Words review
1. devilish: highly, extremely
2. unrequited: not returned in kind, unpaid
3. belated: happening or arriving late
4. ransack: to go through a place, stealing things and causing damage
5. doom: to make someone or something certain to fail, die, be destroyed
6. be indebted to: be grateful to
7. indigent: very poor
8. embankment: a wide wall of earth or stones to support a road or railway.
9. satire: a way of criticizing something.
这次的阅读任务对我而言是有点难的,除了内容多,还有阅读中出现的错综复杂的人际关系。基于非常浅显的中文和历史基础,在有限的时间里,真的是硬着头皮,咬着牙看完。看到了苏东坡的几经周折,生活经历的变化,生活环境的变化,锤炼了这位伟大的诗人。山清水秀的杭州启发了苏东坡,反之,苏东坡以自己的才华成就了杭州。当苏东坡遭贬黄州,仕途的不顺反而让他更加超然物外,沉淀自我,也写出来更多的好诗词。林语堂对苏东坡诗句的评价“the power of mosquito bites”,尽管远在江湖,其思想的影响能跨越地理的限制影响身在朝中的官员大将。苏东坡的影响不仅仅在于宋朝的人民,更是延续至今。借鉴林语堂的评价就是“It has always seemed to me that wherever the spirit of man lives, religion comes to life again. Whenever the spirit of man dies, religion also decays.”