



链表list.h 接口头文件

/* list.h -- 简单列表类型的头文件 */
#ifndef LIST_H_
#define LIST_H_
#include <stdbool.h>     /* C99 特性         */
struct data_type
    char c;
    int i;

typedef struct data_type Item;

typedef struct node
    Item item;
    struct node * next;
} Node;

typedef Node * List;

/* 函数原型 */

/* 操作:初始化一个列表: */
void InitializeList(List * plist);

/* 操作:确定列表是否为空列表 */
bool ListIsEmpty(const List *plist); 

/* 操作:确定列表是否已满 */
bool ListIsFull(const List *plist);

/* 操作:确定列表中项目的个数 */
unsigned int ListItemCount(const List *plist);

/* 操作:在列表尾部添加一个项目 */
bool AddItem(Item item, List * plist);

/* 操作:把一个函数作用于列表的每个项目 */
void Traverse (const List *plist, void (* pfun)(Item item) );

/* 操作:释放已分配的内存(如果有) */
void EmptyTheList(List * plist);


list.c 实现文件

/* list.c -- 支持列表操作的功能  */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "list.h"

/* 局部函数原型 */
static void CopyToNode(Item item, Node * pnode);

/* 接口函数   */

/* 初始化一个列表 */
void InitializeList(List * plist)
    * plist = NULL;

/* 如果列表为空则返回真 */
bool ListIsEmpty(const List * plist)
    if (*plist == NULL)
        return true;
        return false;

/* 如果列表已满则返回真 */
bool ListIsFull(const List * plist)
    Node * pt;
    bool full;

    pt = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node));
    if (pt == NULL)
        full = true;
        full = false;
    return full;

/* 返回节点数 */
unsigned int ListItemCount(const List * plist)
    unsigned int count = 0;
    Node * pnode = *plist;    /* set to start of list */

    while (pnode != NULL)
        pnode = pnode->next;  /* set to next node     */
    return count;

/* 创建存放项目的节点,并把它添加到有plist指向的列表尾部 */
bool AddItem(Item item, List * plist)
    Node * pnew;
    Node * scan = *plist;

    pnew = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node));
    if (pnew == NULL)
        return false;     /* quit function on failure  */

    CopyToNode(item, pnew);
    pnew->next = NULL;
    if (scan == NULL)          /* empty list, so place */
        *plist = pnew;         /* pnew at head of list */
        while (scan->next != NULL)
            scan = scan->next;  /* find end of list    */
        scan->next = pnew;      /* add pnew to end     */
    return true;

/* 访问每个节点并对他们分别执行由pfun指向的函数 */
void Traverse  (const List * plist, void (* pfun)(Item item) )
    Node * pnode = *plist;    /* set to start of list   */

    while (pnode != NULL)
        (*pfun)(pnode->item); /* apply function to item */
        pnode = pnode->next;  /* advance to next item   */

/* 释放由malloc()分配的内存,把列表指针设置为NULL */
void EmptyTheList(List * plist)
    Node * psave;

    while (*plist != NULL)
        psave = (*plist)->next; /* save address of next node */
        free(*plist);           /* free current node         */
        *plist = psave;         /* advance to next node      */

/* 局部函数定义  */
/* 把一个项目复制到节点中 */
static void CopyToNode(Item item, Node * pnode)
    pnode->item = item;  /* structure copy */


栈 stack.h 接口头文件

#ifndef STACK_H_
#define STACK_H_
struct Node;
typedef struct Node *PtrToNode;
typedef PtrToNode Stack;

int IsEmpty( Stack S );
Stack CreateStack( void );
void DisposeStack( Stack S );
void MakeEmpty( Stack S );
void Push( ElementType X, Stack S );
ElementType Top( Stack S );
void Pop( Stack S );


stack.c 实现文件

#include "stack.h"
#include "fatal.h"
struct Node
    ElementType Element;
    PtrToNode   Next;

int IsEmpty( Stack S )
    return S->Next ==NULL;

Stack CreateStack( void )
    Stack S;
    S=malloc (sizeof(struct Node));
        FatalError( "Out of space!!!" );
    S->Next = NULL;
    return S;

void MakeEmpty( Stack S )
    if (S==NULL)
        Error( "Must use CreateStack first" );

void Stack (Stack S)

void Push( ElementType X, Stack S )
    PtrToNode TmpCell;
    TmpCell = malloc( sizeof( struct Node ) );
    if( TmpCell == NULL )
        FatalError( "Out of space!!!" );
        TmpCell->Element = X;
        TmpCell->Next = S->Next;
        S->Next = TmpCell;

ElementType Top( Stack S )
    if( !IsEmpty( S ) )
        return S->Next->Element;
    Error( "Empty stack" );
        return 0;  /* Return value used to avoid warning */

void Pop( Stack S )
        PtrToNode FirstCell;
        if( IsEmpty( S ) )
            Error( "Empty stack" );
            FirstCell = S->Next;
            S->Next = S->Next->Next;
            free( FirstCell );


队列queue.h 接口头文件

        typedef int ElementType;
/* START: fig3_57.txt */
        #ifndef _Queue_h
        #define _Queue_h

        struct QueueRecord;
        typedef struct QueueRecord *Queue;

        int IsEmpty( Queue Q );
        int IsFull( Queue Q );
        Queue CreateQueue( int MaxElements );
        void DisposeQueue( Queue Q );
        void MakeEmpty( Queue Q );
        void Enqueue( ElementType X, Queue Q );
        ElementType Front( Queue Q );
        void Dequeue( Queue Q );
        ElementType FrontAndDequeue( Queue Q );

        #endif  /* _Queue_h */
/* END */

queue.c 实现文件

        #include "queue.h"
        #include "fatal.h"
        #include <stdlib.h>

        #define MinQueueSize ( 5 )

        struct QueueRecord
            int Capacity;
            int Front;
            int Rear;
            int Size;
            ElementType *Array;

/* START: fig3_58.txt */
        IsEmpty( Queue Q )
            return Q->Size == 0;
/* END */

        IsFull( Queue Q )
            return Q->Size == Q->Capacity;

        CreateQueue( int MaxElements )
            Queue Q;

/* 1*/      if( MaxElements < MinQueueSize )
/* 2*/          Error( "Queue size is too small" );

/* 3*/      Q = malloc( sizeof( struct QueueRecord ) );
/* 4*/      if( Q == NULL )
/* 5*/          FatalError( "Out of space!!!" );

/* 6*/      Q->Array = malloc( sizeof( ElementType ) * MaxElements );
/* 7*/      if( Q->Array == NULL )
/* 8*/          FatalError( "Out of space!!!" );
/* 9*/      Q->Capacity = MaxElements;
/*10*/      MakeEmpty( Q );

/*11*/      return Q;

/* START: fig3_59.txt */
        MakeEmpty( Queue Q )
            Q->Size = 0;
            Q->Front = 1;
            Q->Rear = 0;
/* END */

        DisposeQueue( Queue Q )
            if( Q != NULL )
                free( Q->Array );
                free( Q );

/* START: fig3_60.txt */

        static int
        Succ( int Value, Queue Q )
            if( ++Value == Q->Capacity )
                Value = 0;
            return Value;

        Enqueue( ElementType X, Queue Q )
            if( IsFull( Q ) )
                Error( "Full queue" );
                Q->Rear = Succ( Q->Rear, Q );
                Q->Array[ Q->Rear ] = X;
/* END */

        Front( Queue Q )
            if( !IsEmpty( Q ) )
                return Q->Array[ Q->Front ];
            Error( "Empty queue" );
            return 0;  /* Return value used to avoid warning */

        Dequeue( Queue Q )
            if( IsEmpty( Q ) )
                Error( "Empty queue" );
                Q->Front = Succ( Q->Front, Q );

        FrontAndDequeue( Queue Q )
            ElementType X = 0;

            if( IsEmpty( Q ) )
                Error( "Empty queue" );
                X = Q->Array[ Q->Front ];
                Q->Front = Succ( Q->Front, Q );
            return X;


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