1.words and expressions
I don't like baseball movies that go into slow motion when the batter hits a home run, to notify me that it's a pregnant moment.
ADJ 耐人寻味的;意味深长的;心照不宣的;A pregnant silence or moment has a special meaning which is not obvious but which people are aware on f.
There was a long, pregnant silence. 当时出现了长时间耐人寻味的沉默。
a deceptive peace, pregnant with invisible threats.一种和平的假象,潜伏着许多无形的威胁
一个妇女怀孕几个月,可以说She is ... months pregnant.
问她怀孕了几个月,字面上固然可以说:How many months are you pregnant? 但是一般更多说How pregnant are you? 这里的how不是问状态,而是问怀孕的程度,亦即时间的长短。
说怀某个孩子,用pregnant with或pregnant for,但用with较多。pregnant with her third child怀上她的第三个孩子 / pregnant for Peter怀着彼得。
pregnant with还可以转义为“孕育着、蕴涵着、预示着(某种事件或局面)”。words pregnant with emotion蕴涵着激情的言词 She kept a silence which was pregnant with indications of how much more she could say. 她保持沉默,但这暗示着她还有好多的话要说。
This kind of prose is littered with precipitous cliffs and lacy spiderwebs...
前一种搭配的。【例如】There were books littered all over the room. 满屋子到处乱丢着书。后一种搭配则更为多见。【例如】The boy has littered his room with toys. 男孩子的房间里乱丢着许多玩具(主语是人,杂物用with引入)。/ Clothing littered the floor. 地板上乱丢着衣服(主语是杂物。/ The roof of the main building was littered with over five hundred antennas. 主楼屋顶上架满了五百多根天线。/ Mistakes littered the text. 错误连篇。/ History is littered with such examples. 历史上这种例子屡见不鲜。/ Alzheimer's litters the brain with tiny bits of a substances called plaque. 老年痴呆症使得脑子里到处乱放着小块的叫做癍块的物质(参见strew条)。
dead centre
...you’d see families sitting at square tables in the dead center of square rooms.
本来是形容词,但在若干场合可以当作副词使用,表示“完全”、“十分”。【例如】dead ahead正在前头 / dead certain确信 / dead drunk酩酊大醉 / dead easy易如反掌 / dead right十分正确 / dead slow慢吞吞 / dead straight笔直 / dead sure蛮有把握 / dead tired疲惫不堪。/ His parents were dead against the marriage. 他的父母坚决反对这门亲事。
反之,dead加了后缀-ly,反而成了个纯粹的形容词,意思是“致人死命的”或是“噩耗频传的”。【例如】Cyanide is a deadly poison. 氰化物是一种致人死命的毒药。/ This past Aug. and September were the two deadliest months on record for Iraqis... (Newsweek, Oct. 30, 2006, p. 49) 今年八、九两月是有记录以来伊拉克人丧生最多的月份…
英语往往以表示状态的dead来代替表示变化的die。【例如】He is dead. 他死了(代替He has died.)。/ He has been dead for ten years. 他死了十年了(代替He died ten years ago.)。/ He was dead on arrival at the hospital. 他送到医院时已经死亡(代替He had died before arrival at the hospital.)。
但是有关于死亡当时的时间、地点、情状等附带说明时,不能用dead,要用die。【例如】Two of them had died (*had been dead) during the rescue. 其中两人在抢救当中死去。
累计死亡人数时也应该用动词die。【例如】the names of 1,622 US soldiers who have died(*are dead) in Iraq (The Associated Press, May 24, 2005) 在伊拉克阵亡的1622名美军士兵的名字。
touch off
New sights touch off thoughts that otherwise wouldn’t have entered the writer’s mind.
If something touches off a situation or series of events, it causes it to start happening.
Is the massacre likely to touch off a new round of violence?
click into place
I’m often amazed, dipping into my past, to find some forgotten incident clicking into place just when I need it.
Click into place 豁然开朗、恰好吻合
have a feeling for
In only two paragraphs we have a feeling not only for the tackiness of the New California landscape...
Feel for 同情
If you feel for someone, you have sympathy for them.