// Predefined character attributes for text. If the key is not in the dictionary, then use the default values as described below.
NSString * const NSFontAttributeName; // UIFont, default Helvetica(Neue) 12
NSString * const NSParagraphStyleAttributeName; // NSParagraphStyle, default defaultParagraphStyle
NSString * const NSForegroundColorAttributeName; // UIColor, default blackColor
NSString * const NSBackgroundColorAttributeName; // UIColor, default nil: no background
NSString * const NSLigatureAttributeName ; // NSNumber containing integer, default 1: default ligatures, 0: no ligatures
NSString * const NSKernAttributeName ; // NSNumber containing floating point value, in points; amount to modify default kerning. 0 means kerning is disabled.
NSString * const NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName ; // NSNumber containing integer, default 0: no strikethrough
NSString * const NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName ; // NSNumber containing integer, default 0: no underline
NSString * const NSStrokeColorAttributeName ; // UIColor, default nil: same as foreground color
NSString * const NSStrokeWidthAttributeName ; // NSNumber containing floating point value, in percent of font point size, default 0: no stroke; positive for stroke alone, negative for stroke and fill (a typical value for outlined text would be 3.0)
NSString * const NSShadowAttributeName ; // NSShadow, default nil: no shadow
NSString *const NSTextEffectAttributeName ; // NSString, default nil: no text effect
NSString * const NSAttachmentAttributeName ; // NSTextAttachment, default nil
NSString * const NSLinkAttributeName ; // NSURL (preferred) or NSString
NSString * const NSBaselineOffsetAttributeName ; // NSNumber containing floating point value, in points; offset from baseline, default 0
NSString * const NSUnderlineColorAttributeName ; // UIColor, default nil: same as foreground color
NSString * const NSStrikethroughColorAttributeName ; // UIColor, default nil: same as foreground color
NSString * const NSObliquenessAttributeName ; // NSNumber containing floating point value; skew to be applied to glyphs, default 0: no skew
NSString * const NSExpansionAttributeName ; // NSNumber containing floating point value; log of expansion factor to be applied to glyphs, default 0: no expansion
NSString * const NSWritingDirectionAttributeName NS_AVAILABLE(10_6, 7_0); // NSArray of NSNumbers representing the nested levels of writing direction overrides as defined by Unicode LRE, RLE, LRO, and RLO characters. The control characters can be obtained by masking NSWritingDirection and NSTextWritingDirection values. LRE: NSWritingDirectionLeftToRight|NSWritingDirectionEmbedding, RLE: NSWritingDirectionRightToLeft|NSWritingDirectionEmbedding, LRO: NSWritingDirectionLeftToRight|NSWritingDirectionOverride, RLO: NSWritingDirectionRightToLeft|NSWritingDirectionOverride,
NSString * const NSVerticalGlyphFormAttributeName; // An NSNumber containing an integer value. 0 means horizontal text. 1 indicates vertical text. If not specified, it could follow higher-level vertical orientation settings. Currently on iOS, it's always horizontal. The behavior for any other value is undefined.
/************************ Attribute values ************************/
// This defines currently supported values for NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName and NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName. NSUnderlineStyle*, NSUnderlinePattern*, and NSUnderlineByWord are or'ed together to produce an underline style.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NSUnderlineStyle) {
NSUnderlineStyleNone = 0x00,
NSUnderlineStyleSingle = 0x01,
NSUnderlineStyleThick NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_0, 7_0) = 0x02,
NSUnderlineStyleDouble NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_0, 7_0) = 0x09,
NSUnderlinePatternSolid NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_0, 7_0) = 0x0000,
NSUnderlinePatternDot NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_0, 7_0) = 0x0100,
NSUnderlinePatternDash NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_0, 7_0) = 0x0200,
NSUnderlinePatternDashDot NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_0, 7_0) = 0x0300,
NSUnderlinePatternDashDotDot NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_0, 7_0) = 0x0400,
NSUnderlineByWord NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_0, 7_0) = 0x8000
} NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_0, 6_0);
// NSWritingDirectionFormatType values used by NSWritingDirectionAttributeName. It is or'ed with either NSWritingDirectionLeftToRight or NSWritingDirectionRightToLeft. Can specify the formatting controls defined by Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NSWritingDirectionFormatType) {
NSWritingDirectionEmbedding = (0 << 1),
NSWritingDirectionOverride = (1 << 1)
} NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE(10_11, 9_0);
// NSTextEffectAttributeName values
NSString *const NSTextEffectLetterpressStyle ;
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