测试命令: run gts-suite -s ID -o -m GtsGmscoreHostTestCases -t com.google.android.gts.devicepolicy.managedprovisioning.DeviceOwnerProvisioningHostsideTest#testRequiredAppsInManagedProfileForManagedDevice
07-27 06:59:30.611 32075 32125 I SilentProvisioningTest: managedProfileProvisionedReceiver.awaitForBroadcast(): failed
07-27 06:59:30.612 2091 2129 D ContactsDatabaseHelper: insertMimeType: vnd.android.cursor.item/website
07-27 06:59:30.613 1535 1587 W zygote64: kill(-1628, 9) failed: No such process
07-27 06:59:30.614 1535 2857 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 10
07-27 06:59:30.614 1535 2857 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 480
07-27 06:59:30.614 1535 2857 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0
07-27 06:59:30.617 32075 32122 I TestRunner: failed: testProvision(com.google.android.gts.managedprovisioning.ManagedProfileProvisioningTest)
07-27 06:59:30.617 32075 32122 I TestRunner: ----- begin exception -----
07-27 06:59:30.618 32075 32122 I TestRunner: java.lang.AssertionError
07-27 06:59:30.618 32075 32122 I TestRunner: at org.junit.Assert.fail(Assert.java:86)
07-27 06:59:30.618 32075 32122 I TestRunner: at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(Assert.java:41)
07-27 06:59:30.618 32075 32122 I TestRunner: at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(Assert.java:52)
07-27 06:59:30.618 32075 32122 I TestRunner: at com.google.android.gts.managedprovisioning.ManagedProfileProvisioningTest.testProvision(ManagedProfileProvisioningTest.java:54)
- case pass
- 延长广播receiver的等待时间可以pass
- 延长广播的等待时间也不能pass
主要需要分析的是第三种情况,因为这才最可能是测试偶现fail的root cause
BroadcastQueue: Failure [foreground] sending broadcast result of Intent { act=android.app.action.PROFILE_PROVISIONING_COMPLETE flg=0x10000030 (has extras) }
private boolean waitManagedProfileProvisioning()
throws InterruptedException
BlockingBroadcastReceiver localBlockingBroadcastReceiver1 = new BlockingBroadcastReceiver(this.mContext, "android.app.action.MANAGED_PROFILE_PROVISIONED");
BlockingBroadcastReceiver localBlockingBroadcastReceiver2 = new BlockingBroadcastReceiver(this.mContext, "android.intent.action.MANAGED_PROFILE_ADDED");
boolean bool = pollProvisioningResult();
if (!bool) {
return false;
this.mReceivedProfileProvisionedIntent = localBlockingBroadcastReceiver1.awaitForBroadcast();
if (this.mReceivedProfileProvisionedIntent == null)
Log.i("SilentProvisioningTest", "managedProfileProvisionedReceiver.awaitForBroadcast(): failed");
return false;
if (localBlockingBroadcastReceiver2.awaitForBroadcast() == null)
Log.i("SilentProvisioningTest", "managedProfileAddedReceiver.awaitForBroadcast(): failed");
return false;
return true;
只要有一个receiver没有在10s内接受,那么case fail
01-21 07:09:26.830 30298 30298 D weijuncheng: -------------->a2
01-21 07:09:26.830 29764 29764 D weijuncheng: -------------->a1
01-21 07:09:26.830 29764 29764 D weijuncheng: android.intent.action.MANAGED_PROFILE_ADDED
01-21 07:09:26.830 29764 29764 D weijuncheng: -------------->a3
01-21 07:09:26.832 2452 5951 I ActivityManager: Killing 25473:com.google.android.apps.messaging/u0a66 (adj 906): empty #17
01-21 07:09:26.832 2452 2509 W zygote64: kill(-25473, 9) failed: No such process
01-21 07:09:26.833 29547 29547 D ManagedProvisioning: ACTION_PROFILE_PROVISIONING_COMPLETE broadcast received by mdm
01-21 07:09:26.836 29764 29764 D weijuncheng: -------------->a1
01-21 07:09:26.836 29764 29764 D weijuncheng: android.app.action.MANAGED_PROFILE_PROVISIONED
01-21 07:09:26.836 29764 29764 D weijuncheng: -------------->a3
07-31 21:58:22.306 1310238 9274 9274 D weijuncheng: -------------->a2
07-31 21:58:22.307 10238 8155 8155 D weijuncheng: -------------->a1
07-31 21:58:22.307 10238 8155 8155 D weijuncheng: android.intent.action.MANAGED_PROFILE_ADDED
07-31 21:58:22.307 10238 8155 8155 D weijuncheng: -------------->a3
64 @Override
65 public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
66 ProvisionLogger.logd("ACTION_PROFILE_PROVISIONING_COMPLETE broadcast received by mdm");
68 final Intent primaryProfileSuccessIntent = new Intent(ACTION_MANAGED_PROFILE_PROVISIONED);
69 primaryProfileSuccessIntent.setPackage(mMdmPackageName);
70 primaryProfileSuccessIntent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES |
72 primaryProfileSuccessIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_USER, mManagedUserHandle);
74 // Now cleanup the primary profile if necessary
75 if (mMigratedAccount != null) {
76 primaryProfileSuccessIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_PROVISIONING_ACCOUNT_TO_MIGRATE,
77 mMigratedAccount);
78 finishAccountMigration(context, primaryProfileSuccessIntent);
79 // Note that we currently do not check if account migration worked
80 } else {
81 context.sendBroadcast(primaryProfileSuccessIntent);
82 }
83 }
可以看到上面onReceive中的第一行就有"ACTION_PROFILE_PROVISIONING_COMPLETE broadcast received by mdm,而现在没有这行log,说明没有接收到ACTION_PROFILE_PROVISIONING_COMPLETE这个广播,所以case等待的广播就不能发出去了,所以延长多少等待时间都会fail
if (r.resultTo != null) {
try {
"Finishing broadcast [" + mQueueName + "] "
+ r.intent.getAction() + " app=" + r.callerApp);
performReceiveLocked(r.callerApp, r.resultTo,
new Intent(r.intent), r.resultCode,
r.resultData, r.resultExtras, false, false, r.userId);
// Set this to null so that the reference
// (local and remote) isn't kept in the mBroadcastHistory.
r.resultTo = null;
} catch (RemoteException e) {
r.resultTo = null;
Slog.w(TAG, "Failure ["
+ mQueueName + "] sending broadcast result of "
+ r.intent, e);
491 void performReceiveLocked(ProcessRecord app, IIntentReceiver receiver,
492 Intent intent, int resultCode, String data, Bundle extras,
493 boolean ordered, boolean sticky, int sendingUser) throws RemoteException {
494 // Send the intent to the receiver asynchronously using one-way binder calls.
495 if (app != null) {
496 if (app.thread != null) {
516 } else {
517 // Application has died. Receiver doesn't exist.
518 throw new RemoteException("app.thread must not be null");
519 }
520 } else {
521 receiver.performReceive(intent, resultCode, data, extras, ordered,
522 sticky, sendingUser);
523 }
524 }
app.thread must not be null 这个是接收进程的processRecord中的thread为null时会打出的log,此时肯定不能接收到广播,而这里为null的原因是因为receiver所在进程处于被杀的过程中导致的
private final boolean cleanUpApplicationRecordLocked(ProcessRecord app,
18540 app.resetPackageList(mProcessStats);
18541 app.unlinkDeathRecipient();
18542 app.makeInactive(mProcessStats);
18543 app.waitingToKill = null;
07-31 21:58:22.306 1310238 9274 9274 D weijuncheng: -------------->a2
07-31 21:58:22.307 10238 8155 8155 D weijuncheng: -------------->a1
07-31 21:58:22.307 10238 8155 8155 D weijuncheng: android.intent.action.MANAGED_PROFILE_ADDED
07-31 21:58:22.307 10238 8155 8155 D weijuncheng: -------------->a3
07-31 21:58:21.926 1000 1548 2796 I am_kill : 0,7930,com.android.managedprovisioning,906,empty #17
07-31 21:58:22.036 1000 1548 4644 I am_proc_died: [0,7930,com.android.managedprovisioning,906,17]
07-31 21:58:26.554 1000 1548 2853 I am_kill : 13,9155,com.android.managedprovisioning,906,empty #17
07-31 21:58:26.578 1000 1548 2853 I am_proc_died: [13,9155,com.android.managedprovisioning,906,17]
对比能通过的Android one版本
01-21 07:09:26.833 10023 29547 29547 D ManagedProvisioning: ACTION_PROFILE_PROVISIONING_COMPLETE broadcast received by mdm
01-21 07:09:26.836 10109 29764 29764 D weijuncheng: -------------->a1
01-21 07:09:26.836 10109 29764 29764 D weijuncheng: android.app.action.MANAGED_PROFILE_PROVISIONED
01-21 07:09:26.836 10109 29764 29764 D weijuncheng: -------------->a3
01-21 07:09:28.269 1000 2452 3340 I am_kill : 0,29547,com.android.managedprovisioning,906,empty #17
01-21 07:09:28.296 1000 2452 3340 I am_proc_died: [0,29547,com.android.managedprovisioning,906,17]
01-21 07:09:31.564 1000 2452 3340 I am_kill : 11,30283,com.android.managedprovisioning,906,empty #17
01-21 07:09:31.590 1000 2452 4036 I am_proc_died: [11,30283,com.android.managedprovisioning,906,17]
adb shell dumpsys activity o | grep -n2 com.android.managedprovisioning(Android p换成p,打印系统中进程信息)
69- state: cur=IMPF set=IMPF lastPss=17MB lastSwapPss=2.3MB lastCachedPss=0.00
70- cached=false empty=true hasAboveClient=false
71: Proc # 0: fore T/A/TOP trm: 0 18156:com.android.managedprovisioning/u0a25 (top-activity)
72- oom: max=1001 procState: max=18 curRaw=0 setRaw=0 cur=0 set=0
73- state: cur=TOP set=TOP lastPss=0.00 lastSwapPss=0.00 lastCachedPss=0.00
weijuncheng@weijuncheng:~/qcts$ adb shell dumpsys activity o | grep -n2 com.android.managedprovisioning
69- state: cur=IMPF set=IMPF lastPss=17MB lastSwapPss=2.3MB lastCachedPss=0.00
70- cached=false empty=true hasAboveClient=false
71: Proc # 0: fore T/A/TOP trm: 0 18156:com.android.managedprovisioning/u0a25 (top-activity)
72- oom: max=1001 procState: max=18 curRaw=0 setRaw=0 cur=0 set=0
73- state: cur=TOP set=TOP lastPss=0.00 lastSwapPss=0.00 lastCachedPss=0.00
weijuncheng@weijuncheng:~/qcts$ adb shell dumpsys activity o | grep -n2 com.android.managedprovisioning
69- state: cur=IMPF set=IMPF lastPss=17MB lastSwapPss=2.3MB lastCachedPss=0.00
70- cached=false empty=true hasAboveClient=false
71: Proc # 0: fore T/A/TOP trm: 0 18156:com.android.managedprovisioning/u0a25 (top-activity)
72- oom: max=1001 procState: max=18 curRaw=0 setRaw=0 cur=0 set=0
73- state: cur=TOP set=TOP lastPss=0.00 lastSwapPss=0.00 lastCachedPss=0.00
weijuncheng@weijuncheng:~/qcts$ adb shell dumpsys activity o | grep -n2 com.android.managedprovisioning
69- state: cur=IMPF set=IMPF lastPss=17MB lastSwapPss=2.3MB lastCachedPss=0.00
70- cached=false empty=true hasAboveClient=false
71: Proc # 0: fore T/A/TOP trm: 0 18156:com.android.managedprovisioning/u0a25 (top-activity)
72- oom: max=1001 procState: max=18 curRaw=0 setRaw=0 cur=0 set=0
73- state: cur=TOP set=TOP lastPss=0.00 lastSwapPss=0.00 lastCachedPss=0.00
weijuncheng@weijuncheng:~/qcts$ adb shell dumpsys activity o | grep -n2 com.android.managedprovisioning
143- state: cur=IMPF set=IMPF lastPss=4.6MB lastSwapPss=326KB lastCachedPss=0.00
144- cached=false empty=true hasAboveClient=false
145: Proc # 2: vis +99 F/A/TOP trm: 0 18156:com.android.managedprovisioning/u0a25 (vis-activity)
146- oom: max=1001 procState: max=18 curRaw=199 setRaw=199 cur=199 set=199
147- state: cur=TOP set=TOP lastPss=0.00 lastSwapPss=0.00 lastCachedPss=0.00
weijuncheng@weijuncheng:~/qcts$ adb shell dumpsys activity o | grep -n2 com.android.managedprovisioning
190- state: cur=CEM set=CEM lastPss=0.00 lastSwapPss=0.00 lastCachedPss=0.00
191- cached=true empty=true hasAboveClient=false
192: Proc #17: cch+2 B/ /CEM trm: 0 18156:com.android.managedprovisioning/u0a25 (cch-empty)
193- oom: max=1001 procState: max=18 curRaw=902 setRaw=902 cur=902 set=902
194- state: cur=CEM set=CEM lastPss=0.00 lastSwapPss=0.00 lastCachedPss=0.00
weijuncheng@weijuncheng:~/qcts$ adb shell dumpsys activity o | grep -n2 com.android.managedprovisioning
73- state: cur=TOP set=TOP lastPss=0.00 lastSwapPss=0.00 lastCachedPss=0.00
74- cached=false empty=false hasAboveClient=false
75: Proc # 0: fore T/A/TOP trm: 0 18156:com.android.managedprovisioning/u0a25 (top-activity)
76- oom: max=1001 procState: max=18 curRaw=0 setRaw=0 cur=0 set=0
77- state: cur=TOP set=TOP lastPss=0.00 lastSwapPss=0.00 lastCachedPss=0.00
weijuncheng@weijuncheng:~/qcts$ adb shell dumpsys activity o | grep -n2 com.android.managedprovisioning
69- state: cur=IMPF set=IMPF lastPss=17MB lastSwapPss=2.3MB lastCachedPss=0.00
70- cached=false empty=true hasAboveClient=false
71: Proc # 0: fore T/A/TOP trm: 0 18156:com.android.managedprovisioning/u0a25 (top-activity)
72- oom: max=1001 procState: max=18 curRaw=0 setRaw=0 cur=0 set=0
73- state: cur=TOP set=TOP lastPss=0.00 lastSwapPss=0.00 lastCachedPss=0.00
weijuncheng@weijuncheng:~/qcts$ adb shell dumpsys activity o | grep -n2 com.android.managedprovisioning
69- state: cur=IMPF set=IMPF lastPss=17MB lastSwapPss=2.3MB lastCachedPss=0.00
70- cached=false empty=true hasAboveClient=false
71: Proc # 0: fore T/A/TOP trm: 0 18156:com.android.managedprovisioning/u0a25 (top-activity)
72- oom: max=1001 procState: max=18 curRaw=0 setRaw=0 cur=0 set=0
73- state: cur=TOP set=TOP lastPss=0.00 lastSwapPss=0.00 lastCachedPss=0.00
weijuncheng@weijuncheng:~/qcts$ adb shell dumpsys activity o | grep -n2 com.android.managedprovisioning
69- state: cur=IMPF set=IMPF lastPss=17MB lastSwapPss=2.3MB lastCachedPss=0.00
70- cached=false empty=true hasAboveClient=false
71: Proc # 1: fore F/A/TOP trm: 0 18156:com.android.managedprovisioning/u0a25 (vis-activity)
72- oom: max=1001 procState: max=18 curRaw=0 setRaw=0 cur=0 set=0
73- state: cur=TOP set=TOP lastPss=0.00 lastSwapPss=0.00 lastCachedPss=0.00
weijuncheng@weijuncheng:~/qcts$ adb shell dumpsys activity o | grep -n2 com.android.managedprovisioning
217- state: cur=CEM set=CEM lastPss=0.00 lastSwapPss=0.00 lastCachedPss=0.00
218- cached=true empty=true hasAboveClient=false
219: Proc #22: cch+2 B/ /CEM trm: 0 18156:com.android.managedprovisioning/u0a25 (cch-empty)
220- oom: max=1001 procState: max=18 curRaw=902 setRaw=902 cur=902 set=902
221- state: cur=CEM set=CEM lastPss=0.00 lastSwapPss=0.00 lastCachedPss=0.00
weijuncheng@weijuncheng:~/qcts$ adb shell dumpsys activity o | grep -n2 com.android.managedprovisioning
252- state: cur=CEM set=CEM lastPss=0.00 lastSwapPss=0.00 lastCachedPss=0.00
253- cached=true empty=true hasAboveClient=false
254: Proc #18: cch+2 B/ /CEM trm: 0 19376:com.android.managedprovisioning/u14a25 (cch-empty)
255- oom: max=1001 procState: max=18 curRaw=902 setRaw=902 cur=902 set=902
256- state: cur=CEM set=CEM lastPss=0.00 lastSwapPss=0.00 lastCachedPss=0.00
weijuncheng@weijuncheng:~/qcts$ adb shell dumpsys activity o | grep -n2 com.android.managedprovisioning
244- state: cur=CEM set=CEM lastPss=0.00 lastSwapPss=0.00 lastCachedPss=0.00
245- cached=true empty=true hasAboveClient=false
246: Proc #27: cch+2 B/ /CEM trm: 0 19376:com.android.managedprovisioning/u14a25 (cch-empty)
247- oom: max=1001 procState: max=18 curRaw=902 setRaw=902 cur=902 set=902
248- state: cur=CEM set=CEM lastPss=0.00 lastSwapPss=0.00 lastCachedPss=0.00
const-wide/16 v3, 0x2710
invoke-static {v3, v4}, Landroid/os/SystemClock;->sleep(J)V
invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Landroid/content/Context;->startActivity(Landroid/content/Intent;)V
首先试了下,将startActivity之前做了一个sleep操作就可以必过了,那么从侧面说明了我们前面分析的没错;就是因为com.android.managedprovisioning变成了空进程导致的,系统杀空进程的原则是达到了空进程上限,然后开始统一杀空进程。对比了Android one的机器,空进程上限都是17,但是因为我们的系统中有miui的很多进程,导致被杀的快。理论上如果将Android one的机器缩小空进程上限,或者安装上很多app也是可能复现的,这里我们将Android one设置为不允许后台启动,相当于缩小了上限,果然在Android one上也复现了该问题
276 private final void processCurBroadcastLocked(BroadcastRecord r,
277 ProcessRecord app) throws RemoteException {
296 app.forceProcessStateUpTo(ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_RECEIVER);
297 mService.updateLruProcessLocked(app, false, null);
298 mService.updateOomAdjLocked();
326 }
515 /** @hide Process is in the background running a receiver. Note that from the
516 * perspective of oom_adj receivers run at a higher foreground level, but for our
517 * prioritization here that is not necessary and putting them below services means
518 * many fewer changes in some process states as they receive broadcasts. */
519 public static final int PROCESS_STATE_RECEIVER = 12;
388 case ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_RECEIVER:
389 procState = "RCVR";
390 break;
所以,com.android.managedprovisioning 这个进程在发送广播后,在接收resultTo回调之前,因为进程的ADJ变为900+、procState变为PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY,并且系统中所有空进程个数超过了上限(17),导致了进程被杀死,com.android.managedprovisioning的resultTo.performReceive没有被调用,最终导致了测试失败。理论上这个问题在原生的系统上,如果安装、运行的APP越多,case fail的概率就越大;
因此这个case是因为google case设计+我们的机器app安装太多+广播处理resultTo的原生逻辑共同的导致的问题
google做了修复,优化了managedprofile的流程,保证provision完全结束后再stop ProvisioningService,防止进程提前被杀,保证流程的完整性
可惜patch 1的修复是有问题的,反而会导致问题必现,见后续分析
09-11 17:32:05.666 6875 6894 I TestRunner: started: testProvision(com.google.android.gts.managedprovisioning.ManagedProfileProvisioningTest)
09-11 17:32:06.531 22290 22290 I ManagedProvisioning: Processing mininalist extras intent.
09-11 17:32:06.535 22290 22290 D ManagedProvisioning: Device is provisioned, FRP not required.
09-11 17:32:06.538 22290 22290 D ManagedProvisioning: Cancelling provisioning reminder.
09-11 17:32:06.570 22290 22290 E ManagedProvisioning: Trying to start provisioning, but it's already running
09-11 17:32:06.579 22290 22290 I ManagedProvisioning: ProvisioningActivity pre-finalization completed
09-11 17:32:16.652 6875 6896 I SilentProvisioningTest: managedProfileProvisionedReceiver.awaitForBroadcast(): failed
09-11 17:32:16.653 6875 6894 I TestRunner: failed: testProvision(com.google.android.gts.managedprovisioning.ManagedProfileProvisioningTest)
104 /**
105 * Initiate a new provisioning process, unless one is already ongoing.
106 *
107 * @param params {@link ProvisioningParams} associated with the new provisioning process.
108 */
109 public void maybeStartProvisioning(final ProvisioningParams params) {
110 synchronized (this) {
111 if (mController == null) {
112 mTimeLogger.start();
113 startNewProvisioningLocked(params);
114 mProvisioningAnalyticsTracker.logProvisioningStarted(mContext, params);
115 } else {
116 ProvisionLogger.loge("Trying to start provisioning, but it's already running");
117 }
118 }
119 }
public void finalizationCompleted() {
synchronized (this) {
for (ProvisioningManagerCallback callback : mCallbacks) {
ProvisionLogger.logi("ProvisioningManager finalization completed");
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
ProvisionLogger.logd("ACTION_PROFILE_PROVISIONING_COMPLETE broadcast received by mdm");
final Intent primaryProfileSuccessIntent = new Intent(ACTION_MANAGED_PROFILE_PROVISIONED);
primaryProfileSuccessIntent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES |
primaryProfileSuccessIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_USER, mManagedUserHandle);
// Now cleanup the primary profile if necessary
if (mMigratedAccount != null) {
finishAccountMigration(context, primaryProfileSuccessIntent);
// Note that we currently do not check if account migration worked
} else {
也就是说DpcReceivedSuccessReceiver接受到数据时才会调用ProvisioningManager中的 finalizationCompleted,进行收尾工作;而这个广播的发送是在
116 void provisioningFinalized() {
117 if (mHelper.isStateUnmanagedOrFinalized()) {
118 ProvisionLogger.logw("provisioningInitiallyDone called, but state is finalized or "
119 + "unmanaged");
120 return;
121 }
123 final ProvisioningParams params = loadProvisioningParamsAndClearFile();
124 if (params == null) {
125 ProvisionLogger.logw("FinalizationController invoked, but no stored params");
126 return;
127 }
129 if (params.provisioningAction.equals(ACTION_PROVISION_MANAGED_PROFILE)) {
130 notifyDpcManagedProfile(params);
131 } else {
132 // For managed user and device owner, we send the provisioning complete intent and maybe
133 // launch the DPC.
134 int userId = UserHandle.myUserId();
135 Intent provisioningCompleteIntent = createProvisioningCompleteIntent(params, userId);
136 if (provisioningCompleteIntent == null) {
137 return;
138 }
139 mContext.sendBroadcast(provisioningCompleteIntent);
141 maybeLaunchDpc(params, userId);
142 }
144 mHelper.markUserProvisioningStateFinalized(params);
145 }
24 * This class is used to make sure that we start the MDM after we shut the setup wizard down.
25 * The shut down of the setup wizard is initiated in the
26 * {@link com.android.managedprovisioning.provisioning.ProvisioningActivity} by calling
27 * {@link DevicePolicyManager#setUserProvisioningState(int, int)}. This will cause the
28 * Setup wizard to shut down and send a ACTION_PROVISIONING_FINALIZATION intent. This intent is
29 * caught by this receiver instead which will send the
30 * ACTION_PROFILE_PROVISIONING_COMPLETE broadcast to the MDM, which can then present it's own
31 * activities.
32 */
33public class FinalizationActivity extends Activity {
35 @Override
36 public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
37 super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
39 new FinalizationController(this).provisioningFinalized();
40 finish();
41 }
也就是说执行ManagedProfileSettingsTask时才会真正执行到finalizationCompleted,将进程杀死;然后这条case其实会执行两次Initializing provisioning process,且第一次没有执行ManagedProfileSettingsTask,因此进程不会被杀,第二次没有执行;换句话说,这个修改只是根据原来我们上报的错误修的,没有考虑过所有的执行路径,可能存在进程执行完任务无法自动被杀的情况,需要google再次修复