超爱~Sherlock的编剧!分分钟向原著致敬,改的好不好众口难调,但神剧绝对的当之无愧,每季三集给人的信息量如此爆炸,三刷才能理清思路...然后觉得自己too naive,所以说不好的亲们请问是真的看懂了吗?
比如SH的大电影The Abominable Bride我自己在电影院看了两遍,回家又刷了一遍,确实非常喜欢维多利亚时代的服饰和礼仪。麦哥和莫法特让每个梗都出的有理有据,没看过S1-S3就来看电影一定会觉得莫名其妙,铁粉只能会心一笑了,还真是不友好呢。
The Six Thatchers
I am not a hero,I'm high-functioning sociopath
code names: Antarctica,Langdale,Porlock and Love 屋子里的四个人,哦,不,五个人
morphine or cocaine?
There was once a merchant in the famous market at Baghdad,One day, he saw a stranger looking at him in surprise.And he knew that stranger was Death.Pale and trembing,the merchant fled the markerplace and made his way many,many miles,to the city of Samarra.For there, he was sure Death could not find him.But when at last he came to Samarra,the merchant saw,waiting for him the grim figure of Death.
"very well" said the merchant, "I give in, I am yours.But tell me, why did you look surprised when you saw me this morning in Baghdad?"
"because…"said Death "I had an appointment with you tonight in Samarra"
S3的结尾,the problems of your past are your business,the problems of your for future are my privilege,Mary Waston is good enough
S:Could you do some digging as s favour?
M:You don't have many favours left.
And if you can find who's after her,and neutralise them,what then?you think you can go on saving her forever?
S:Told you,I made a promise,a vow!
M:But remember this ,brother mine,agent like Mary tend not to reach retirement age.They get retired in a permanent sort of way.
在S3 中列举了十几种观众猜测的可能性的花絮中,编剧们最终也没有解释卷是怎么假死的,anyway~I'm Sherlock Holmes 概括了一切
卷开始showing up~
这嘴皮子这溜儿,A of B of C of D!
S:Mary, no human action is ever truly random,an advanced grasp of mathematics of probability mapped onto a thorough apprehension of human psychology and known dispositions of any given individual can reduce the number of variables considerably. I myself know of at least 58 techniques to refine a seemingly infinite array to the smallest number of feasible variables.But they are really difficult so instead I just stuck the tracer on the inside of the memory stick
The Lying Detective
嗑药有助于思考…但是这次玩大了点吧?!不过脑子还是一样好使,Must something comforting about number three,people always give up after three 花生君不得不说 you are cock!
华生和夏洛克终于好好说话了,我觉得Mary似乎和麦哥有某种协议,麦哥也不可能不知道Mary属于 AGRA。麦哥说的以一种永恒的方式,就是死亡,就像第一集中的商人一样,这是宿命。而夏洛克身上肩负着Mary的使命继续好好守护华生和女儿。the last vow, the three of signs
Saving my life,she conferred a value on it.It is a currency I do not konw how to spend.
so~我们华生这几年也没白跟着夏洛克。推理出这天是夏洛克的生日!所以the woman没死。华生也坦白自己精神出轨。
who you thought I was,is the man who I want be.Get the hell on with it 我觉得Mary的意思应该是不希望华生做那个万无一失的自己,你就是你,人无完人,人并不能祈祷一个人为另一个人改变,改变只能是心甘情愿,过程也充满了悲伤和委屈。原著中Mary与华生结婚三年就死了,本片忠于原著,Mary也永远离开了我们。两个心中有伤的男人抱在了一起,终于讲和了
just human being 人都会有缺点,会有感情的干扰,并不是机器般冷若冰霜,大侦探和医生也只是普通人,那么完美的人,并不存在。卷卷只是抑制住了感情并不是没有,作为普通人,我们都是在向别人期待的方向成长,会犯错,会迷茫,人人都不例外
这个情节,我觉得是麦哥补偿之前抓捕Lady Smallwood所以给了一周假。至于为何要给电话我觉得是夫人知道Holmes家的事情,觉得麦哥可能会想倾诉,作为大哥也不容易啊。弟弟妹妹全是sociopath,再次心疼麦哥一分钟
华生就立刻跪了,心里想得是you have such nice eyes,卷妹可以立刻读出华生心里想的话
The Final Problem
Why would he do that to me?That was insane!
Someone convinced him that you wouldn't tell the truth unless you were actually wetting yourself.There's a place for people like you,the desperate, the terrified.The ones with nowhere else to run
S:The East Wind is coming.you turn my sister into a ghost story
M:Memories can resurface.Wounds can reopen.The roads we walk have demons beneath.And yours have been waiting for a very long time. I used,at discreet intervals,potential trigger words to update myself as to your mental condition.I was looking after you
S:Why don't I remember her?
M:You do remember her, in a way.Every choice you ever made,every path you have ever taken,the man you are today is your memory of Eurus.
卷妹的能力从五岁就开始了,可以推理出麦哥长大的样子,可能是太瘦了?与小时候完全不同,所以用look funny来形容
华生说vatican cameo时,夏洛克都没有反应,严重怀疑已经被妹妹控制了。妹妹最喜欢的小哥哥就是夏洛克了
I love you 茉莉知道夏洛克永远不会回应自己,但是这一通电话,无疑是让她赤裸裸的承认自己的失败,每次小心翼翼的心思,默默地付出,把真心交出来一次又一次让夏洛克随意践踏。虽然大家都知道她的想法,夏洛克也知道,只是不点破。一直觉得茉莉很美,还有always这个词,这一段我看的好心痛,只有暗恋过的人才知道,你的付出日复一日的得不到回应,最后对他好似乎成了习惯,直到有一天,把心剖开了,对着他,再也说不出那句我爱你
M:oh God. I should have excepted this.Pathic,You always were the slow one.The idiot,That's why I have always despised you.You shame us,You shame the family name,Now for one in the your life,do right thing,Put this stupid littel man out of your misery.Nothing more than a distraction.a little scrap of ordinariness for you to impress,to dazzle with your cleverness
S:Because,on balance,even ever your Lady Bracknell was more convincing,Ignore everything he just said,he's being kind.he's trying to make it easy for to kill him,which is why this is gonna to be so much harder
M:You said you liked my Lady Bracknell, It's not your decision.Not my face,I promised my barin to Royal Society.I suppose there is a heart somewhere inside me.I don't imagine it's much of a target,but why don't we try for that?
Goodbay,brother mine,No flowers,My request
PS:To John and Sherlock,
I know you two, and if I am gone, I know what you could become.
Because I know who you really are.
A junky who solves crimes to get high, and the doctor who never came home from the war.
Will you listen to me? Who you really are, doesn't matter.
It is all about the legend, the stories, the adventures.
There is a last refuge for the desperate, the unloved, the persecuted.
There is a final court of appeal, for everyone.
When life gets too strange, too impossible, too frightening, there is always one last hope.
When all else failed, there are two men sitting, arguing in a scruffy flat.
Like they've always been there, and they always will.
The best and wisest men I have ever known——
My baker street boys, Sherlock Holmes, and Dr. Watson.