Eng: Applications of Data Analysis & KDD Process & CRISP-DM Methodology

Database Analysis & Decision Support

    Market analysis & management

        Target marketing, customer relationship management, market basket analysis, cross selling, market segmentation

    Risk analysis and management

        Forecasting, customer retention, improved underwriting, quality control, competitive analysis

    Fraud detection and management 

Other applications

    Text mining and web analysis

    Intelligent query answering

Market Analysis & Management

Data sources?

    credit card transactions, loyalty cards, discount coupons, customer complaint calls, social media, plus (public) lifestyle studies

Target marketing

    find clusters of 'model' customers who share same characteristics: interest, income level, spending habits, etc

Determine customer purchasing patterns over time

    conversion of sign to joint bank account: marriage ... 

Cross-market analysis

    associations / co-relations between product sales

    prediction based on the association information

Customer profiling

    data analytics can tell you what types of customers buy what products (clustering or classification)

Identifying customer requirements

    identify the best products for different customers 

    user prediction to find what factors will attract new customers

Provide summary information

    Various multidimensional summary reports

    Statistical summary information (mean and variance ...)

Corporate Analysis & Risk Management

Finance planning and asset evaluation

    Cash flow analysis and prediction

    Contingent claim analysis to evaluate assets

    Cross-sectional and time series analysis (financial-ratio, trend analysis, ...)

Resource planning

    summarise and compare the resources and spending 


    Monitor (predict) competitors and market directions

    group customers into classes and a class-based pricing procedure

    set pricing strategy in a highly competitive market

Fraud Detection & Management 


    health care, retail, credit card services, telecommunications (phone card fraud) ..


    use historical data to build models of fraudulent behaviour and use data mining to help identify similar instances.


    Auto insurance: detect groups of people who stage accidents to collect on insurance

    Money laundering: detect suspicious money transactions

    Medical insurance: detect professional patients and rings of doctors and rings of references

Other applications




        JPL and the Palomar Observatory discovered 22 quasars using data analytics

KDD process: knowledge process database 

Iterative process, not waterfall

Learn the application domain (prior knowledge & goals)

Create target data set: data selection

Data cleaning and preprocessing

Data reduction and transformation

    Find useful features, dimensionality/variable reduction, invariant representation

Choose functions of data mining: the 'data mining problem'

    Summarisation, classification, regression, association, clustering

Choose the data mining algorithms

Data mining: find pattern of interest

Pattern evaluation and knowledge presentation

    Visualisation, transformation, remove redundant patterns, ...

Use of discovered knowledge

CRISP-DM methodology: CRoss-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining


Business Understanding

    Determine business objectives

    Assess situation

    Determine data mining goals

    Produce project plan

Data Understanding

    Collect initial data

    Describe data

        Data description report 

    Explore data

        What is immediately obvious?

    Verify data quality

        What problems with the data? Sometimes called a data audit

Data Preparation

    Select data

        What pieces of data are needed and why?

    Clean data 

        Deal with the data quality problems found earlier. Maybe 60+% of effort 

    Construct data

        May need to create new instances and / or attributes.

    Integrate data

        May need to combine data from different tables or records into the one table or record

    Format data

        May need to change the format of the data. e.g. dates, remove illegal characters,...


    Select the modelling techniques

        Considering the assumptions each technique makes

    Generate test design

        Work out how you're going to test the model quality and validity

    Build the model

        Run the modelling tool on the prepared data t o create a model 

    Assess the model

        Judge the success of the model, based on its accuracy, generality, the test design and the success criteria possibly with assistance from domain experts


    Evaluate results

        Based on the original business objectives (as opposed to accuracy and generality in the modelling phase)

    Review process

        Quality assurance and did the project miss any important factor or task in the business problem?

    Determine next steps

        Do you need to do something else, or can we move to deployment?


    Plan deployment

        Develop a strategy for getting the insights (and possibly model) into the business

    Plan monitoring and maintenance

        How do you maintain the deployed model

    Produce final report 

        Describing all the previous steps and possibly a presentation to the customer

    Review project

        Reflect on the entire project. What worked?What didn't ? Hints for future?

Feature Types & their Operations

Data mining methodology

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