使用Celaref包进行单细胞类型注释分析(二):Using the package


Prepare data


  • Counts Matrix: Number of gene tags per gene per cell. 基因表达矩阵
  • Cell information: A sample-sheet table of cell-level information. 细胞分群信息 Only two fields are essential:
    1)cell_sample: A unique cell identifier
    2)group: The cluster/group to which the cell has been assigned.
  • Gene information: Optional. 基因信息 A table of extra gene-level information.
    1)ID: A unique gene identifier

其中,细胞信息(cell information)表中可以包含任何所需的实验相关数据,如处理条件,实验批次和细胞个体等。基因信息是可选的,因为它可以从基因表达计数矩阵中获取。


对于查询数据集(querying dataset),细胞分组的信息可以是任意名称(如cluster1,cluster2,cluster3等),但对于参考数据集(reference dataset),它们应该是有特定意义的信息(如“巨噬细胞 (macrophages)”等)。

Input data

1) From tables or flat files

The simplest way to load data is with two files.

  • A tab-delimited counts matrix(基因表达计数矩阵):


  • And a tab-delimited cell info / sample-sheet file of cell-level information, including the group assignment for each cell (‘Cluster’), and any other useful information(细胞分群信息):



dataset_se <- load_se_from_files(counts_matrix   = "counts_matrix_file.tab", 
                                  cell_info_file = "cell_info_file.tab",
                                  group_col_name  = "Cluster",
                                  cell_col_name   = "CellId" )


Optionally, a third file, with gene-level information might be included.


dataset_se <- load_se_from_files(counts_matrix   = "counts_matrix_file.tab", 
                                  cell_info_file = "cell_info_file.tab", 
                                  gene_info_file = "gene_info_file.tab",
                                  group_col_name = "Cluster")



dataset_se <- load_se_from_tables(counts_matrix   = counts_matrix, 
                                  cell_info_table = cell_info_table, 
                                  group_col_name  = "Cluster")
2) From 10X pipeline output

如果我们使用10X cellRanger软件处理数据,则会生成一个输出目录,其中包括了计数矩阵文件和细胞聚类分群信息。
To read in a human (GRCh38) dataset using the ‘kmeans_7_clusters’ clustering:

dataset_se <- load_dataset_10Xdata('~/path/to/data/10X_mydata', 
                                   dataset_genome = "GRCh38", 
                                   clustering_set = "kmeans_7_clusters") 

注意,cellRanger软件处理完数据后,会生成多个不同的聚类分群的数据集,存储在10X_mydata/analysis/clustering目录下,可以使用cell loupe browser软件进行查看。

3) Directly with SummarizedExperiment objects

该对象所需的最小必填字段在“Input data”部分中进行了描述,特别是:

  • Within colData(dataset_se): cell_sample and group columns.
  • Within rowData(dataset_se): ID column.

细胞信息(cell information)和基因信息(gene information)的名称必须和基因表达计数矩阵的列名和行名相匹配。

4) Handling large datasets

许多(如果不是大多数的话)单细胞转录组的数据集都很大,而无法使用基本的密集矩阵(dense matrix)进行适当地处理。我们可以使用以下方法读取大型数据集:

  1. 提供hdf5支持的delayedArray SummarizedExperiment对象(通过HDF5Array包中的save/loadHDF5SummarizedExperiment函数),或者将基因表达计数存储在稀疏矩阵(sparse Matrix)中(通过Matrix包),并使用load_se_from_tables函数读取。
#a sparse big M Matrix.
dataset_se.1 <- load_se_from_tables(counts_matrix = my_sparse_Matrix,
                                    cell_info_table = cell_info_table, 
                                    group_col_name  = "Cluster")

# A hdf5-backed SummarisedExperiment from elsewhere
dataset_se.2 <- loadHDF5SummarizedExperiment("a_SE_dir/")
  1. contrast_each_group_to_the_rest函数中使用n.group和n.others参数对每个差异比较的数据集进行子集化。这将保留所有“测试”组的细胞,并对其余每个组分别进行子采样计算差异表达。对每个比较分别进行此操作将保留细胞类型的相对比例,这可能在跨实验比较中很有用。
# For consistant subsampling, use set.seed
de_table.demo_query.subset <- 
   contrast_each_group_to_the_rest(demo_query_se, "subsetted_example",
                                   n.group = 100, n.other = 200)

#> Found one, unnamed, assay in summarizedExperiment object. Assuming this is counts data ('counts')
#> Randomly sub sampling cells for Group1 contrast.
#> Found one, unnamed, assay in summarizedExperiment object. Assuming this is counts data ('counts')
#> Done!
#> Combining coefficients and standard errors
#> Calculating log-fold changes
#> Calculating likelihood ratio tests
#> Refitting on reduced model...
#> Done!
#> Randomly sub sampling cells for Group2 contrast.
#> Found one, unnamed, assay in summarizedExperiment object. Assuming this is counts data ('counts')
#> Done!
#> Combining coefficients and standard errors
#> Calculating log-fold changes
#> Calculating likelihood ratio tests
#> Refitting on reduced model...
#> Done!
#> Randomly sub sampling cells for Group3 contrast.
#> Found one, unnamed, assay in summarizedExperiment object. Assuming this is counts data ('counts')
#> Done!
#> Combining coefficients and standard errors
#> Calculating log-fold changes
#> Calculating likelihood ratio tests
#> Refitting on reduced model...
#> Done!
#> Randomly sub sampling cells for Group4 contrast.
#> Found one, unnamed, assay in summarizedExperiment object. Assuming this is counts data ('counts')
#> Done!
#> Combining coefficients and standard errors
#> Calculating log-fold changes
#> Calculating likelihood ratio tests
#> Refitting on reduced model...
#> Done!
  1. 对于非常大的数据集,我们最好先缩小数据集(这样可能会丢失细胞类型的比例)。可以使用subset_cells_by_group函数执行此操作。在此,我们将每个组保留100个(或全部)细胞。
demo_query_se.subset <- subset_cells_by_group(demo_query_se, n.group = 100)
#> Randomly sub sampling100 cells per group.

Input filtering and Pre-processing

1) Filtering cells and low-expression genes



# Default filtering
dataset_se <- trim_small_groups_and_low_expression_genes(dataset_se)

# Also defaults, but specified
dataset_se <- trim_small_groups_and_low_expression_genes(dataset_se, 
                                    min_lib_size = 1000, 
                                    min_group_membership = 5,  
                                    min_detected_by_min_samples = 5)
2) Converting IDs

通常,将不同类型的基因标识符进行转换是比较烦人的。即使使用主要的基因标识符(如ensembl IDs(ENSG00000139618)或gene symbols(SYN1)),也会存在一些不完美的匹配(如缺少ID,多次匹配等)。



  • 定义一个基因型数据(genotype data)水平的列total_count,其中每个基因的read读数总数加起来用作eval_col
  • 删除所有没有与ensembl ID相匹配的GeneSymbol的基因。
  • 如果同一个GeneSymbol分配给多个ensembl ID,它将查找eval_col值并选择较大的一个。
# Count and store total reads/gene.
rowData(dataset_se)$total_count <- Matrix::rowSums(assay(dataset_se))

# rowData(dataset_se) must already list column 'GeneSymbol'
dataset_se <- convert_se_gene_ids(dataset_se, new_id='GeneSymbol', eval_col = 'total_count')

Within-experiment differential expression


本质上,我们希望对数据集中的每个组的所有基因从“最大”到“最小”进行排序。celaref包使用MAST(Finak et al.2015)计算每个组与其它组之间的差异表达。这将提供相对于组织其余部分或样本作为背景的所有事物的相对表达。一个独立的实验会有其自身的偏差,但是如果运气好的话,相同的基因对于相同的细胞类型应该是“独特的”。对于单细胞RNA-seq测序数据,可能会存在有许多表达为零和缺失的细胞,因此celaref主要专注于表达较高的基因。根据对log2FC的最保守(“内部”)95%置信区间,将基因按从高到低的顺序排列。该排名是预期效果大小(log2FC值-对于低表达基因可能会急剧改变)和统计功效(p值排名)之间的简单折衷。


# 使用trim_small_groups_and_low_expression_genes函数进行细胞过滤
demo_query_se.filtered <- trim_small_groups_and_low_expression_genes(demo_query_se)

# 使用contrast_each_group_to_the_rest函数进行差异比较
de_table.demo_query <- contrast_each_group_to_the_rest(demo_query_se.filtered, "a_demo_query")

#> Done!
#> Combining coefficients and standard errors
#> Calculating log-fold changes
#> Calculating likelihood ratio tests
#> Refitting on reduced model...
#> Done!
#> Found one, unnamed, assay in summarizedExperiment object. Assuming this is counts data ('counts')
#> Done!
#> Combining coefficients and standard errors
#> Calculating log-fold changes
#> Calculating likelihood ratio tests
#> Refitting on reduced model...
#> Done!
#> Found one, unnamed, assay in summarizedExperiment object. Assuming this is counts data ('counts')
#> Done!
#> Combining coefficients and standard errors
#> Calculating log-fold changes
#> Calculating likelihood ratio tests
#> Refitting on reduced model...
#> Done!
#> Found one, unnamed, assay in summarizedExperiment object. Assuming this is counts data ('counts')
#> Done!
#> Combining coefficients and standard errors
#> Calculating log-fold changes
#> Calculating likelihood ratio tests
#> Refitting on reduced model...
#> Done!

Reference datasets are prepared with the same command, there’s no difference in the result.

demo_ref_se.filtered <- trim_small_groups_and_low_expression_genes(demo_ref_se)

de_table.demo_ref   <- contrast_each_group_to_the_rest(demo_ref_se.filtered,   "a_demo_reference")

#> Done!
#> Combining coefficients and standard errors
#> Calculating log-fold changes
#> Calculating likelihood ratio tests
#> Refitting on reduced model...
#> Done!
#> Found one, unnamed, assay in summarizedExperiment object. Assuming this is counts data ('counts')
#> Done!
#> Combining coefficients and standard errors
#> Calculating log-fold changes
#> Calculating likelihood ratio tests
#> Refitting on reduced model...
#> Done!
#> Found one, unnamed, assay in summarizedExperiment object. Assuming this is counts data ('counts')
#> Done!
#> Combining coefficients and standard errors
#> Calculating log-fold changes
#> Calculating likelihood ratio tests
#> Refitting on reduced model...
#> Done!
#> Found one, unnamed, assay in summarizedExperiment object. Assuming this is counts data ('counts')
#> Done!
#> Combining coefficients and standard errors
#> Calculating log-fold changes
#> Calculating likelihood ratio tests
#> Refitting on reduced model...
#> Done!

For clarity, the results objects have names starting with de_table, but they are simply tibble (data.frame-like) objects that look like this:


As for what it contains, the important fields are:

  • ID : Gene ID
  • fdr : The multiple hypothesis corrected p-value (BH method)
  • log2FC : Log2 fold-change of for this gene’s expression in the (test group) - (rest of sample)
  • ci_inner : The inner (most conservative/nearest 0) 95% confidence interval of log2FC. This is used to rank genes from most-to-least overrepresented in this group, with respect to the rest of the sample.
  • group : Group being tested (all are tested by default)
  • sig_up : Is this gene significantly (fdr <=0.01) enriched (log2FC > 0) in this group.
  • rank : Numerical rank of ci_inner from most (1) to least (n).
  • rescaled_rank : Rank rescaled from most (0) to least (1) - used in analyses and plotting.
  • dataset : Name of this dataset


Running comparisions

Compare groups to reference



make_ranking_violin_plot(de_table.test=de_table.demo_query, de_table.ref=de_table.demo_ref)

#> Warning: `fun.y` is deprecated. Use `fun` instead.
#> Warning: `fun.ymin` is deprecated. Use `fun.min` instead.
#> Warning: `fun.ymax` is deprecated. Use `fun.max` instead.



  • 为查询数据集中的每个组识别“top”基因。即,在该组织/样品的背景下,对于该细胞类型/组而言,最明显的是什么。这被定义为内部log2FC的95%置信区间>= 1的前100个基因。
  • 在每个参考组中查找“top”基因的重新排序后的排名(从最高到最低内部log2FC的95%CI)。

Compare groups within a single dataset


make_ranking_violin_plot(de_table.test=de_table.demo_query, de_table.ref=de_table.demo_query)

#> Warning: `fun.y` is deprecated. Use `fun` instead.
#> Warning: `fun.ymin` is deprecated. Use `fun.min` instead.
#> Warning: `fun.ymax` is deprecated. Use `fun.max` instead.

Make labels for groups


group_names_table <- make_ref_similarity_names(de_table.demo_query, de_table.demo_ref)


Special case: Saving get_the_up_genes_for_all_possible_groups output


de_table.marked.query_vs_ref <- get_the_up_genes_for_all_possible_groups(
   de_table.test=de_table.demo_query ,

# Have to do do the reciprocal table too for labelling.
de_table.marked.ref_vs_query<- get_the_up_genes_for_all_possible_groups(
   de_table.test=de_table.demo_ref ,


Equivalent plots and labels:


#> Warning: `fun.y` is deprecated. Use `fun` instead.
#> Warning: `fun.ymin` is deprecated. Use `fun.min` instead.
#> Warning: `fun.ymax` is deprecated. Use `fun.max` instead.
#use make_ref_similarity_names_using_marked instead:
similarity_label_table <- make_ref_similarity_names_using_marked(de_table.marked.query_vs_ref, de_table.recip.marked=de_table.marked.ref_vs_query)



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