have a flu.

W: Is that so? Mommy will drive you to the doctor. Bob.

9 M: How do you spend your weekends, Helen?

W:Well, I get up around ten. And then I do my homework for an hour and a half.

10 W: I like that mobile phone very much. But I can’ afford it now.

M: Why did you spend all your money on your dress?

11.W: When were you suppose to arrive?

M: At seven. I’m sorry , but I am late for 15 minutes.

12 W: Excuse me, sir. Could you drive faster? I’m afraid I’ll miss the train.

M: Sorry, madam. We are already at the full speed.

2019四调录音材料  9:00--11:20

[if !supportLists]7. [endif]M:  I want to be an astronaut after my graduation.

W: Wow, are you sure?

[if !supportLists]8. [endif]W: Why not put an advertisement in the paper for your lost dog?

M: It can't read.

[if !supportLists]9. [endif]W: Do the buses number 577 run on time.

M: Of course not. They run on roads.

[if !supportLists]10. [endif]M:  I like the rock music better than pop music.

W: So does my brother. But just opposite to me, Jeff.

[if !supportLists]11. [endif]W:Why are you always late for class, Peter?

M: Because you are always ringing the bell before I get here.

12.W: Can I come to see you at nine o'clock, Professor Brown.

M:  I'm sorry, Susan, but I’m meeting my students then. Why not come half an hour later?

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