
Immgen(Immunological Genome Project)


Heng TS, et al, Immunological Genome Project Consortium. Nat Immunol. 2008 10 : 1091.




Name GEO Accession Description Cell Types Pubmed Normalized Tables Raw Gene Count Table
Name GEO Accession Description Cell Types Pubmed Normalized Tables Raw Gene Count Table
ImmGen ULI: Deep RNA-seq data GSE122597 Five highly purified immunocyte populations profiled to unusual depth as multiple replicates (8 to 16). Suitable for exploration of genes expressed at very low levels. NK Cells, Follicular B, Naive CD4+ abT, gdT cells and peritoneal macrophages. GSE122597 Normalized Gene table GSE122597 Raw Gene Count table
ImmGen ULI: Systemwide RNA-seq profiles (#1) GSE109125 83 populations representing all lineages and several differentiation cascades prepared from unchallenged mice and after LPS, anti-CD3, viral infection cell activation. B Cells, Stromal Cells, Dendritic Cells, Granulocytes, Innate Lymphocytes, Stem Cells, Macrophages, ab T Cells, gd T Cells 30686579 GSE109125 Normalized Gene table GSE109125 Raw Gene Count table
ImmGen ULI: OpenSource Mononuclear Phagocytes Project GSE122108 130 populations comprising progenitors, residents, and stimulated (C.alb, LPS, injury, APAP+ starved overnight and pIC) mononuclear phagocytes for OpenSource MNP Project. Macrophages, Kupffer Cell/Macrophages, Dendritic Cells, Microglia, Monocytes. 27327993 GSE122108 Normalized Gene table GSE122108 Raw Gene Count table
ImmGen ATAC-seq data GSE100738 Chromatin accessibility on 86 primary immune cell types, directly ex vivo, used to map out the atlas of cis-regulatory elements of the immune system. Epithelial Cells, Thymocytes, gd T Cells, Neutrophil, NK Cells, CD4 Naive T Cell, CD4 Treg Cell, CD8 T Cells, CD8 Naive T Cells B Cells, NKT Cells, Innate Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Macrophages, Dendritic Cells, Microglia, Stromal Cells, Stem Cell 30686579 Not Applicable Not Applicable
ImmGen Microarray Phase 1 GSE15907 178 populations compromiing of gene-expression microarray datasets ("version1" labeling) from primary cells from multiple immune lineages are isolated ex-vivo, primarily from 6weeks B6 male mice. gd T Cells, ab T Cells, Dendritic Cells, Macrophages, Stem Cells, B Cells, Stromal Cells, Neutrophils, Fibroblast, NK Cells, NK T Cells, Monocytes, CD4 Naive T Cell. 23382184 23023392 23098840 PMC3572860 22797772 22466668 22473038 PMC3140206 18800157 [ PMC3761616]( PMC3761616) GSE15907 Normalized Data Not Applicable
ImmGen Microarray Phase 2 GSE37448 82 populations compromising of gene-expression microarray datasets ("version2" labeling) from primary cells from multiple immune lineages are isolated ex-vivo, primarily from 6weeks B6 male mice. Complements the V1 compendium with additional cells. Unfortunately, the version change in the labeling process, while more efficient, introduced some biases such that the two sections of the data can be compared grossly, but not at fine resolution (we tried...). gd T Cells, ab T Cells, Dendritic Cells, Macrophages, Stem Cells, B Cells, Stromal Cells, Neutrophils, Fibroblast, NK Cells, NK T Cells, Monocytes, CD4 Naive T Cell. 24801837 GSE37448 Normalized Data Not Applicable
ImmGen ULI RNA-seq data GSE127267 Superseries: Primary RNAseq data from carefully sorted immunocyte populations, sequenced using ImmGen's SOP for 'ultra-low-input' population RNAseq (typically 500 to 1,000 cells) performed by Smartseq2. B cells, Dendritic Cells, Stromal Cells, Granulocytes, Innate Lymphocytes, Macrophages, ab T Cells, Monocytes, Macrophages Not Applicable Not Applicable
Cell specific response to IFNa GSE75202 Early responses to IFNa (Type-1 interferon) in 11 different immunocyte populations in the mouse (core ImmGen first generation 11-cell set). Profiles from these were used to analyze cell specific responses to IFNa. In general a core set of ISG transcripts are induced in all cells. Smaller sets of ISGs were induced in a cell specific manner. In particular, splenic granulocytes and dendritic cells show a specific induction of additional sets of ISGs. ab T cells, macrophages, Granulocytes, B Cells, Innate Lymphocyte, Dendritic Cell, Regulatory T Cells, gd T cells 26824662 GSE75202 Normalized Data Not Applicable
Peritoneal cavity macrophage response to IFNg and IFNa GSE110549 We seeked to determine in vivo effects of IFNg and IFNa response in peritoneal cavity macrophages. These cells were part of ImmGen Interferon cytokine study and immunocytes were sorted according to Immgen's standard lineage panel. Profiles from peritoneal cavity macrophages were used to analyze cell specific responses to IFNg. Macrophages 26824662 GSE110549 Normalized Data Not Applicable
ImmGen Cytokines: Interferons GSE75306 Superseries: Microarray data from a detailed study of responses to Type-1 interferons in vivo, across many immunoyte lineages, as a detailed time-course in B cells, or assessing the effect of mutations in signal transduction molecules) Not Applicable Not Applicable
Gene expression data for 39 inbred mice strains for neutrophils GSE60336 Genome-wide expression data were generated for polymorphonuclear neutrophils (granulocytes, GN) across 39 inbred mouse strains of the Mouse Phenome Databse "Priority Strain Panel". Granulocytes 25267973 GSE60336 Normalized Data Not Applicable
Gene expression data for 39 inbred mice strains for CD4+ T cells GSE60337 Genome-wide expression data were generated for CD3+CD4+CD62L+ naive T splenocytes across 39 inbred mouse strains of the Mouse Phenome Databse "Priority Strain Panel" CD4+ T Cells 25267973 GSE60337 Normalized Data Not Applicable
ImmGen ULI: Male-Female Immune Differences GSE124829 11 diverse immunocyte populations from male and female mice of varying ages stimulated with different dose of IFN to understand the immune system's sexual differences. B Cells, Dendritic Cells, Neutrophils, Macrophages, Natural Killer T Cells, ab T Cells, gd T Cells, Microglia, Regulatory T Cells. 30686579 GSE124829 Normalized Gene table GSE124829 Raw Gene Count table
Kinetics of IFNa response GSE75195 We describe finely resolved kinetics of the transcriptional response to IFNa in B cells in vivo. Temporal changes in expression of the most robustly induced ISGs were analyzed across 23 (15min - 15hrs) timepoints. Most ISGs reach peak induction at approximately 2hrs and generally in a synchronus manner. These analses provide insight into the regulatory network structure of IFN responses. B Cells 26824662 GSE75195 Normalized Data Not Applicable
IFNa dose response in primary murine B cells GSE75194 B cells respond robustly to IFNa. Here we analyze gene expression profiles of primary murine splenic B cells treated with 10 fold serially diluted IFNa in vitro. We explore sensitivity to ISGs to IFNa as they relate to dose. Generally ISGs do not cluster significantly in a dose dependent manner. However there are notable spreads in sensitivity to IFNa. B Cells 26824662 GSE75194 Normalized Data Not Applicable
Dependency of ISG expression on IFNAR1 and Tyk2 GSE75203 We analyze the expression profile of ISGs in the context of IFNAR1-KO primary murine B cells and macrophages. These analses were used to define ISG gene sets that are under tonic control. Furthermore, these analyses enabled the definition of ISGs that are dependent on Tyk2 signaling. B Cells, Macrophages, CD4+ T Cells 26824662 GSE75203 Normalized Data Not Applicable
Genome-wide profilings of IFN-stimulated murine splenic B cells by ATAC-Seq GSE75262 We report the IFN-induced dynamics in murine splenic B cells. Male C57BL/6 mice were injected subcutaneously with 10,000U IFNa and spleens were removed at 90min. B cells were negatively isolated using magnetic beads and profiled for the chromatin configuration by ATAC-seq. B Cells 26824662 Not Applicable Not Applicable
Genome-wide profilings of IFN-stimulated murine splenic B cells by ChIP-seq GSE75250 We report the IFN-induced dynamics in murine splenic B cells. Male C57BL/6 mice were injected subcutaneously with 10,000U IFNa and spleens were removed at designated time. B cells were negatively isolated using magnetic beads and profiled for the binding of PolII and Stat2 by ChIP-seq analysis. B Cells 26824662 Not Applicable Not Applicable
Cell specific response to IFNg GSE112876 Early responses to IFNg (Type-2 interferon) in 11 different immunocyte populations in the mouse (core ImmGen first generation 11-cell set). Profiles from these were used to analyze cell specific responses to IFNg. B cells, Dendritic Cells, Granulocytes, Macrophages, Innate Lymphocytes, ab T Cells, gd T Cells, Regulatory T cells 26824662 GSE112876 Normalized Data Not Applicable
Gene expression data for 39 inbred mice strains for neutrophils and CD4+ T cells GSE60338 Superseries:composed of the SubSeries, 60336 and GSE60337 neutrophils, CD4+ T cells 25267973 Not Applicable Not Applicable

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