1. 你知道在哪里可以值机吗 do you know where I can check in ?
2. 你知道值机柜台在哪里吗 do you know where the check in counter is ?
3. 可以给我一个靠窗的位子吗can I have a window seat, please?
4. 可以给我一个靠近过道的位子吗can I have an aisle seat, please?
5. 我想要托运行李 I would like to check in my luggage
6. 有多少件托运行李 how many luggages are you checking in ?
7. 有手提行李没 do you have a carry on ?
8. 请把行李放上来 can you place your baggage up here?
9. 你的行李超重了 your luggage is overweight
10. 这个包可以随身带上飞机吗 is this bag OK as hand luggage?
11. 这个可以通过安检吗 can I take this through security?
12. 行李可以直接托运到(终点站)吗 can I check my luggage through to …?
1. 我怎样才能找到行李推车 how can I find a trolley?
2. 你知道机场休息室在哪吗 do you know where the Airport lounges is ?
3. 你知道吸烟室在哪里吗do you know where the smoking area/ room is ?
4. 洗手间在哪 where is the restroom?
5. 我乘坐的飞机会准点起飞吗 is my flight on time?
6. 我们延误了多长时间how many hours are we behind schedule?