故事和旋律:电影歌曲中的Leonard Cohen Ⅱ

2010【Barney's Version 巴尼的人生】


曲目:Dance Me To The End Of Love

选自Leonard Cohen 1989年专辑【Various Positions】


Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin

Dance me through the panic 'til I'm gathered safely in

Lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove

Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to the end of love

Oh let me see your beauty when the witnesses are gone

Let me feel you moving like they do in Babylon

Show me slowly what I only know the limits of

Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to the wedding now, dance me on and on

Dance me very tenderly and dance me very long

We're both of us beneath our love, we're both of us above

Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to the children who are asking to be born

Dance me through the curtains that our kisses have outworn

Raise a tent of shelter now, though every thread is torn

Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin

Dance me through the panic till I'm gathered safely in

Touch me with your naked hand or touch me with your glove

Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to the end of love

2009【Watchmen 守望者】



选自Leonard Cohen 1989年专辑【Various Positions】


Now Ive heard there was a secret chord

That david played, and it pleased the lord

But you dont really care for music, do you?

It goes like this

The fourth, the fifth

The minor fall, the major lift

The baffled king composing hallelujah





Your faith was strong but you needed proof

You saw her bathing on the roof

Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew her

She tied you

To a kitchen chair

She broke your throne, and she cut your hair

And from your lips she drew the hallelujah

Hallelujah, hallelujah

Hallelujah, hallelujah

You say I took the name in vain

I dont even know the name

But if I did, well really, whats it to you?

Theres a blaze of light

In every word

It doesnt matter which you heard

The holy or the broken hallelujah

Hallelujah, hallelujah

Hallelujah, hallelujah

I did my best, it wasnt much

I couldnt feel, so I tried to touch

Ive told the truth, I didnt come to fool you

And even though

It all went wrong

Ill stand before the lord of song

With nothing on my tongue but hallelujah

Hallelujah, hallelujah

Hallelujah, hallelujah

Hallelujah, hallelujah

Hallelujah, hallelujah

Hallelujah, hallelujah

Hallelujah, hallelujah

Hallelujah, hallelujah

Hallelujah, hallelujah


2006【Leonard Cohen: I'm Your Man 我是你的男人】

关于Cohen的纪录片有太多,而这部因参与者众多而且份量十足,所以显得特别有纪念意义。今年刚好是这部音乐片/纪录片的十周年。到今天,U2依然不紧不慢的发行着新专辑;而Nick cave似乎越来越内敛同时保持旺盛的创造力,除了自己的专辑,还投身在电影原声的创作中;Jarvis Cocker不再是那个pulp乐团外露、风头十足的主唱,而有向着探索实验音乐的可能。而这些独当一面的音乐人当时确都是怀着一颗雀跃的心向Cohen老爷子致敬。到今天,这部音乐纪录片如果再重现,那是怎么也免不了哀伤的情绪了。

曲目:Tower Of Song

选自Leonard Cohen 1988年专辑【I'm Your Man】与U2合作重新编曲、录音。


另外单独提一句,这首曲子在Cohen2014年的现场专辑【Live in dublin】中的演绎更是一绝,苍老的人声有一种无视时间的自得其乐和韧性。

Well my friends are gone

And my hair is grey

I ache in the places where

I used to play

And I'm crazy for love but

I'm not coming on

I'm just paying my rent every day

Oh in the Tower of Song

I said to Hank Williams:

How lonely does it get

Hank Williams hasn't answered yet

But I hear him coughing all night long

A hundred floors above me

In the Tower of Song

I was born like this

I had no choice

I was born with the gift of

A golden voice

And twenty-seven angels

From the Great Beyond

They tied me to this table right here

In the Tower of Song

Now you can say that I've grown bitter

But of this you may be sure

The rich have got their channels

In the bedrooms of the poor

And there's a mighty judgement coming

But I may be wrong

You see you hear these funny voices

In the Tower of Song

I see you standing on the other side

I don't know how the river got so wide

I loved you baby

I loved you way back when

And all the bridges are burning

That we might have crossed

But I feel so close to everything

That we lost

We'll never We'll never have to lose it again

Now I bid you farewell

I don't know when I'll be back

There moving us tomorrow to

That tower down the track

But you'll be hearing from me baby

Long after I'm gone

I'll be speaking to you sweetly

From a window in the Tower of Song

I'll be speaking to you sweetly

From a window in the Tower of Song

Yeah my friends are gone

And my hair is grey

I ache in the places

Where I used to play

And I'm crazy for love but I'm not coming on

I'm just paying my rent every day

Oh in the Tower of Song

I'm just paying my rent every day

Oh in the Tower of Song

2004【The Passion of the Christ 耶稣受难记】

Mel Gibson亲自担纲编、导、演于一身的【耶稣受难记】于2004年上映,引起的巨大争议到现在都还记忆犹新,关于运用如此写实残酷的画面来讲述耶稣的故事是否合适,个人觉得是一个见仁见智的问题。如果是一个神学研究人员或者狂热的神学爱好者,或者喜欢尝试不同观影体验的电影迷,那这部电影是值得一看的。个人甚至觉得这部电影比【勇敢的心】更震撼,在技巧上也更优秀。

曲目:By The Rivers Dark

选自 Leonard Cohen 2001年专辑【Ten New Songs】

这部电影的原声歌曲选曲的又是非常有品味,特别是选择Cohen的这首By The Rivers Dark,以及Bob Dylan的Not Dark Yet,相互呼应,又与电影的情节形成默契。


By the rivers dark

I wandered on.

I lived my life

in Babylon.

And I did forget

My holy song:

And I had no strength

In Babylon.

By the rivers dark

Where I could not see

Who was waiting there

Who was hunting me.

And he cut my lip

And he cut my heart.

So I could not drink

From the river dark.

And he covered me,

And I saw within,

My lawless heart

And my wedding ring,

I did not know

And I could not see

Who was waiting there,

Who was hunting me.

By the rivers dark

I panicked on.

I belonged at last

to Babylon.

Then he struck my heart

With a deadly force,

And he said, 'This heart:

It is not yours.'

And he gave the wind

My wedding ring;

And he circled us

With everything.

By the rivers dark,

In a wounded dawn,

I live my life

In Babylon.

Though I take my song

From a withered limb,

Both song and tree,

They sing for him.

Be the truth unsaid

And the blessing gone,

If I forget

My Babylon.

I did not know

And I could not see

Who was waiting there,

Who was hunting me.

By the rivers dark,

Where it all goes on;

By the rivers dark

In Babylon.

2004【Die Fetten Jahre Sind Vorbei a.k.a The Edukators 替天行道三人行】

2003年【再见列宁】上映引发如潮好评后,男主Daniel Brühl携带着新作品【替天行道三人行】在2年后重新登场。这部电影也选择了Leonard Cohen的歌曲作为电影插曲,同这首歌闪耀的理想主义色彩一样,这部电影比【再见列宁】相同的是戏谑,但多了更多的理想主义色彩,以及更青春的无政府主义色彩。如果说【再见列宁】是嘲讽一种集权的话,那【替天行道三人行】就是向另一种同样让人无法获得安全感的意识形态进行调戏。如果喜欢一些别样的青春片,那这部部冷场,又犀利的电影肯定不应该被错过。

曲目:Sisters Of Mercy

选自 Leonard Cohen 1967年的首张个人专辑【Songs Of Leonard Cohen】

这又是一首选自Cohen33岁发行的首张专辑的歌曲,清脆的吉他以外,加入的手摇铃、小型打击乐、悠扬的笛子、活泼的风琴,无不在还原一个当时不乏阳光气息而纯真的Cohen,而这样的青春气息出现在一部描写新时代青年故事的电影中,毫无违和,只因这首歌中的怀旧意象,如同那些寻求出路的青年的勇气一样—— 不合时宜,但却能打动你的心。

Oh the sisters of mercy

they are not departed or gone,

they were waiting for me

when I thought that I just can't go on

And they brought me their comfort

and later they brought me this song

Oh I hope you run into them

you who've been travelling so long

You who must leave everything

that you cannot control

it begins with your family

but soon it comes round to your soul

well, I've been where you're hanging

I think I can see how you're pinned

When you're not feeling holy

your loneliness tells that you've sinned

They lay down beside me

I made my confession to them

they touched both my eyes

and I touched the dew on their hem

If your life is a leaf

that the seasons tear off and condemn

they will bind you with love

that is graceful and green as a stem

When I left they were sleeping

I hope you run into them soon

don't turn on the light

you can read their address by the moon

and you won't make me jealous

if I heard that they sweetened your night

we weren't lovers like that

and besides it would still be all right

we weren't lovers like that

and besides it would still be all right

2000【Wonder Boys 奇迹小子】

2000年上映的【奇迹小子】的台前幕后阵容都显得有噱头,原著出自普利策小说奖得主Michael Chabon,导演是刚拍完那部经典警匪片【洛城机密】的Curtis Hanson,演员方面,Michael Douglas自不用说,还有后面成为拯救世界的英雄的蜘蛛侠和钢铁侠,三个男人戏份有轻重,但是都贴有wonder的标签,只是他们都遇上了麻烦,而电影就围绕着这些麻烦造成的冲突,讲了一个诙谐又不失温暖的故事。

曲目:Waiting for the Miracle

选自 Leonard Cohen1992年专辑【The Future】

这又是一张值得收藏的电影原声歌曲专辑,可以说这张原声专辑的阵容就是一部封神榜,除了Leonard Cohen以外,还包括John LennonBob DylanNeil YoungVan Morrison等。而且这张原声中Bob DylanThings Have Changed 还获得了73届奥斯卡的最佳原创歌曲大奖。不过Cohen的曲子却依然有他独到的魅力。

Waiting for the Miracle 不是第一次出现在电影中,在这部2000年的【奇迹小子】之前,还出现在了Oliver Stone的【天生杀人狂】之中,不过在和不同电影故事,以及不同电影风格的混合后,被赋予了不同的解读,或者产生了不同的效果。在这里的Waiting for the Miracle,旋律中深深的颓唐和无力,正是男主的写照,不断起伏的贝斯如同生活中的暗潮来袭,而清脆美丽的吉他solo也一直贯穿整个旋律,加上偶尔浮现的轻快口哨声,似乎又在预示男主最终会等待生活的奇迹到来。有时候真不知道是歌曲成全了电影,还是电影又解读了音乐的另一层状态。


最后,当然是更新了的网易云歌单:Leonard Cohen Songs on Camera

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