Given a 2-D array of ints where any given value can be a 0 or 1, find all locations (corners/coordinates) of rectangles of 0's.
用一个class Corner表示rectangle的4个顶点。
- 需一个变量width记录每行向右遍历的宽度
- 一个global 变量minWidth记录,每一行向右遍历时,最小的宽度。因为rectangle的宽度是由minWidth决定的。
- 当前行向右遍历,当遇到1时,表示已经找完连通的所有0,不断记录width。
- 每次记录corner,需要注意的是rightBottom, rightTop的坐标是由minWidth 和 width中小的那个决定。
- 每行遍历完之后,计算这个rectangle的subArea,并更新subMaxArea.
- 当前行遍历完之后,从起始点的下一行开始找(row+1,col不变),如果这个点仍然是0,那么继续Step3的操作。
- 最后返回subMaxArea。
class Corner {
int[] topLeft;
int[] topRight;
int[] bottomLeft;
int[] bottomRight;
public Corner(int[] topLeft, int[] topRight, int[] bottomLeft, int[] bottomRight) {
this.topLeft = topLeft;
this.topRight = topRight;
this.bottomLeft = bottomLeft;
this.bottomRight = bottomRight;
class Solution{
// scan the entire matrix, if the point == 0, then find the all rectangles which leftTop corner is it, and its submaxArea
// find the global maxArea
static public int allRectangle(int[][] matrix, List<Corner> result) {
int row = matrix.length;
int col = matrix[0].length;
int maxArea = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < col; j++) {
if (matrix[i][j] == 0) {
int area = helper(matrix, i, j, result);
maxArea = Math.max(area, maxArea);
return maxArea;
// find all rectangles based on each point, and the local subMaxArea
static public int helper(int[][] matrix, int row, int col, List<Corner> result) {
int minWidth = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int maxArea = 0;
for (int i = row; i < matrix.length && matrix[i][col] == 0; i++) {
int width = 0;
// find line by line
while (col + width < matrix[row].length && matrix[i][col + width] == 0) {
int[] leftTop = new int[2];
leftTop[0] = row;
leftTop[1] = col;
int[] rightTop = new int[2];
rightTop[0] = row;
rightTop[1] = width > minWidth ? col + minWidth : col + width;
int[] leftButtom = new int[2];
leftButtom[0] = i;
leftButtom[1] = col;
int[] rightButtom = new int[2];
rightButtom[0] = i;
rightButtom[1] = width > minWidth ? col + minWidth : col + width;
Corner cur = new Corner(leftTop, rightTop, leftButtom, rightButtom);
if (width < minWidth) {
minWidth = width;
int area = minWidth * (i - row + 1);
maxArea = Math.max(area, maxArea);
return maxArea;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[][] matrix = new int[][] {
List<Corner> result = new ArrayList<Corner>();
System.out.println(allRectangle(matrix, result));
// for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
// System.out.println(result.get(i).topLeft[0] + "" + result.get(i).topLeft[1] + " " +result.get(i).topRight[0] + result.get(i).topRight[1] + " " + result.get(i).bottomLeft[0] + result.get(i).bottomLeft[1] + " " + result.get(i).bottomRight[0] + result.get(i).bottomRight[1]);
// }