Paper 1:转录组+miRNA+降解组相关文章

Paper 1:转录组+miRNA+降解组相关文章

标题:Transcriptome-wide identification of miRNA targets and a TAS3-homologous gene in Populus (杨树)by degradome sequencing

Genes & Genomics

Hai Bao1,2,3 · Min Chen1,2,3 · Hui Chen1,2,3 · Liang Du1,2,3 · Yanwei Wang1,2,3


背景 降解组测序已经被广泛运用于 identify miRNA-directed mRNA cleavage 和 understand the biological function of miRNAs 和their target genes in plants defense to stress.

目标 this investigation was to glaobally identify and validate the targets of the miRNAs and regulatory components in Populus under cold stress .

方法 体外四摄氏度冷处理杨树苗plantlet 八小时,提取总RNA ,在Illumina HiSeq 2000 上进行降解组测序,使用SOAP2.0将序列定位到杨树基因组。


  1. 实验确定了80个基因是51个独特的miRNA靶标,其中包括三个下调的基因和两个上调的miRNA.

  2. 通过5′-RACE experiment 验证了miRNA the specificity and diversity of cleavage sites of miRNA targets,进一步支持了 体外杨树的 the empirical cleavage of miRNAs on targets.

  3. 确定了the TAS-homologous gene pto-TAS3 (EF146176.1) 和 11 potential ta-siRNAs [D1(+)–D11(+)] ,预测在 the pto-TAS3 transcript sequence 的生物位点。

  4. 此外,检验17中Pre-miRNA来验证 前体miRNA(precursor miRNA)的miRNA生物合成。


Plant materials and treatment

在生长条件:25°C,16/8h, 2000lx, 添加了3%蔗糖和0.3mg·L-1 IBA的MS培养基上培养毛白杨幼苗3个月。在照明培养箱中4°C冷处理8小时,收获整个幼苗,立即在液氮中冷冻,并在-80°C储存。


  1. Total RNA was extracted from the treated P. tomentosaplantlets in triplicates using Trizol reagent (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA).

  2. Approximately 200 µg total RNA was used for the construction of the degradome library, as reported previously (German et al. 2009).

    In brief, using T4 RNA ligase, a 5′ RNA adapter was ligated to the 3′-end of cleaved mRNAs possessing a free 5′ monophosphate at the terminus. The ligated products were reverse transcribed to synthesize the second strand using an oligo (T)21 primer and SuperScript™ II Reverse Transcriptase (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) and then PCR-amplified. Next, the PCR products were digested with Mme I, and the 20-bp “signatures” were captured to ligate a 3′ adapter via T4 DNA ligase.

  3. The ligated products were finally amplified and used for degradome sequencing on an Illumina HiSeq 2000 at the Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI), Shenzhen, China.

Bioinformatics analysis of degradome sequencing data

  1. 将获得的原始数据,过滤低质量的tags,移除5'、3'衔接子污染物,插入tags 和较短的18nt,获得clean data。且将clean data 用SOAP 2.0与 the US Department of Energy (DOE) Joint Institute (JGI) 进行比对,因其为有基因组,故不允许出现不匹配的情况。

  2. RfamNCBI 进行搜索,数据库E值截至值为10-2 ,出去rRNA、tRNA、snRNAs、small snoRNAs、外显子(exons)、内含子(introns)、mRNA或ployNs

  3. 为使序列比对唯一注释,采用优先级规则:rRNA (in which Genbank>Rfam)>known miRNA>repeat>exon >intron。

  4. 收集与转录组相匹配的序列进行降解组分析,鉴定mRNA-miRNA对,使用PairFinder 2.0 鉴定miRNA的切割靶标。

  5. 使用EMBOSS 软件中的Needle程序的默认参数,与miRBase的mature miRNA进行比对。

  6. 为了分析miRNA 靶标和RNA降解模式(the miRNA targets and RNA degradation patterns) ,根据位点类别(p<0.05)构建T-plots图.

Identification of tran-acting siRNA(ta-siRNA or TAS )sequencs from transacting siRNA gene 3(TAS3)sequences and mature miRNAs from precursor miRNAs

  1. 使用NCBI的nr数据库的默认参数blastn 胡杨中的Arabidopsis TAS3(At3g17185)的同源序列。

  2. 胡杨中的21nt siRNA转录需序列被使用确定ta-siRNA的生成位点,并且通过TasExpAnalysis 预测TAS3序列的候选基因ta-siRNAs。

  3. 胡杨的miRNA 前体序列从miRBase 下载。

  4. NCBI下载 BLAST2.2.8 ,应用BLAST中的blastn中的blastall的默认参数,将降解组tags和杨树的TAS3转录序列 或miRNA前体序列今次那个局部比对。完美匹配的降解组tags被认为是切割TAS3转录需列或前体miRNA的候选物。

验证 5‘RNA ligase-mediated-RACE to validate the cleavage sites of miRNA targets


Degradome library construction and data analysis of P.tomentosa

在植物中,miRNA对大多数靶基因的调控模式是裂解,通常发生在miRNA::mRNA 对互补区域的 mRNA的第10或者第11个核苷酸处。降解组测序已经普遍使用在确定miRNA的靶标。

  1. 在这项investigation中,降解组文库构建是用来注释来自冷处理毛白杨植株miRNA潜在靶标

  2. 除去低质量的reads后,获得raw 13,598,805,高质量reads 13,459,070;除去衔接子和污染物,高质量读数的97.53% 10,596,983 为最后的clean reads ,片段长度最丰富的在20nt、21nt。

  3. 在独特的降解组tags中,使用SOAP分析在基因组中的表达和分布,其中232,604 of 554,490 (41.95%)比对到杨树的transcript 8.0。 注释为(cDNA_antisense, rRNA, polyN, snoRNA, snRNA, and tRNA)占比少于1%,且被排除在外(列表)

  4. 最后总共获得了226,178个 cDNA_sense reads ,用于进一步分析潜在miRNA::mRNA对

Systematic identification of miRNA targets in P.tomentosa

The specificity and diversity of cleavage sites

Identification of targets of conserved and non-conserved miRNAs in P.tomentosa

Detection and validation of targets of cold-responsive mRNA in P.tomentasa

5'-RACE validation of the cleavage sites of miRNA targets

Identification of pto-miR390a targeting a TAS3-homologous gene in P.tomentosa

Identification and validation of the biogenesis of miRNA from precursors on P.womentosa


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