The table had seen better days.
(have seen better days 当年也曾经风光过)
2. 他的劳力士表上的钻石亮瞎我的眼。
The blinding diamonds on his Rolex glinting in my eyes.
(注意blinding 的用法)
3. 一架水陆双栖飞机在海滩上空轰鸣。
A biplane sputtered over the beach.
(注意sputter 的用法)
4. 我低头看看自己肚皮的肥腩,像发酵过了头的面粉团耷拉在我短裤头外边,难看死了。
I looked down at my belly flab, which now flopped embarassingly over the waistband of my shorts like over-risen bread dough.
(相比之下,用muffin-top 来形容肚腩客气多了!)
5. 她丈夫是扶不上墙的一堆烂泥。
Her husband is a seething mess of pathetic inadequacies.
6. 那位大块头女士从屁股沟里把夹在里面的短裤拉出来。
The big lady picked a wedgie out of her ass.
(注意wedgie 的用法)
You have a Gulag-like dedication to the study of English language .
(注:Gulag 古拉格,是前苏联臭名昭著的集中营)