DAY8-Daily Note-Chapter8

Reading Reflection

第八章的题目the Bull-headed Premier即是王安石在民间的戏称“拗相公”,因为王安石极为固执,不接受驳斥和反对,一心只想将政策贯彻下去,却孰料物极必反,青苗法几乎无法实行。读这一章时,我觉得王安石在那个时代既可怜又可恨,他不容任何人反对,却又能言善道,他志向远大,眼界独到,却囿于自身的极端执拗,司马光因此评他"天命不足畏,众言不足从,祖宗之法不足用"。

后来读到最后苏东坡的九千字奏章,对林语堂的英文写作功力再次心悦诚服,关于天子和人民的关系论证,读下来只知抚掌叫好。再读到他奏章里引用的这几行诗时:'Like unto a drifting boat, None knows where it is heading. Restless I lie upon the pillow. For my heart is bleeding.' 想到了他的一首诗《自题金山画像》:

心似已灰之木, 身如不系之舟。

问汝平生功业, 黄州惠州儋州。


Guiding Question

How did the "bull-headed" premier Wang Anshih earned this nickname and frightened the entire court?

Wang Anshih was known for his extremely stubborn character. He implemented the farmer’s loan policy and banished censors whoever opposed him. He frightened the entire court by this drastic and extensive economics plans and policies, also his arbitrary habit of cashiering and banishing all censors who criticized him. Therefore, all officialdom was dismayed and friends began to desert him.

Words & Expressions

1. 描述固执、执拗的词

One of the earliest extant copies of Chinese vernacular literature, presaging the advent of the novel in China, was a short story entitled "The Bull-headed Premier" (Yao Shiang\ung) . (P99)

It is entirely possible that Wang Anshih, remembering the homely adage he had heard as a schoolboy that determination was a key to success, mistook mulish obstinacy for that desirable virtue. (P99)

If the Emperor could not be dissuaded from riding on the stubborn mule to perdition, his duty was done. (P117)

bull-headed: 牛脾气的,固执的;类比 stubborn mule: 倔驴

mulish: unreasonably rigid in the face of argument or entreaty or attack. 执拗的

obstinacy: If you describe someone as obstinate, you are being critical of them because they are very determined to do what they want, and refuse to change their mind or be persuaded to do something else. 固执的;倔强的

2. yeas and nays (P99)

There was no counting of votes, show of hands, yeas and nays, or any other form of establishing majority opinion.

yeas: 赞成,肯定,投票赞成者

nays: 反对,投反对票者

3. 关于表达异议、争吵、不和的词语

The "Bull-headed Premier" brooked no opposition from any quarter, friends or foes. (P99)

It was therefore natural that, having begun with questions of the new measures themselves, the fight very soon surged around a more fundamental issue, the issue of freedom of criticism and dissent.

The bickerings and dissensions at the court now were increased by the peculiar Sung system of government, which centered no clear-cut responsibility on one man as prime minister. (P101)

To carry out anything so radical as his state capitalist program, he knew he had to override all opposition. (P104)

brook: If someone in a position of authority will brook no interference or opposition, they will not accept any interference or opposition from others. 忍受(他人的干预或反对)

override: If someone in authority overrides a person or their decisions, they cancel their decisions. (以更大的权力)撤销,推翻,否决

dissent: "Dissent is strong disagreement or dissatisfaction with a decision or opinion, especially one that is supported by most people or by people in authority. (尤指与多数人或权威人士的)意见不一致,意见分歧

bicker: When people bicker, they argue or quarrel about unimportant things. 口角,争吵

dissension: Dissension is disagreement and argument. 意见不合;分歧

4. incumbent (P108)

And since the high commissioners were anxious to please the authorities at the court, while the lower officials dared not speak up, so Han said, he found it incumbent upon him as an old faithful servant o£ the court to bring the facts to the Emperor's attention.

incumbent: If it is incumbent upon you to do something, it is your duty or responsibility to do it. 义不容辞的

e.g. It is incumbent upon all of us to make an extra effort

5. framed-up charge (P123)

Just as he predicted, although the Emperor might take his advice kindly, the politicians could get him in trouble by some framed-up charge.

framed-up charge: 被诬陷的罪名


6. 这个句子有很多精妙的形容词,整个句子很漂亮,值得一记 (P118)

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