
译自Cognitive Science Glossary

Cognitive Science Glossary 认知科学词汇表

Paul Thagard 保罗-萨加德

This is the glossary from P. Thagard, Mind: Introduction to Cognitive Science, second edition, MIT Press, 2005.

这个词汇表来自保罗-萨加德《心智:认知科学导论》, 第二版, 麻省理工学院出版社,2005。

Note: Words in italics have their own entries in the glossary.


Abduction Reasoning that generates hypotheses to explain puzzling facts.

不明推论式/假设性推理 用生成假设推理来解释令人费解的事实。

induction 和 abduction 的区别是什么? - 知乎

Abduction (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)


ACT “Adaptive Control of Thought” – A computational theory of thinking developed by John Anderson.

ACT “Adaptive Control of Thought(思维自适应控制)” 的缩写——约翰·安德森提出的思维计算理论。

Affective computing Study of computing technology that relates to, arises from, or deliberately influences emotions.

情感计算 涉及、源于或故意影响(deliberately influences)情感的计算技术研究

Algorithm A step-by-step procedure for solving a problem.

算法 逐步解决某个问题的过程。

Amygdala Almond-shaped part of the brain involved in emotions such as fear.

杏仁核 脑内的杏仁状部分,与恐惧等情感有关。

Analogy Mental process that makes connections between relations in two sets of objects.

类比 对两组物体的关系建立联系的心理过程。

Anthropology The study of the origins, distribution, social relations, and cultureof human beings.

人类学 研究人类的起源、分布、社会关系和文化的(学科)。

Artificial intelligence The study of how computers can be programmed to perceive, reason, and act.

人工智能 研究如何编制程序使计算机可以感知、推理和行动。

Backprogagation Learning algorithm in feedforward networks that adjusts the strengths of the links between neurons.

反向传播 调整神经元之间连接强度的前馈网络学习算法。

Bayesian network A directed graph that that can be used to reason with probabilistic information.

贝叶斯网络 可利用概率信息来推理的有向图(directed graph)。

Case-based reasoning Reasoning by analogy.

基于案例的推理  通过类比来推理。

Chaos Property of a dynamic system that it is highly sensitive to small changes.

混沌 对小变化非常敏感的动态系统特性。

Cognitive grammar Approach to linguistics that rejects the traditional separation of syntax and semantics.

认知语法 语言学的方法,拒绝传统的语法和语义分离。

Cognitive science The interdisciplinary study of mind and intelligence.

认知科学 综合研究心智与智力。

Coma State of deep unconsciousness caused by disease or injury.

昏迷 由疾病或受伤引起的深度无意识状态。

Computation Physical process with states that represent states of another system and with transitions between states that amount to operations on the representations.

计算 操作心理表征的物理过程,带有表示另一个系统状态的状态以及状态之间的转换。

Concept *Mental representation* of a class of objects or events that belong together, usually corresponding to a word.

概念* 对同一类事物或事件的心理表征*,通常对应于一个词。

Conceptual change Process in which concepts acquire new meaning.

概念转变 概念获得新意义的过程。

Conceptual combination Process in which new concepts are constructed by joining or juxtaposing old ones.

概念组合 通过加入或排列旧概念形成新概念的过程。

Connectionism Approach to cognitive science that models thinking by artificialneural networks.

联结主义 受人工神经网络模型启发形成的认知科学方法。

Consciousness Mental state involving attention, awareness, and qualitative experience.

意识 涉及注意、知觉(awareness)和质性体验的心理状态。

Cortex Outer layer of the brain, responsible for many higher cognitive functions.

皮质 负责许多高级认知功能的大脑外层。

CRUM The Computational-Representational Understanding of Mind: the hypothesis that thinking is performed by computations operating onrepresentations.

CRUM 心智的表征计算(Computational-Representational)解释:假设思维是由表征计算实现的。

Culture The way of life of a society, including beliefs and behaviors.

文化 一个社会的信仰和行为等生活方式。

Data structure An organization of information in a computer program.

数据结构 计算机程序中的信息组织。

Deduction Reasoning from premises to a conclusion such that if the premises are true then the conclusion must also be true.

演绎推理 从前提到结论的推理,如果前提是真的结论也必须是真的。

Distributed artificial intelligence Problem solving that requires communication among more than one computer, each of which possesses some intelligence.

分布式人工智能 需要多台计算机之间进行通信来解决问题,每台计算机都具有一定的智能。

Distributed cognition Problem solving that requires communication among more than one thinker.

分布式认知 需要多个思考者之间进行交流来解决问题。

Distributed representation *Neural networks* that use patterns of activity in multiple nodes or neurons to stand for objects or situations.

分布式表征 用多个结果或神经元的活动模式来代表对象或情况的神经网络。

Dopamine *Neurotransmitter* involved in reward pathways in the brain.

多巴胺* 参与大脑奖赏回路的神经递质*。

Dualism Philosophical view that the mind consists of two separate substances, soul and body.

二元论 一种哲学观念,认为心智由灵魂和肉体这两种不同的材料(substance)组成。

Dynamic (dynamical) system Collection of interacting objects whose changes are describable by mathematical equations.

动态(动力)系统 相互作用的对象集合,其变化可以用数学方程描述。

Electroencephalogram (EEG) Recording of electrical activity in the brain.

脑电图(EEG) 大脑电活动的记录。

Embodiment Property of having a body and experiencing the world by means of it.

具身 拥有肉身并通过它来体验世界的特性。

Emotion Positive or negative mental state that combines physiological input with cognitive appraisal.

情绪 生理输入与认知评价相结合的积极或消极的心理状态。

Emotional intelligence Ability to deal effectively with the emotions of oneself and others.

情绪智能 有效处理自己和他人情绪的能力。

Empiricism The philosophical view that knowledge comes primarily from sensory experience.

经验主义 知识主要来自感官经验的哲学观点。

Explanation schema *Mental representation* of a pattern of causal connections.

解释图式(schema) 因果关系模式的心理表征

Feedforward network Artificial neural network in which the flow of activity is in one direction, from input neurons to output neurons.

前馈网络 活动流是从输入到输出的单向的人工神经网络。

Frame Data structure that represents a concept or schema.

框架 表示概念或图式的数据结构。

Functionalism Version of materialism according to which mental states are defined by their functional relations, not by any particular kind of physical realization.

功能主义/机能主义 唯物主义(materialism )的对立观点(Version)*,认为精神状态是由功能关系决定的,而不是特定类型的物理实现。译者注:机能主义是与构造主义相对立的一个学派,机能主义认为意识是不能还原为元素的,它作为一个整体起作用,其目的在于使有机体适应其环境。

According to functionalism, mental states are identified by what they do rather than by what they are made of. Functionalism | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

What is MATERIALISM? definition of MATERIALISM (Psychology Dictionary)

Hebbian learning Process in neural networks that strengthens the association between two neurons that are simultaneously active.

赫布学习 神经网络中增强两个同时活跃的神经元的连接的过程。

注:Hebbian learning是基于Hebb的假说。 Donald Hebb是一个心理学家, 他在自己的书the organization of behavior 中提出来了Hebbian learning rule, 简单通俗的讲就是权值的修改正比于输入和输出的相关性。

赫布学习(hebbian learning) 和oja rule之间到底是什么关系? - 知乎

Hippocampus Brain region involved in the acquisition of memories.

海马体 参与记忆获取的大脑区域。

Image Mental structure that is similar to what it represents.

意象(Image) 类似于所代表对象的心理结构。

What is REPRODUCTIVE IMAGE? definition of REPRODUCTIVE IMAGE (Psychology Dictionary)

Mental image which is limited to one function- evocation of sights experienced previously, involving a fairly staticrepresentation of certain objects. Compare with: anticipatory image.

REPRODUCTIVE IMAGE: "In Jean Piaget's theory of cognitivedevelopment, a reproductive image is held which is limited to evoking previous sights."

Induction Reasoning that introduces uncertainty.

归纳(法) 引入不确定性的推理。

Inheritance Form of inference in which information is transferred from a higher to a lower structure.

继承 信息从高结构到低结构传递的推理形式。

Innate A representation or process that is genetic rather than learned.

先天的 遗传而非习得的表现或过程(做事方法)。

Insula (insular cortex) Brain region that integrates information from many bodily senses.

岛叶(岛叶皮质) 整合许多身体感官信息的大脑区域。

Intentionality Property of a representation or mental state that it is about some aspect of the world.

意向性 关于世界某个方面的心理表征或心理状态的特性。

Intentionality (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)



Lesion Abnormal change in an organ such as the brain.

病变 大脑等器官的异常变化。

Linguistics The study of language.

语言学 语言研究。

Link Connection between two artificial neurons that enables one to influence the activity of the other.

连接 两个人工神经元之间的连接,使一个神经元能影响另一个神经元的活动

Local representation Artificial neural network in which each node stands for a single concept or proposition.

局部表征 每个节点代表单个概念或命令的人工神经网络。

Logic The study of valid reasoning.

逻辑 有效推理的研究。

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI and fMRI) Technique that uses magnets to produce images of the structure and function of organs.

磁共振成像(MRI和fMRI) 利用磁体产生器官的结构和功能图像的技术

Materialism Philosophical view that minds are purely physical.

唯物主义 认为心灵纯粹是物质的哲学观点。

Meaning The content of a representation that results from its relations to other representations and the world.

意义 从自身与其它表征和世界的关系产生的表征内容。

Mechanism System of interconnected parts that produces regular changes.

机制 产生规律变化的相互连接部件(构成)的系统。

Memory Storage of information, either temporary (short-term or working memory) or permanent (long-term).

记忆 信息的存储,包括临时的(短期或工作记忆)和永久的(长期的)。

Mental model Mental structure that approximately stands for something in the world.

心理模型 近似代表世界上的某些东西的心理结构。

Mental representation A structure or process in the mind that stands for something.

心理表征 代表心智中某种事物的结构或过程。

Metaphor Use of language to understand and experience one kind of thing in terms of another.

隐喻 语言中用一种事物来理解或体验另一种事物的方法。

Model Structure that approximately represents some objects or events.

模型 近似表示某些对象或事件的结构。

Multiagent system Interacting collection of computers capable of intelligent action.

多主体(代理)系统 具备智能行为的计算机交互式合集。

Neural network Interconnected group of neurons.

神经网络  互联的神经元组。

Neuron Nerve cell.

神经元 神经细胞。

Neuroscience Study of the structure and functioning of brains.

神经科学 研究大脑脑结构和功能(的学科)。

Neurotransmitter Molecule that transmits nerve impulses across a synapse.

神经递质 通过突触传递神经脉冲的分子。

Parallel Process in which more than computation is performed at the same time.

并行 同时执行多个计算的过程。

Parallel constraint satisfaction Process in which a problem is solved by using a parallel algorithm to find the best assignment of values to interconnected aspects of the problem.

并行约束满足 用一个并行算法找到问题各相互关联部分的最佳匹配值的过程。

Parallel distributed processing Approach to cognitive science that models thinking by artificial neural networks with distributed representations.

并行分布式处理 用分布式表示人工神经网络进行思维建模的认知科学方法。

Philosophy Study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, existence, and morality.

哲学 研究知识、存在和道德的基本性质。

Positron emission tomography (PET) Technique that uses radioactive isotopes to produces images of the chemical function of organs such as blood flow in the brain.

正电子发射断层显像(PET) 利用放射性同位素产生器官的化学功能的图像,比如大脑中的血液流动。

Prefrontal cortex Area of the brain at the front of the front of the cortex, responsible for the highest cognitive functions such as reasoning.

前额叶皮层 大脑皮层前部的区域,负责推理等最高的认知功能。

Production Rule: a representation of the form IF something THEN something.

产生式规则 对如果某物则某物形式的一种表示。

Psychology Study of the minds of humans and other animals.

心理学 研究人类和其它动物的心智。

Rationalism The philosophical view that knowledge comes primarily by reasoning that is independent of sensory experience.

唯理论 认为知识主要来源于独立于感官经验的推理的哲学观念。

Recurrent network *Neural network* in which the output of some neurons feeds back via intervening connections to become input to them.

递归网络 部分神经元的输出通过干预连接反馈到输入的神经网络。

Relaxation Process in which an artificial neural network reaches a state of stable activations.

松驰 人工神经网络达到稳定激活状态的过程。

Representation A structure or activity that stands for something.

表征 代表某种事物的结构或活动。

Robot Machine capable of performing complex physical acts similar to ones done by humans.

机器人 能够执行与人类类似的复杂物理行为的机器。

Rule A mental representation of the form IF something THEN something.

规则 如果某物则某物的心理表征。

Schema A mental representation of a class of objects, events, or practices.

图式 对一类事物、事件或实践的心理表征。

Search A computational process of looking for or carrying out a sequence of actions that lead to desired states.

搜索 寻找或执行导致期望状态的动作序列的计算过程。

Situated action Action that results from being embedded in a physical or social world.

情境作用 嵌入在物理或社会世界中的行为。

SOAR “State, Operator, And Result” – A computational theory of thinking developed by Allen Newell and others.

SORA“状态、操作者和结果”——Allen Newell等人提出的计算思维理论。

Social cognition Study of how people think about each other.

社会认知 研究人们对彼此的看法。

Social epistemology Study of social practices that encourage or inhibit the development of knowledge.

社会认识论 研究鼓励或抑制知识发展的社会实践。

Somatic marker Brain signal corresponding to states of the body relevant toemotions.

躯体标记 与情绪相关的身体状态对应的脑信号。

Source analog Set of objects, properties, and relations that suggests conclusions about a target analog.

源模拟 得出目标模拟结论的对象、属性和关系集。

Spike train Firing pattern of a neuron, consisting of a sequence of firing episodes.

神经放电序列 由一系列放电事件组成的神经元放电模式。

Spreading activation Computational process in which the activity of one structure leads to the activity of an associated structure.

激活扩散 一个结构的激活导致相关结构激活的计算过程。

Syllogism Kind of deduction in which the premises and conclusions have forms such as “All A are B” and “No A are B”.

三段论 一种演绎推理,前提和结论的形式类似“所有A都是B”和“没有A是B”

Synapse Space in which a signal passes from one neuron to another.

突触 信号从一个神经元传递到另外一个神经元的地方。

Target analog Set of objects, properties, and relations that can be learned about by comparison to a source analog.

目标模拟 与源模拟相比,可以学习的对象、属性和关系集。

Theory Set of hypotheses that explain observations.

理论 解释观察资料的一套假说。

Thought experiment Use of the imagination to investigate nature.

思维实验 利用想像力来研究自然。

Ventromedial prefrontal cortex The bottom-middle part of the prefrontal cortex.

腹内侧前额皮质 前额叶皮层的中下部。

Whorf hypothesis Conjecture that language determines how we perceive and think about the world.

沃尔夫假说 猜想语言决定我们对世界的感知和思考。


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