Zhejiang royal Tibetan cabinet private museum products recommended:
Name: promoting to a higher position of them
规格:重量 229.7g
Specification: the weight of 229.7 g
Type: miscellaneous
Holder: Mr. Wang
说 明:
Ming said:
Coffin, which is also called ceiling.coffin, old house, four and a half life of party, is the empty boxes of the dead body, usually used in funeral. The coffin of body called the coffin. Coffin can be made by the different material, the most common manufacturing with wood. Also have the coffin of manufacture copper, stone, etc. Chinese traditional love by the high quality of catalpa wood, nanmu, etc for a coffin. After the death of a lot of people to get a pair of good coffin for the biggest blessing.
Since the ancient times since one thousand, human beings for their own death left over from the "theorem" not "kill" - is not dead, but all the bucket, of course, this is a superstition that if the scientific objective view to explain the bucket "theorem", it is a spiritual desire of people - although people death, resurrection, but his mental image, is forever in the hearts of others. People in order to bring the heart feeling to physical expression to the remembrance of the dead, is placed on the bodies of the dead, buried. In order to let the dead people to another world live better, is for the dead gorgeous coffin.
2016.6.19浙江御藏阁私人博物馆有幸接待到王老师,王老师这次前来给我们展示了一件家传很久的藏品—棺材,此件藏品质地上乘、设计巧妙、工艺精美、造型新颖。因其谐音“升官发财”,寓意极好,不仅在港澳台、东南亚等地区广受欢迎,近年在国内也受到追捧,渐成热销之势。皆因其内藏着“幸运”、带着“财气”: 棺——官也;材——财也 官财,有“加官进爵,升官发财”的寓意 送领导寓意“高升”,收藏价值巨大。
2016.6.19 zhejiang royal Tibetan cabinet private museums have the honor to receive to teacher wang, wang came to give us this collection shows a family for a long time - the coffin, the items are superior in quality, design clever, exquisite craft, novel appearance. Because of its homophonic "rise", meaning very good, is not only popular in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, southeast Asia and other regions, in recent years is also popular at home, is a popular trend. Because of its hidden "lucky", with "type" : coffins - officer; Material - also officer wealth, have the meaning of "careers, promoting to a higher position" moral leadership "promotion",great value for collection.
有故事介绍说:有两个秀才一起去赶考,路上遇到一个出殡的队伍。看到那一口黑乎乎的棺材,一个秀才心里立即“咯噔”一下,凉了半截,心想:完了,活见鬼,赶考的日子居然碰到这倒霉的棺材。于是心情一落千丈,走进考场,那个黑乎乎的棺材一直挥之不去,结果,文思枯竭,最终名落孙山。 另一个秀才同时看到了那个棺材,一开始心里也“咯噔”了一下,但转念一想,棺材,噢,那不是“有官”么?好,好兆头,看来我要鸿运当头了,一定高中。于是心里十分高兴,情绪高涨,走进考场,文思泉涌,果然一举高中。对事物的看法,没有绝对的对错之分,但有积极和消极之分,而且每个必定要为自己的看法承担最后的结果。消极思维者,对事物永远都会找到消极的解释,并且总能为自己找到抱怨的借口,最终得到消极的结果。接下来,消极的结果又会强化他消极的情绪,从而使他成为更加消极的思维者,形成恶性循环。 所以我们对待事物,要多往积极的方向思考,有一个积极、 健康的心态,我们的生活和事业一定也会有一个好的结果。
Said a story: there are two show just go to descend, he met a funeral procession. See that a black coffin, a scholar in the mind immediately "hitched", cold half, thought: finished, the deuce, descend day unexpectedly ran into the coffin of bad luck. Then the mood plummet, walked into the examination room, the black coffin has been lingering, as a result, the writer's block, finally fallen off. Another show just saw the coffin at the same time, the first in the mind also "hitched", but on second thought, the coffin, oh, that's not "officer"? Ok, ok, one million head, I seems to be a roll, a high school. So the in the mind is very happy and in high spirits, walked into the examination room, inspired, indeed as expected at high school. View of things, there is no absolute right or wrong, but there are positive and negative, and each must be for their own points of view for the final result. Negative thinking, will always find a negative explanation for things, and always can find their complaints, end up with negative results. Next, a negative result will strengthen his negative emotions, which makes him a more negative thinking, form a vicious circle. Treat thing, so we must think more positive direction, there is a positive and healthy attitude, our life and career must have a good result.