

泛指是指首次提到的、不限定的人或事物。特指是指在上文已提到的人或事物, 也可以指说话双方心目中所默认的特定的人或事物。冠词的泛指、特指用法归纳如下:


a/an + 单数名词。如: A(=One)horse is enough.(表数量)

a/an + 单数名词。如: A horse is a large four-legged animal.(强调类别中任何一个的特点)

the + 单数名词。如: I think the most useful animal is the horse.(强调整个类别)

零冠词 + 复数名词或不可数名词。如: Horses are useful animals.(强调类别中的许多个体)


the + 单数名词/复数名词/不可数名词。


①Laszlo Biro invented the ballpoint pen.

②The biggest whale is the blue whale, which grows to be about 29 meters long—the height of a 9-story building.


1. 不定冠词有a, an两种形式, 当紧跟着冠词的第一个音素为辅音音素(注意: 不是辅音字母)时用a; 当紧跟着冠词的第一个音素为元音音素(注意: 不是元音字母)时用an。

a university, a useful animal, a one-eyed dog, a European car, an hour, an honest boy, an X-ray, an ugly man, an honor等。


③I earn 10 dollars an hour as a supermarket cashier on Saturdays.

④The teacher asked us to write an 800-word-long composition.

2. 表示one, the same或every的意思。

They are of an age.(=the same)他们年龄相同。

I will return in a day or two.(=one)



⑤Christmas is a special holiday when the whole family are supposed to get together.

⑥They are twins, so they are of an age.

3. 含有不定冠词的常考短语

have a cold得了感冒

have a good time玩得高兴

have a gift for有……的天赋

have a word with与……谈话

at a blow一下子

have/take a rest休息一下

have a holiday度假

make a living谋生

get a lift/ride搭便车

go on a diet节食

as a result因此

as a matter of fact事实上

as a rule通常, 照例

after a while一会儿后

in a hurry匆忙地

in a sense在某种意义上

in a word总之

in a moment立刻

once in a while偶尔

at a loss困惑, 不知所措

at a distance离一段距离

for a while暂时, 一时

once upon a time从前

all of a sudden突然

a waste of...……的浪费

a matter of...……的问题

What a pity!真遗憾!

with a score of以……的分数

have a population of有……人口

have a history of有……的历史

have an area of有……的面积

a collection of一批……

a knowledge of(=know)知道

an understanding of(=understand)懂得

注意: 通常成对出现的名词(被视为一套或一体), 一般只用一个不定冠词。如: a knife and fork一副刀叉。


⑦I don't want to have words with you. I prefer to have a word with you.

⑧The power supply was cut off. All of a sudden, the lights went out.

⑨China has a far larger population than Canada.

⑩The quality of the ambulance service is a matter of life and death.


1. 用在表示特指的人或物的名词前。

The book on the desk is mine.


Would you mind turning down the radio a little?The baby is sleeping.


2. 用在姓氏复数前, 表一家人或夫妇二人。

The Greens are at table.


The Chens are going to move to Langfang.


3. 用在年代、朝代名词及逢十的数词(表某个年代)前或用在表示方位的名词前。

the Tang Dynasty唐朝;

the Spring and Autumn Period春秋时期;

in the 1990's/1990s在20世纪90年代;

the south南方/部

4. 用在表度量单位的名词前, 表示“每一”。如by the hour/day/week/month/year/dozen/yard/ton/kilo, 但是size/weight/time这类名词跟by连用时不加定冠词。

We got paid by the month.


Meat is sold by weight.


5.“the + 形容词或分词”有时也可表类指。

the wounded 伤员

the dying垂死之人

the unknown未知的事物

the deaf聋子

the young青年人

the old老人

the living 生者

the dead死者

6.“动词 + sb. + 介词 + the + 身体某一部位”结构中的the不可用物主代词代替。

take sb. by the arm抓某人的胳膊

An apple fell from the tree and hit him on the head.

一个苹果从树上落下, 砸在了他的头上。

此外, 在be red in the face(脸红), be lame in the right leg(右腿瘸), be blind in the left eye(左眼瞎)等结构中, 名词前也要用the。

7. 用在某些固定结构中。

in the end最后, 终于

in the daytime在白天

in the habit of习惯于

make the most/best of充分利用

in the distance在远处

in the way挡路

on the whole总之

on the right/left在右/左面

at the same time同时

at the moment此刻

for the time being暂时

in the public eye 广为人知的

go to the doctor's去看医生

by the way顺便说, 附带地说说

the other day(=a few days ago)几天前

on the radio/phone通过无线电/电话

on the spot在场, 到场, 立即, 马上, 当场

to tell(you)the truth说实话, 老实说

go to the cinema去看电影

not in the least(=not at all)一点也不

on the one hand..., on the other hand... 一方面……, 另一方面……

for the most part通常, 多半


1. 不可数名词、复数名词表泛指, 用零冠词。

My father went to his doctor for advice about his heart trouble.


2. 名词前已有this, that, my, your, some, each, no, any等指示代词、形容词性物主代词、限定词以及名词所有格等限定时不再用冠词。

She is not my type of woman.


His heart was beating wildly with fear.


He went to some place in France.


Each student must hand in his exercise book.


3. 零冠词的用法口诀





A year can be divided into four seasons—spring, summer, autumn and winter.


He has no lessons on Sundays. 他周日没有课。

Mr. Li is chairman of the meeting.


(注: 表示称呼、头衔的名词作表语、同位语、补足语时用零冠词)

但以上用法是相对而言的, 在不同的句子中, 可能会用到不定冠词或定冠词。因此, 用哪种冠词要视情况而定。

Autumn is the harvest season.


The organization was founded in the spring of(the year)2010.


4. 高考中常见的纯不可数名词, 它们是: baggage, luggage, furniture, health, weather, fun, space(太空), advice, word(=news), progress, information, news, luck, wealth(财产)等。以上不可数名词永远不能与不定冠词连用。

Beyond the stars, the astronaut saw nothing but space.

除了星星, 那个宇航员只看见太空, 看不到别的东西。

5. 系动词turn(变成)后的单数名词作表语, 用零冠词。

Has he turned scientist?他成为科学家了吗?

6.“零冠词 + 单数名词 + as/though + 主语 + 谓语 + 主句”, 意为“虽然/尽管……, 但是……”。

Hero as he is, he has some shortcomings.

虽然他是英雄, 但他也有一些缺点。


1. man作“男人, 人”讲, word作“字, 词, 话”讲时, 这两个词为普通名词, 根据需要可与相应的不定冠词或定冠词连用; 但man作“人类”, word作“消息, 信息”讲时, 需与零冠词连用。

For a long time they walked without saying a word. Jim was the first to break the silence.

他们走了好长时间, 一言不发, 是吉姆首先打破了这阵沉默。

Word came that I was needed at home.


Man can conquer nature. 人定胜天。

He is a difficult man to deal with. 他是一个很难相处的人。

2. 有无冠词的短语的区别

in case of/in case 以防(万一)

in the case of 就……而言

in front of 在……(外部)的前面

in the front of 在……(内部)的前面

sit at table 吃饭

sit at the table 坐在桌旁(不一定是吃饭)

by day 在白天

by the day 按天计算

take place 发生

take the place of 代替

in possession of sth. 拥有某物

in the possession of sb. 为某人所拥有

in sight of 能看到

in the sight of 在……看来

in place of 代替

in the place of 在……的地方

in future 今后

in the future 将来

take advice 征求意见

take the advice 听从劝告

He is still in office. 他仍在执政。

He is still in the office. 他仍在办公室里。

She is in class. 她在上课。

She is in the class. 她在那个班里。

There is still some food in store. 食物尚有储存。

There is still some food in the store. 那个仓库里还有些食物。

It is out of question. 那是毫无疑问的。(相当于beyond question)

It is out of the question. 那是不可能的。(相当于impossible)

He is in charge of the factory. 他负责这个工厂。

The factory is in the charge of him. 这个工厂由他负责。

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