Field Trip:
一大清早和leo 家约好来到金海湖欢乐蜂厂参观。蜂厂的景色不错,很对belle的感觉,有水,有秋千,最重要的是有虫。今天不光看到了小蜜蜂还各种捉虫,完成了2项作业,开心啊,心里的负担减轻了不少,关键是有leo妈妈,英语好啊,我的压力一下子就没了,蜂厂的工作人员非常热情的招待我们,给我们品尝甜甜的蜂蜜柠檬水,确实和市面上的蜂蜜不一样啊,花香四溢,口感香甜。工作人员带着我们一行人马去蜂巢参观,看着在紧张工作忙碌的小蜜蜂们,感叹小小的蜜蜂的精神。
look,this is a beehive,so many bees live in the beehive,the little boxes is cells.
There are three kinds of bees live in each beehive,the queen ,the worker and drone.
The queen and worker is female,the drone is male.The big one has a short wings is the queen.The queen is responsible for spawning reproduction. Everyday the queen lay eggs,its can lay 2ooo eggs everyday,The queen can live for 5-6 years.
The worker bees is responsible for all the work ofnesting and storing food and feeding thebeelarvae,the whorker bees sip thenectar from the flowers,then they carry the nectar home.the worker can live for2month.
The drone’s duty is to mate with the queen。
品尝完甜甜的蜂蜜,两个孩子开始的游戏,hide and seek,
leo 当it,belle hide玩的不亦乐乎。belle 爸爸开始到处捉虫螳螂Mantis,蟋蟀cricket,
蝴蝶butterfly,蜘蛛spider,ladybug瓢虫,知了cicada‘’s shell,snail蜗牛
一只大蚂蚁捉了一只蚂蚱,leo belle come ad see ,an ant catch a grasshopper,want eat it.
big peach tree please drop big peach down for me