[20121013]Greece and Germany - Angela’s Athens 安吉拉之“踵”


Greece and Germany


Angela’s Athens


Germany’s chancellor makes a trip to signal her country’s goodwill


Oct 13th 2012 | ATHENS | from the print edition 

AS astiff Aegeanbreezefluttered the hair and lapels of Angela Merkel’s pale-green jacket, one Greek reporter thought the outfit looked familiar. The German chancellor, making a one-day working visit to Athens, seemed to have picked the same jacket she wore in July while watching Germany trounceGreece 4-2 at this year’s European football championship. Was Mrs Merkel planning to blastthe Greeks again, this time for foot-draggingover economic reforms?


Antonis Samaras, the prime minister, need not have worried. The European Union’s toughest advocate of austerity gave a positive message, even if it was typically cautious. Mrs Merkel said she hoped and wished that Greece would remain a member of the euro zone, praised the country’s progress with cutting expenditure and offered “practical” assistance with structural reforms, such as German expertise on overhauling tax administration and modernising local government.

希腊总理Antonis Samaras原本毋需担心。尽管德国尤其谨慎,但是(默克尔)这位欧盟紧缩政策最强硬的拥护者还是给出了积极信号。她说她希望并祝愿希腊能留在欧元区内,表扬了希腊在裁减支出上的进展,并提供了“实际可行的”结构性改革援助,比如德国专长的税务管理整改和地方政府现代化改革。

The chancellor’s efforts to empathise withordinary Greeks suffering the pain of a five-year recession were less successful. Hostile protesters outside parliament waved banners declaring “Angela you are not welcome”. Alexis Tsipras, leader of the radical left-wing Syriza, now the main opposition party in parliament, joined the demonstration, railing against “barbarous” measures imposed by international lenders. Several municipal workers in full Nazi uniform, one of them with an Adolf Hitler moustache, drove a jeep flying swastika flagsthrough a central boulevard as a tasteless reminder of the German occupation of Athens in the second world war.

德国总理在理解希腊百姓遭受五年经济萎靡之苦上所作的努力却不受待见,敌视她的抗议民众在议会大厦外挥舞着横幅呐喊:“安吉拉,这里不欢迎你!”激进左派Syriza(现如今的议会主要反对党)的领袖Alexis Tsipras也加入了这场游行,他痛斥这些国外债主强加于希腊的“野蛮”措施。几名市政员工身着全套纳粹服装,其中一人化着阿道夫.希特勒式的标志胡子,开着飘扬着纳粹十字记号旗的吉普车穿过中央大街,低俗地提醒同胞们德国曾在二战期间占领过雅典。

At one point, as riot police briefly used tear gas and stun grenades to block protesters from approaching the parliament building, it looked as if the visit might backfiredisastrously. Shortly afterwards Karolos Papoulias, the plain-speaking Greek president, told Mrs Merkel the Greeks could not endure much more austerity. At a business gathering, Greece’s senior industrialist complained about pressure on Athens to legislate a lower minimum monthly wage of €580 ($747), aimed at making Greek companies more competitive, The chancellor said mildly she would consult the troika—the EU, European Central Bank, and IMF officials working with the Greek finance ministry on a new €13.5 billion austerity package.

当防暴警察一时间用催泪弹和震撼手榴弹来阻止抗议民众靠近议会大厦时,这次访问在那一刻近乎是灾难性地事与愿违了。这之后不久,希腊总统Karolos Papoulias就直白地告诉默克尔总理希腊人再无法承受进一步紧缩了。在一场商务聚会上,一位希腊资深实业家抱怨雅典因立法将最低月薪降到更低限度的580欧元(747美元)而被施加的压力,降薪目的是让希腊企业更具竞争力。默克尔总理温和地回应称她会就此和“三驾马车”-欧盟、欧洲央行以及国际货币基金组织的官员进行磋商,那些官员正在和希腊财政部商讨一份135亿欧元的紧缩方案。

Mr Samaras’s approval rating at home may benefit from having hosted Europe’s most powerful politician. Even so, he must wrap up the new economic package and persuade the socialist and left-wing party leaders, his coalition partners, to back it before the European summit on October 18th. He must also push the measures through parliament before Greece can draw downa long-overdue €31.2 billion loan disbursement. For as long as government suppliers continue to be unpaid and banks undercapitalised, the cash-starved economy has no prospect of moving again.


All the measures for 2013, amounting to €9 billion of spending cuts, have been agreed on, including reductions in farmers’ modest pensions and a new tonnage tax that patriotic shipowners whose vessels fly the Greek flag have unexpectedly agreed to pay.The gap for 2014 is “fairly small” and could be closed within days, barring an upset in talks with the troika, negotiators say. Greece should be able to balance its budget next year (before interest repayments). Yet if reforms start falling behind, talk of a “Grexit” from the euro will quickly resurface.


Mr Samaras hascome a long waysince his centre-right New Democracy party scraped a narrow election victoryin June. As opposition leader he denounced Greece’s first bail-out in 2010. Advisers recall that afterwards Mrs Merkel and the troika berated him as an irresponsible southern European politician. Mr Samaras says Greece has turned a page; he chose to make his first trip abroad as prime minister to Berlin. His efforts may be starting to show results, but Mr Samaras still has a long road ahead.



1.  Angela’s Athens 安吉拉之“踵”

 译者认为本报道英文题目Angela’s Athens源自Achilles’ heel(阿基里斯之踵)meaning a deadly weakness in spite of overall strength that can actually or potentially lead to downfall(Wikipedia). Given the news content, the deadly weakness refers to Greek while the overall strength, EU.

2. stiff breeze:a fairly strong wind

3. foot-dragging: Reluctance or deliberate delay concerning a decision or action.

4. draw down: DepletebyconsumingorspendingThe government worries about drawing down our oil reserves.

5. come a long way: Makeconsiderableprogressorimprovement

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