音频:baby bye,牙牙学语一
1.Here's a little crab
here's a little crab
peeking through a hole
peek to the left
peek to the right
watch out~
there is a big octopus in sight
跟娃一起找了octopus吃crab的视频看,结果还搜到正在追crab的octopus被seal吃到,于是就有了here's a little octopus
here's a little octopus
chasing a crab
chase to the left
chase to the right
oh no~
there is a big seal in back!
2.chase our shadows
M: Coco, look at your shadows.You have two shadows. One is left shadow, one is right shadow. Would you like me to chase your shadows?
S: Yes. Run, run, as fast as you can, you can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man…
M: I got you. Now let's go to chase the shadow of grandma~
3.be a chef
M:I'm hungry, I want to eat hotpot. I want to eat green pepper. I want to eat carrot. I want to eat corn.
S: 好的。蛋糕要吗?
M: Yes, of course. I like cake so much.
S: 水果呢?菠萝怎么说?西瓜是什么?杨桃是什么?
M: 菠萝pineapple,西瓜watermelon,杨桃eheh, wait for a moment(快速查词典),oh 杨桃carambola.
S: 好的,我这里有pineapple,西瓜,杨桃,你要吃什么?
M: I want to eat pineapple.Do you have some sushi? I want to eat sushi.
S: yes, of course.
M: Thank you.(餐厅点餐的对话该学习下了!)