想看《执行力》这本书是因为自己所在的开发团队没有做到很多应该做到的事情,比如没有做好design review,没有按时按质量把story交付给QA测试等等,预期和实际有很大的差距,我希望通过阅读这本书助力团队持续缩小这个差距。
Execution is the job of the business leader. Lots of business leaders like to think that the top dog is exempt from the details of actually running things. It's a pleasant way to view leadership: you stand on the mountaintop, thinking strategically and attempting to inspire your people with visions. This idea creates a lot of aspirations for leadership, naturally. Who woundn't want to have all the fun and glory while keeping their hands clean?
- 密切关注事情的进展与障碍。
- 当事情出现问题时,及时给出反馈。
- 积极参与到事情中去,持续助力团队解决障碍,取得进展。