《英语点滴》专题收录有一篇 “如何像行家一样点牛排”,作者: 知味,图文并茂,介绍得很详细。
这里是一篇英文版的 How to order a steak:
正式的的标准有7个等级, 从 raw 到 well done,如下:
1. Raw - Uncooked. Used in dishes like steak tartare, Carpaccio, Gored gored, tiger meat and Kitfo.
steak tartare 鞑靼牛肉, 法国菜,生牛肉丁拌酱料吃,
Carpaccio 意式生牛肉,切得很薄配有调味汁,擅用红白两色而得名,
Gored gored 埃塞俄比亚名菜,就是一块生牛肉,用餐刀切了吃,
tiger meat 生牛肉菜肴,常有生牛肉,生鸡蛋,洋葱和调料,
Kitfo 埃塞俄比亚菜肴,生牛肉馅,拌辣椒等调料,
2. Blue rare or very rare - Cooked very quickly; the outside is seared, but the inside is usually cool and barely cooked. The steak will be red on the inside and barely warmed. Sometimes asked for as 'blood rare'. In the United States this is also sometimes referred to as “Black and Blue” or “Pittsburgh Rare”. (sear 煎烧)
3. Rare - The outside is gray-brown, and the middle of the steak is red and slightly warm.
4. Medium rare - The steak will have a fully red, warm center. Unless specified otherwise, upscale steakhouses will generally cook to at least this level. ( upscale steakhouse 高级牛排馆 )
5. Medium - The middle of the steak is hot and red with pink surrounding the center. The outside is gray-brown.
6. Medium well done - The meat is light pink surrounding the center.
7. Well done - The meat is gray-brown throughout and slightly charred. (charred 烧焦)