Future factories will move into town, predicts Arup report 奥雅纳报告预测未来的工厂将转移到城镇

Arup is predicting the robotisation of factories and the rapid advance of 3D printing in a new report calledRethinking the Factory, exploring the emerging trends andtechnologies in manufacturing.


Developed by Arup’s Foresight + Research+ Innovation and Science and Industry teams, the report argues that widerutilisation of 3D printing – or additive manufacturing – will allowmanufacturing to move away from traditional sites and be more mobile anddispersed.


This will mean that factory locationsare likely to become both more varied and closer to consumers, usingnon-traditional spaces such as small offices in a city centre. For theconstruction sector, this will allow production to take place closer to the pointof use, lowering transport costs and emissions.


Factories will be adaptable, withmodular building techniques enabling re-scaling and diversification ofproduction. This will also allow energy, water and material consumption to bemanaged more effectively, while producing an environment suited to the needs ofits highly skilled workforce.


Duncan White, science and industryleader at Arup, commented: “The convergence of the physical and digital worldsmeans that manufacturers have to continue to adapt and adopt new processesquicker than ever before.

奥雅纳科学与工业领导人Duncan White评论道:“物理世界与数字世界的整合意味着生产者不得不比以往更快地适应并采取新的工艺。”

Increasing adoption of technology such as 3D printing will mean factoriescan move away from traditional sites


“While developing sustainable andresilient practices will be essential, having access to a skilled pool ofworkers will prove to be equally important and challenging as these changes aremade. As such, it is critical that companies and policy makers have acomprehensive understanding of the changing manufacturing landscape.”


The report goes on to suggest thatcollaboration between humans and robots will be the key to production in thefuture, with the integration of cameras and smart sensors already allowingrobots to respond to their environments.


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Becoming increasingly intuitive, robotswill be able to “learn” tasks after being shown a portion of it. The humanworkers will serve as robot supervisors, operating machinery and controllingsmart production processes such as systems management and data analysis, ratherthan participating in manual labour.


One side effect of the increasingtechnicality of future factories will be even greater competition for employeeswith STEM skills.


Beyond machines, the report looks at newmaterials that could improve product performance. Arup predicts the emergenceof self-healing, self-cleaning bio-inspired plastics, which are capable ofrepairing damage without human intervention. These technologies will extend thelifetime of manufactured goods and reduce demand for raw materials.


It adds that tools such as BIM infactory design, planning and management will play a critical role in allowingmanufacturers to foresee and mitigate issues based on access to resources,location choices, weather risks and transportation needs.


Factory design will also be more focusedon consumer experience, with the factory as a “showroom”. It also describes a“transparent factory” where more people get involved in making products or gaina closer insight into how products are manufactured, especially bespoke orcustomised products.



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