rose jade处理DELETE语句时,偶尔报错


项目中使用了paoding-rose作为开发框架,该框架作为国产的一个十分优秀的框架,在Jade方面处理的也非常好,但是在实际的使用过程中,发现了一个很有意思的问题,在使用Delete SQL语句批量删除数据时,当传参进去只有一个参数时,会因为返回类型的不知道导致抛异常。





java.lang.ClassCastException: [I cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer
    at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy51.deleteRecommendListByIDs(Unknown Source)
    at com.xx.service.xxxService.generateDefaultRecommendList(
    at com.xx.service.xxxService.main(


@SQL(" DELETE FROM videolist_home_recommend "
    +" WHERE ID IN ( :delRecords ) ")
public Integer deleteRecommendListByIDs(@SQLParam("delRecords") List<Integer> delRecords);



  • 首先分析了这个现象以后觉得可能是传参进入的问题,导致了List转化存在的问题,但是后来请教了同事,其实rose这里和数据库中一般SQL语句的返回是不一致的,数据库中返回的是影响的行数,但是Rose中是一个是否更新成功的int[],其中1代表处理成功,0代表处理失败(具体为什么这么处理后面会分析到)。还有这里有个需要反省的就是,对getName()这个方法不熟悉,其实JVM已经告诉了我们问题点,出问题的类型是"[I",只不过没反应过来,括号哭~

String java.lang.Class.getName()
Returns the name of the entity (class, interface, array class, primitive type, or void) represented by this Class object, as a String.
If this class object represents a class of arrays, then the internal form of the name consists of the name of the element type preceded by one or more '[' characters representing the depth of the array nesting. The encoding of element type names is as follows:
Element Type
boolean   Z
byte    B
int    I
long   J
short    S

  • 所以之后根据这个返回值将SQL方法的返回值替换成为int[]类型,然而有趣的是这次反而在参数list只有一个值时报错了,于是进一步debug到源码中去看了一下(由于github上找不到1.2.2版本的内容,又找了好久source文件)

  • 这里就发现rose jade中关于这个处理很有意思:

  1. 在rose中,SQL语句只有两种类型:READ和WRITE,其中show、select等查询类的属于READ类型,而update、delete等则属于WRITE类型。
  2. 在WRITE类型中,会将ID IN (:list) 这种语句自动翻译成Batch语句来处理。但是在转换成Batch来处理时,在传入的list中只有一个值时,又会根据参数个数,将Batch转化成了SingleBatch,因此造成了这种不统一的情况(两者的返回值不一样,一个是Integer,一个是int[])
    public Object execute(SQLType sqlType, StatementRuntime... runtimes) {
        switch (runtimes.length) {
            case 0:
                return 0;
            case 1:
                return executeSingle(runtimes[0], returnType);
                return executeBatch(runtimes);
  1. 因此对照着源码又看了一下新版本,发现已经对executeBatch做了修正,增加了对一般数据库SQL返回影响行数的支持(有趣的是,也并没有放弃之前对int[]的支持,虽然可以理解为向下兼容,但是个人觉得其实也是想保持这种有趣的对数据处理的理解吧,挺有意思的)
  • 1.2.2的版本
    private Object executeBatch(StatementRuntime... runtimes) {
        int[] updatedArray = new int[runtimes.length];
        Map<String, List<StatementRuntime>> batchs = new HashMap<String, List<StatementRuntime>>();
        for (int i = 0; i < runtimes.length; i++) {
            StatementRuntime runtime = runtimes[i];
            List<StatementRuntime> batch = batchs.get(runtime.getSQL());
            if (batch == null) {
                batch = new LinkedList<StatementRuntime>();
                batchs.put(runtime.getSQL(), batch);
            runtime.setProperty("_index_at_batch_", i); // 该runtime在batch中的位置
        // TODO: 多个真正的batch可以考虑并行执行~待定
        for (Map.Entry<String, List<StatementRuntime>> batch : batchs.entrySet()) {
            String sql = batch.getKey();
            List<StatementRuntime> batchRuntimes = batch.getValue();
            StatementRuntime runtime = batchRuntimes.get(0);
            DataAccess dataAccess = dataAccessProvider.getDataAccess(//
                    runtime.getMetaData(), runtime.getProperties());
            List<Object[]> argsList = new ArrayList<Object[]>(batchRuntimes.size());
            for (StatementRuntime batchRuntime : batchRuntimes) {
            int[] batchResult = dataAccess.batchUpdate(sql, argsList);
            if (batchs.size() == 1) {
                updatedArray = batchResult;
            } else {
                int index_at_sub_batch = 0;
                for (StatementRuntime batchRuntime : batchRuntimes) {
                    Integer _index_at_batch_ = batchRuntime.getProperty("_index_at_batch_");
                    updatedArray[_index_at_batch_] = batchResult[index_at_sub_batch++];
        return updatedArray;
  • 2.0u8的版本
    private Object executeBatch(StatementRuntime... runtimes) {
        int[] updatedArray = new int[runtimes.length];
        Map<String, List<StatementRuntime>> batchs = new HashMap<String, List<StatementRuntime>>();
        for (int i = 0; i < runtimes.length; i++) {
            StatementRuntime runtime = runtimes[i];
            List<StatementRuntime> batch = batchs.get(runtime.getSQL());
            if (batch == null) {
                batch = new ArrayList<StatementRuntime>(runtimes.length);
                batchs.put(runtime.getSQL(), batch);
            runtime.setAttribute("_index_at_batch_", i); // 该runtime在batch中的位置
        // TODO: 多个真正的batch可以考虑并行执行(而非顺序执行)~待定
        for (Map.Entry<String, List<StatementRuntime>> batch : batchs.entrySet()) {
            String sql = batch.getKey();
            List<StatementRuntime> batchRuntimes = batch.getValue();
            StatementRuntime runtime = batchRuntimes.get(0);
            DataAccess dataAccess = dataAccessFactory.getDataAccess(//
                runtime.getMetaData(), runtime.getAttributes());
            List<Object[]> argsList = new ArrayList<Object[]>(batchRuntimes.size());
            for (StatementRuntime batchRuntime : batchRuntimes) {
            int[] batchResult = dataAccess.batchUpdate(sql, argsList);
            if (batchs.size() == 1) {
                updatedArray = batchResult;
            } else {
                int index_at_sub_batch = 0;
                for (StatementRuntime batchRuntime : batchRuntimes) {
                    Integer _index_at_batch_ = batchRuntime.getAttribute("_index_at_batch_");
                    updatedArray[_index_at_batch_] = batchResult[index_at_sub_batch++];
        if (returnType == void.class) {
            return null;
        if (returnType == int[].class) {
            return updatedArray;
        if (returnType == Integer.class || returnType == Boolean.class) {
            int updated = 0;
            for (int value : updatedArray) {
                updated += value;
            return returnType == Boolean.class ? updated > 0 : updated;
        throw new InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException(
            "bad return type for batch update: " + runtimes[0].getMetaData().getMethod());



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