Renewable energy


1.V-TIf someone or somethingdisruptsan event, system, or process, they cause difficulties that prevent it from continuing or operating in a normal way.

Anti-war protesters disrupted the debate.


1.ADJSomeone who isconventionalhas behaviour or opinions that are ordinary and normal.

...a respectable married woman with conventional opinions.


Men still wore their hair short and dressed conventionally.

3.ADJAconventionalmethod or product is one that is usually used or that has been in use for a long time.

...the risks and drawbacks of conventional family planning methods.

4.ADJConventionalweapons and wars do not involve nuclear explosives.

We must reduce the danger of war by controlling nuclear, chemical, and conventional arms.




n.convention大会;[法] 惯例;[计] 约定;[法] 协定;习俗conventionality惯例;习俗;老套




3.lazily['leizili] a slow and lazy manner

I watched the blue smoke drift lazily away on the still air an idle manner







1.N-COUNTAbarnis a building on a farm in which animals, animal food, or crops can be kept.

2.N-COUNTany large building, esp an unattractive one

3.N-COUNTa unit of nuclear cross section equal to 1028square metre 靶; 核反应截面单位 ( symbol: b)


1.ADJAphotovoltaiccell or panel is a device that uses sunlight to cause a chemical reaction which produces electricity.
Less than 1% of the installed solarphotovoltaiccapacity in the world is based on Cigs.

photovoltaic effect光生伏打效应

photovoltaic cell光电池;硒电池


1.N-MASSManureis animal faeces, sometimes mixed with chemicals, that is spread on the ground in order to make plants grow healthy and strong.

...bags of manure.

green manure绿肥;未熟的堆肥    pig manure猪粪;猪粪肥    chicken manure鸡粪


1.N-COUNTAsubsidyis money that is paid by a government or other authority in order to help an industry or business, or to pay for a public service.

European farmers are planning a massive demonstration against farm subsidy cuts.






vt.subsidize资助;给与奖助金;向…行贿    subsidise资助(等于subsidize);给...补助金


1.N-COUNTAgridis something which is in a pattern of straight lines that cross over each other, forming squares. On maps, the grid is used to help you find a particular thing or place.

...a grid of ironwork.

2.N-COUNTAgridis a network of wires and cables by which sources of power, such as electricity, are distributed throughout a country or area.

...breakdowns in communications and electric-power grids.

3.N-COUNTThegridorthestarting gridis the starting line on a car-racing track.

The Ferrari driver was starting second on the grid.

power grid电力网;强信号栅极                  grid computing 网格计算

grid system坐标制;方格网制;电力网


1.N-UNCOUNTIf something isanathematoyou, you strongly dislike it.

Violence was anathema to them.

10.fossil fuel

1.N-MASSFossil fuelis fuel such as coal or oil that is formed from the decayed remains of plants or animals.

Burning fossil fuels uses oxygen and produces carbon dioxide.


1.N-COUNTAfossilis the hard remains of a prehistoric animal or plant that are found inside a rock.

At this distance of time it is difficult to date the fossil.

2.someone whose style is out of fashion

Buthow doyoufindafossilofasymbolicthought?

living fossil[生]活化石;[口]落后于时代的人               trace fossil生痕化石;踪迹化石


adj.fossilized石化的;僵化的;老化的       fossiliferous含有化石的

n. fossilization石化;僵化fossilisation化石化

v.  fossilized石化(fossilize的过去式和过去分词)


vt.fossilize使成化石;使陈腐       fossilise使成化石(等于fossilize)


1.N-COUNTAnincumbentis someone who holds an official post at a particular time.

In general, incumbents have a 94 percent chance of being re-elected.

2.ADJIncumbentis also an adjective.

...the only candidate who defeated an incumbent senator.

3.ADJIf it isincumbentonoruponyoutodo something, it is your duty or responsibility to do it.

She felt it was incumbent on herself to act immediately.


1.Vto remove carbon from (the walls of the combustion chamber of an internal-combustion engine (See also decoke, decarburize)

He is concerned only that proposals todecarbonisethe economy should add up.


1.V-TIf youpoura liquid or other substance, you make it flow steadily out of a container by holding the container at an angle

Pour a pool of sauce on two plates and arrange the meat neatly.

2.V-TIf youpoursomeone a drink, you put some of the drink in a cup or glass so that they can drink it

He got up and poured himself another drink.

3.V-IWhen a liquid or other substancepourssomewhere, for example, through a hole, it flows quickly and in large quantities.

Blood was pouring from his broken nose.

4.V-IWhen it rains very heavily, you can say thatit is pouring.

It was still pouring outside.

5.V-IIf peoplepourinto or out of a place, they go there quickly and in large numbers.

Any day now, the Northern forces may pour across the new border.

6.V-IIf something such as informationpoursinto a place, a lot of it is obtained or given.

Martin, 78, died yesterday. Tributes poured in from around the globe.

pour outv. 倾吐;诉说    pour into川流不息地涌入     pouring rain瓢泼大雨

pour point[化]倾点,流点;[化]流动点,浇注点;零  pour in大量地涌入,倾倒;蜂拥而来

pour cold water on泼冷水,使(人)沮丧,


1.ADJYou useperennialto describe situations or states that keep occurring or that seem to exist all the time; used especially to describe problems or difficulties.

...the perennial urban problems of drugs and homelessness.

2.ADJAperennialplant lives for several years and has flowers each year.

...a perennial herb with greenish-yellow flowers.

3.N-COUNTPerennialis also a noun.

...a low-growing perennial.

perennial plant多年生植物       perennial grasses多年生牧草


1.ADJSomething that iseternallasts forever.

...the quest for eternal youth.

2.ADJIf you describe something aseternal, you mean that it seems to last forever, often because you think it is boring or annoying.

In the background was that eternal hum.




vt.eternalize使永恒;使不朽;使不灭(等于eternize)    eternize使不变;使永恒

16.Shale gas页岩气


Shale gas is natural gas that is found trapped within shale formations. Shale gas has become an increasingly important source of natural gas in the United States since the start of this century, and interest has spread to potential gas shales in the rest of the world.

The challenge is this: the United States has embracedshalegasand the technique of fracking.


1.N-COUNTIf there is aglutofsomething, there is so much of it that it cannot all be sold or used.

Exports have become increasingly important to wineries as they battle a global wine glut.

2.V-TIf a marketis gluttedwithsomething, there is a glut of that thing.

The region is glutted with hospitals.

17.write off(writing,wrote,written,writes)

1.PHRASAL VERBIf someonewrites offa debt or an amount of money that has been spent on a project, they accept that they are never going to get the money back.

It was the president who persuaded the West to write off Polish debts.

2.PHRASAL VERBIf youwritesomeone or somethingoff, you decide that they are unimportant or useless and that they are not worth further serious attention.

He is fed up with people writing him off because of his age.

3.PHRASAL VERBIf youwrite offa plan or project, you accept that it is not going to be successful and do not continue with it.

We decided to write off the rest of the day and go shopping.

4.PHRASAL VERBIf youwrite offsomething such as a living expense, you deduct it from your taxes.

Teachers are still entitled to write off business expenses.

5.PHRASAL VERBIf youwrite offto a company or organization, you send them a letter, usually asking for something.



V-TToderegulatesomething means to remove controls and regulations from it.

...the need to deregulate the U.S. airline industry.


ADJSomething that isintermittenthappens occasionally rather than continuously.

After three hours of intermittent rain, the game was abandoned.



n.intermission幕间休息;暂停;中断       intermittence时断时续,间歇性;周期性

intermittency间歇性;间歇现象;间歇度   intermitter间歇抽油装置;间歇调节器



20.shut out(shutting,shuts)

1.PHRASAL VERBIf youshutsomething or someoneout, you prevent them from getting into a place, for example, by closing the doors.

"I shut him out of the bedroom," says Maureen.

2.PHRASAL VERBIf youshut outa thought or a feeling, you prevent yourself from thinking or feeling it.

I shut out the memory which was too painful to dwell on.

3.PHRASAL VERBIf youshutsomeoneoutof something, you prevent them from having anything to do with it.

She is very reclusive, to the point of shutting me out of her life.

4.PHRASAL VERBIn sports such as football and hockey, if one teamshuts outthe team they are playing against, they win and prevent the opposing team from scoring.

Harvard shut out Yale, 14-0.


1.PHRASEIf an activity or situation isin the doldrums, it is very quiet and nothing new or exciting is happening.

The economy is in the doldrums.



1.V-IIf youclingtosomeone or something, you hold onto them tightly.

Another man was rescued as he clung to the riverbank.

2.V-IIf someoneclingstoa position or a possession they have, they do everything they can to keep it even though this may be very difficult.

Instead, he appears determined to cling to power.


1.V-TToinsulatesomething such as a building means to protect it from cold, heat, or noise by placing a layer of other material around it or inside it.

People should insulate their homes to conserve energy.

2.V-TIf a piece of equipmentis insulated, it is covered with rubber or plastic to prevent electricity from passing through it and giving the person using it an electric shock.

In order to make it safe, the element is electrically insulated.

3.V-TIf a person or groupis insulatedfromthe rest of society or from outside influences, they are protected from them.

They wonder if their community is no longer insulated from big city problems.

4.N-UNCOUNT insulation

They lived in happy insulation from brutal facts.


1.V-T/V-IIf someonegrumbles, they complain about something in a bad-tempered way.

They grumble about how hard they have to work.

2.N-COUNTGrumbleis also a noun.

My only grumble is that there isn't a non-smoking section.

3.V-IIf somethinggrumbles, it makes a low continuous sound.

It was quiet now, the thunder had grumbled away to the west.

4.N-SINGGrumbleis also a noun.

One could often hear, far to the east, the grumble of guns.

25.dromedary/ˈdrʌmədərɪ, -drɪ, ˈdrɒm-/

1.Na type of Arabian camel bred for racing and riding, having a single hump and long slender legs 单峰骆驼

AspecialbreedofArabiancamel, thedromedary,has beendevelopedforridingandracing.


1.V-TIf youlikenone thing or persontoanother thing or person, you say that they are similar.

She likens marriage to slavery.


1.N-COUNTAnupheavalis a big change which causes a lot of trouble, confusion, and worry.

Algeria has been going through political upheaval for the past two months.

28.vertically integrated垂直一体化

American Apparel is averticallyintegratedmanufacturer, distributor and retailer of branded fashion and basic apparel.


1.N-UNCOUNTGossipis informal conversation, often about other people's private affairs.

He spent the first hour talking gossip.

2.V-RECIPIf yougossip withsomeone, you talk informally, especially about other people or local events. You can also say that two peoplegossip.

We spoke, debated, gossiped into the night.

3.N-COUNTIf you describe someone as agossip, you mean that they enjoy talking informally to people about the private affairs of others.

He was a vicious gossip.


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